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HACCP Observation/Report

Group Members:Marcia Carter Kyla Loague,Amelia Crossman,Tiffany Patrick and Sanjay Mcdowell
A One minute Phone from
Call Ministry of Health
and Safety

By Ameila Crossman and Kyla Loague

Investigation at the Eden
Restaurant/Incident Report

By:Kyla Loague ,Sanjay Mcdowell and Tiffany Patrick

Investigation at Mark’s
Food Production Limited

Students Name:Sanjay Mcdowell,Kyla Loague and Tiffany Patrick

HACCP System
Hazard Analysis
Hazard Analysis

Determine the critical control point in

the hazard analysis
● In the reasturement.the critical control is to
identify the problem and finding A Solution to the
problem in the Establishment the problem is the
physical Hazard that the food items are not stored
properly not at the right food temperature

● The Critical Control Point can be solved by

setting the food at the right temperature.
Identify the Critical Control Point

The Critical Control point is

where the receive of the
food.The food was not stored
properly from the
manufacturer this is the main
issues in the restaurant
Monitor CCPS
Monitor The CCPS by Identify the Critical Control
● Monitor the food by the food production that distributor
the food.the food was stored at the incorrect
temperature .

● To Solve the problem of this is by correcting the food

temperature at the right storage to make the food has a
longer shelf life.
Establish Monitoring Procedures
Establish Monitoring Procedures
Identify The Critical Control Point

The Critical Control Point The

food was not properly monitor
and was not in a clean places

To solve the problem is to have a

staff member to monitor the food
temperature where its stores by
carrying out the procedures.
Establish Critical limits
A Establish Critical Limits Identify the
critical Control Point was been followed the
restaurant was been observed and collect
evidence to solve the problem of the
restaurant was giving the owner of the
reasturenent A report feedback on what
This HACCP Principles was not carried out that was the main
critical control point there was no to make sure that each steps was
carried out.

To Solve this problem is checking over each steps careful and

carried them out one by one to make each of them to be veritifty
Establish Corrective Actions
The Critical Control Point for Establish Corrective Actions the food was not
stored at the correct temperature and was not taken correction measurement

To Solve this problem was by carrying out the correct method of establish
Establish Record-Keeping Procedures

Establish Record keeping Procedures to Identify The Critical Control was the staff members
was not documentation and also record keeping the food and was not following the protocols
and procedures

To solve this problem is to have a staff member to do recordkeeping and also make sure this
was carried out correctly to make sure the food was not spoiled.
The Flow Chart
Food take out of the

Stored Below the Temperature

Manufacturer Package to the Distributor



Uncooked meals stores in the
fridge without being properly

The steps and the process of the ER Handle food package etc.

Process/Step Hazard
Purchase/Delivery The food package was not stored at the right
temperature so there was a spoilage

Refrigeration Food was not in a correct food Container and also


Preparation The food shows spoil and foul smell with bacteria and

Cooking The survival food that was not likely to get

contaminated was reduce due to exposure of high heat

Slicing Cross-Contamination

Cooling Multiplication of bacteria and mould

Refrigeration Uncooked food was stored in the fridge while

be in process against other food that is not
stored properly

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