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Domestic violence: causes,

effects and solutions

Domestic violence is one of the problems
that society condemns very harshly
Presentation content

I. Domestic violence and its causes.

1. What is domestic violence? My presentation is about domestic violence. The
article covers what domestic violence is, its causes,
2. What causes domestic violence? consequences and solutions. And now we come to
II. Consequences of domestic violence. the first part.
III. Solutions to prevent domestic violence.
I. Domestic violence and its causes.
1. What is domestic violence?

Domestic violence is an
intentional act by a family
member that causes harm or is
likely to cause physical, mental
or economic harm to another
family member.
First we have what is domestic violence? Domestic
violence is an intentional act by a family member that
causes harm or is likely to cause physical, mental or
economic harm to another family member.
2. What causes domestic violence?
Subjective reasons:
• Because awareness of gender and gender
equality is still limited.
So what causes domestic violence?
• Due
Subjective to the feudal concept "respect men
Due to theandlimited awareness
despise women",of gender and gender
patriarchal equality.
Due to isthe stillfeudal
heavy.concept "respect men and despise
women", the patriarchal ideology is still heavy. Because
women's • Due
awarenessto and
againstrecognition andis
domestic violence
still limited, lack ofoffrankness,
womenlackagainst domestic
of confidence, and
violence, they lack frankness, lack of
confidence, and are still resigned.
Objective reasons:
• Education level, professional capacity, especially the job gap of
husband and wife are among the objective factors causing domestic
• The financial autonomy of the men in the family is limited, forming in
them low self-esteem and narrow-mindedness. This is also the cause
of domestic violence against women.
• The impact of stimulants, yeast, alcohol, drugs, sexual habits.
Objective reasons:
Education level, professional capacity, especially the career gap of husband
and wife. Effects of stimulants, alcohol, drugs, sexual habits.
Here are some pictures of domestic violence

Domestic violence images

Here are some pictures of domestic violence
Domestic violence images
II. Consequences of domestic violence.
In your opinion, what are the consequences of
domestic violence for individuals, families and

Domestic violence always leaves serious

consequences both physically and mentally for
the victim, especially for women and children.

Domestic violence has left many serious

consequences for victims, families and
Little Thuc Phi from Nghia Hanh was brutally beaten by his society.
adoptive parents and had to go to the emergency room
 Firstly, domestic violence in any form leaves a negative impact on the
physical and mental health of not only the ball but also other family
 Second, domestic violence against women negatively impacts the
workforce and thus also economic activities.
 Third, domestic violence against women burdens the social
protection system.
 Fourth, domestic violence against women also places a heavy burden
on the education system and the judicial system.

Domestic violence in any form has an adverse impact on the physical

and mental health of not only the victim but also other family
For the victim himself:
• Domestic violence takes a toll on the victim
physically and mentally. The act of beating,
using force or sexual violence inevitably
destroys health, painful injuries, can lead to
lifelong disability, even death. In addition,
domestic violence causes mental trauma,
depression, sadness, anxiety, fear, loss of
confidence, confusion, depression; life feels
heavy, stressful and hopeless.
For the victim herself: Domestic violence takes a toll on the victim
physically and mentally. In addition, domestic violence causes
emotional trauma, loss of confidence, confusion, and depression.
For domestic violence perpetrators:
• Domestic violence not only takes a toll on the victim, but even
the perpetrator has to pay a heavy price. By his own behavior, the
perpetrator is destroying the relationship between husband and wife,
parents-children, grandparents-grandchildren, brothers and sisters in
the family. No one else, they feel lonely in their own family. For acts
of domestic violence, this person must pay an administrative fine for
his/her wrongdoing when causing domestic violence with family
members. And may be criminally prosecuted if causing serious
consequences to the victim.
For those who cause domestic violence: Domestic violence not only causes harm to the victim but also
the perpetrator also has to pay a heavy price. By his own behavior, the perpetrator is destroying the
couple's relationship. And be criminally responsible if causing serious consequences to the victim
For children: When witnessing domestic violence, children will fall into a state
of stress, tend to live closed to everyone around, lack trust in adults, even
commit suicide.
For children:
• Child abuse in the family directly
affects the physical and intellectual
development of children, and the cases
of child support are increasing. When
witnessing domestic violence, children
will be in a state of stress, have
tendency to be closed to everyone
around, lack of trust in adults; leave
home; may engage in adult-like
violence; depression and suicidal
thoughts; even commit suicide.
For families: Domestic violence is the leading cause of separation,
divorce and family breakdown.

For family:
• Domestic violence is the leading cause of separation, divorce and
family breakdown. Expensive treatment and rehabilitation for the
physical and mental health of victims and witnesses of domestic
violence. Reduce labor time and productivity, thereby reducing family
income. Inability to fulfill obligations to the family of paternal and
maternal grandparents.
For society: When domestic violence affects both victims and
perpetrators, it reduces their contribution to society. If not handled
thoroughly, society will accept and tolerate domestic violence.
For society:
• When domestic violence affects both victims and perpetrators, it
reduces their contribution to society. Create a future workforce with
weak physical and mental health, lack of creativity, lack of initiative.
If not handled thoroughly, society will accept and tolerate domestic
III. Solutions to prevent domestic violence.

For social organizations:

• To To domestic
prevent further strengthen
violence, wethe
the following and communication of the Law on
Domestic Violence Prevention and Control, the Law on Gender Equality in order to raise
Firstly: towards
To further changingthe
strengthen behavior of all classes
information of people about
and communication domestic
of the Law onviolence.
Gender Prevention
equality and Control,
education must be thecarried
Law onout Gender Equality
right from theinfamily
order to
to the
and change
society. the behavior
Both genders must beof aware
all classes of people
of their about
rights and domesticin violence.
obligations relation toSecond:
promote good family traditions; the role of relatives, do well in the reconciliation of
• conflicts
Second: and disputes
promote thebetween family members.
good traditions of the family; the role of relatives. Maintain
stability, unity and peace in the family; do a good job of conciliating conflicts and
disputes between family members.
Timely prevention and protection and support for victims of domestic violence; It is
necessary to equip victims with knowledge to protect themselves such as: having a career,
financial independence, educational attainment, a sense of self-mastery and family,
knowledge of maintaining family happiness. family, raising children...
• Third: promote the implementation of the movement to build a
cultured family and a civilized lifestyle; It is necessary to pay attention
to building a cultural family and a cultural village, in which the criteria
of no domestic violence, no abuse of alcohol, and no gambling and
drug addictions
Thirdly: promote are
therequired to recognize
implementation of theamovement
cultural family.
to build a cultured
family, must
• Fourth: a civilized lifestyle,
strictly not topeople
handle abuse alcohol, not to gamble
who commit acts ofor domestic
to smoke.
Fourth: must
violence in strictly handle people
accordance with whothe commit acts ofof
provisions domestic
Decree violence
according to regulations.
110/2009/ND-CP of the Government on the Regulations on
sanctioning of administrative violations in the field of domestic
violence prevention and control. family force.
Fifth: Implement the integration of domestic violence prevention and
gender equality programs in socio-economic development plans at all
levels and sectors.
Fifth: Integrate programs on domestic violence prevention and control and
• To haveequality
gender solutionsin to concretize targets
socio-economic and targets
development planson
of domestic
all levels and
sectors prevention and control, and prevention of social evils from
entering the family.
• Build sustainable family institutions to prevent domestic violence, and
at the same time strengthen the leadership role of Party committees
at all levels, local authorities, and coordinate with agencies,
departments and mass organizations. in the implementation of
domestic violence prevention and control and gender equality.
For victims of abuse (need to
know some prevention skills)
1. Recognize the signs that you are about
to be abused.
2. Admit your partner is the perpetrator.
3. Tell your neighbors so they can help.
4. Room has a phone in the house to
contact people outside.

For victims: recognize signs of possible abuse, call loved ones

or local agencies, record or withhold evidence if possible.
5. Keep in the directory a few emergency phone numbers of the
neighborhood officer, the local Police, at 113 to contact in the event of
serious violence.
6. Immediately make a call to a loved one.
7. Record evidence: record all evidence - date, time of the abuse to use
as a basis if there is a lawsuit in court.
8. Reserve a secret account for yourself if necessary.
9. Silence is golden when the husband is too drunk.
10. See a psychologist for sexual violence counseling. when
encountering situations of sexual violence to satisfy desires. See a
psychologist to find a solution.
Thus, domestic violence leaves many serious consequences for society
and families. Therefore, the elimination of domestic violence is not the
responsibility of anyone alone, but requires the coordination of socio-
Conclude: political organizations and countries in the prevention and control of
Domestic violence violence.
leaves many serious consequences for society and
families. Therefore, the elimination of domestic violence is not anyone's
responsibility but requires the coordination of socio-political
organizations and countries in domestic violence prevention and

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