11-Major Principles of Materials Development 2023 Meet#4 Full

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Major Principles of Developing ELT


DEM 2023 Meet#4

Develop materials which provide learners with..
1. a rich, meaningful, and recycled exposure to the target language in use, prior to, during, and after their language
learning lessons;
2. written, spoken, and multi-modal texts with the potential to engage them affectively;
3. written, spoken, and multi-modal texts with the potential to engage them cognitively;
4. experience of embodied language use in which meaning is not just created by words but by intonation, volume,
gestures, and movement;
5. opportunities to make discoveries for themselves of how the target language is used to achieve intended outcomes;
6. opportunities to use the target language in order to achieve intended outcomes;
7. opportunities to interact with users of different varieties of the target language with different levels of proficiency for
different purposes;
8. opportunities to make choices for themselves in relation to pedagogic approaches, to levels of difficulty, and to
competences to aim at;
9. encouragement and help in finding opportunities to explore the target language outside the classroom.
(Tomlinson, 2022, p.12)
Using textbook analysis instrument as principles of materials
development (Littlejohn, 2022: 267)
Table 18.1 Levels of analysis of language teaching materials
1 ‘What is there’ ‘objective description’
∙statements of description
∙physical aspects of the materials
∙main steps in instructional sections
2 ‘What is required of users’ ‘subjective analysis’
∙subdivision into constituent tasks
∙an analysis of tasks: what is the learner expected to do? Who with? With what
3 ‘What is implied’ ‘subjective inference’
∙deducing aims, principles of selection, and sequence
∙deducing teacher and learner roles
∙deducing demands on learner’s process competence
Using analysis instrument as principles of materials
development/check your task (Littlejohn, 2022: 268)
Table 18.2 A task analysis schedule
Task number:
I What is the learner expected to do?
A Turn-take
initiate/open response
closed/scripted response
not required
B Focus on
language system/form
meaning/system relationship
C Mental operation
[detailed according to what is found in the materials]
II Who with?
[detailed according to what is found in the materials]
III With what content?
A Input to learners
form [detailed according to what is source found in the materials]
B Output from learners
form [detailed according to what is source found in the materials]
Maley [2016, quoting Maley [2016, quoting Maley [2016, quoting Maley [2016, quoting Maley [2016 quoting
No Major
Ellis Nation Tomlinson Jan Bell & Roger Maley (2016) Hadfield
(2005)] (1993)] (2011)] Gower] (2014)]
1 The materials Materials should • Texts should be This may be achieved Language should be
should use the expose learners to authentic. (2) by greater use of meaningful, natural
authentic ones language in authentic • Language should be aesthetically- and useful. (2)
use. (7) natural. (4) appealing materials
(Goldberg, 2006;
Lutzker, 2007; Maley,
2009, 2010), music
(Hill, 2013; Paterson &
Willis, 2008), art
(Grundy et al., 2011;
Keddie, 2009), video
(Tomalin &Stempleski,
2001), drama (Maley
& Duff, 2005; Wilson,
2008), literature (Duff
& Maley, 2007), story-
telling (Heathfield,
2014; Wajnryb, 2003;
Wright, 2008),
creative writing
(Maley & Mukundan,
2011a, b; Spiro, 2004,
2 The materials Instruction needs to • The focus of a course The learners’ Grammar should be Focus on form or
should focus ensure that ensure needs to be on the attention should be treated inductively. grammar elucidation
on form that learners develop generalizable features drawn to linguistic (5) should actively involve
both a rich repertoire of the language. (3) features of the input the students and
of formulaic • The course should (8) should involve an
expressions and a include form-focused inductive element,
rule-based instruction in the involving discovery
competence. (1) sound-system, and deep-processing,
and also focus on vocabulary, grammar where possible. (7)
Maley [2016, quoting Maley [2016, quoting Maley [2016, quoting Maley [2016, quoting Maley [2016 quoting
No Major
Ellis Nation Tomlinson Jan Bell & Roger Maley (2016) Hadfield
(2005)] (1993)] (2011)] Gower] (2014)]
4 The materials Instruction needs to A course should Approaches should be There should be as There should be both
should be be predominantly include a roughly even balanced (inductive great a variety of texts a variety of activities
various and directed at developing balance of meaning- and deductive, and activities as to suit different
learning styles and a
balance all the implicit knowledge of focused input, form- accuracy and fluency, possible, ensuring a range of
language the L2 while not focused instruction, task-based and PPP, good balance (Maley, supplementary
aspects neglecting explicit meaning-focused creative and 1999). (8) activities that students
knowledge. (4) output and fluency controlled. (9) or teachers can choose
activities. (11) from. (9)

5 The materials eed to take account of Teachers need It should be possible Flexibility is
should be individual differences flexibility in a course- to adapt, extend, and important for both
flexible in learners. (9) book to select and re-order activities. (4) students and teachers
rearrange activities. to meet student needs
(1) and different learning
styles and to enable
teachers to select and
rearrange activities to
meet these. (9)
the importance of
affect, the importance
of creativity and the
importance of play.”
6 The materials Successful instructed As much time as Materials should
should use L2 language learning possible should be provide learners with
(target requires extensive L2 spent using and opportunities to use
language) input. (6) focusing on the second the target language to
language. (10) achieve
purposes. (9)
Maley [2016 quoting
Maley [2016, quoting Maley [2016, quoting Maley [2016, quoting Maley [2016, quoting
No Major Hadfield
Ellis Nation Tomlinson Jan Bell & Roger Maley (2016)
Principles (2014)]
(2005)] (1993)] (2011)] Gower]
7 The materials needs to take into As much as possible, Materials should Content should be • Materials and Material (texts and
should be account the learner’s the learners should be maximize learning engaging. (3) activities should be tasks) should be
engaging, ‘built-in syllabus’. (5) interested in and potential by intrinsically creative, interesting, engaging,
and stimulate
stimulating excited about learning encouraging creativity in the motivating and
and the language, and they intellectual, aesthetic learners. This may be involving. (1)
interesting should come to value and emotional achieved by greater The importance of
this learning. (9) involvement which use of aesthetically- affect, the importance
stimulates both right appealing materials, of creativity and the
and left-brain music, art, video, importance of play.”
activities. (14) drama, literature,
story-telling, creative
writing. (9)
• The activities
should engage the
learners, so that they
are carried along by
them, almost without
realizing they are
learning. (2)
• The materials
should be interesting
to learn. (1)
Maley [2016 quoting
Maley [2016, quoting Maley [2016, quoting Maley [2016, quoting Maley [2016, quoting
No Major Hadfield
Ellis Nation Tomlinson Jan Bell & Roger Maley (2016)
Principles (2014)]
(2005)] (1993)] (2011)] Gower]
8 The materials Instruction needs to The selection, • Materials should There should be careful
should take account of ordering, require and facilitate progression with small
consider the individual presentation and learner self- steps, each leading to
learners’ differences in assessment of the investment. (5) the next,
needs and learners. (9) material should be • Materials should and frequent
opportunities for
differences based on a careful take in to account
consideration of the that learners differ non-explicit decisions
learners and their in learning styles. and judgements the
needs, the teaching (11) writer makes as the
conditions, and the • Materials should work proceeds.
time and resources take into account
available. (1) that learners differ
in affective attitudes.

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