Sophomore Oral Defense Template Final

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Sophomore Oral

Kendall Boone

Common Questions:
• What is the difference between pediatric vehicular abandonment and entrapment?
• What is pediatric vehicular heatstroke?
• How many children die annually from pediatric vehicular abandonment?
• What devices are already on the market to help?

The O’Baby Car Seat is an innovation in which its goal is to stop the reoccurring incidents
of pediatric vehicular abandonment.
Literature Review

Background Research Scholars

Berliz Adato
• Studied autopsies of children who were subject to
• Receiving little attention to combat the issue pediatric vehicular heatstroke
• These tragedies are not always accidents, nor do Osilla
they usually end with a parent remembering them • Studied medical consequences
quickly as the average amount of time children • Studied thermoregulation system in children
are left unattended in a hot car ranges from 1.5 to Dr. Koul
8.5 hours. • Doctor of pediatric neurology
• Many of these young children end up in critical • Studied circumstances of pediatric vehicular
conditions suffering from brain damage, heat abandonment/entrapment cases
strokes, and lung conditions. Andrew Grunderstein
• Studies how atmospheric radiation waves cause
the rise in temperature inside a car.
Research Methodology

What research method did you Why did you choose this What were your engineering
use? procedure? objectives?

• Create a mat with a

• Decrease the fatality rate device inside that detects
of pediatric vehicular weight and temperature
• Case Study abandonment to set off an alarm once a
• Application Research • Save the lives of threshold is exceeded.
vulnerable children • Ensure the device is
inexpensive, effective,
and safe.
Findings and Discussions

• The device’s alarm sounded once the temperature and weight

threshold were succeeded.
• Alarm sounded within 2.4 seconds
• Sound can up to 15 feet outside the car
Setbacks during the
engineering process:

• Difficulties with the coding series

• Limited resources

& limitations Implications for future
• Increase the distance the alarm can be heard
• Increase the durability of the device
• Add an aspect to notify parents and/or emergency services
• Market to families who wish to keep their child safe but may not have
enough money for a new car.

• The device was successful and could

effectively help prevent pediatric
vehicular abandonment
• The future O’Baby device would
cover all bases, including those who
forgot, those ignorant of the issue,
and the young children in danger.
Why Biomedical Engineering?

Problem solving has been a skill engraved in me since I was little. I have
always wanted to do a career in the medical field; however, I also had a
passion for engineering. My parents would buy me all kinds of STEM kits and
Legos that I would play with for hours. Biomedical engineering has allowed
me to have an outlet for both passions. I knew I could use my problem solving
and passion for biomedical engineering skills to create an innovation that
could change lives. Therefore, I chose biomedical engineering as my pathway
for this project as a way for me to start the groundwork of a project that I
knew could carry into the career I already know I am destined for.
Thank you for listening!
Thank you for listening!
I would love to answer any questions!

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