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Theory of
Weikko Aleksanteri Heiskanen (1895–1971) was
a Finnish geodesist and geophysicist. He is
known for his significant contributions to the
field of geodesy, which is the science of
accurately measuring and understanding the
Earth's shape, orientation in space, and
gravitational field.
Heiskanen, a pioneer in geodetic and geophysical
sciences, significantly influenced various
scientific and engineering applications related to
Earth's dynamics and geodetic measurements.
Heiskanen's isostasy theory suggests that two-
thirds of topography is compensated by root

Heiskanen’s formation and one-third by Earth's crust above

the crust-substratum boundary.

Theory of Isostasy, or isostatic equilibrium, is the state of

Isostasy gravitational equilibrium between Earth's crust

(or lithosphere) and mantle, in which the crust
"floats" at an elevation that depends on its
thickness and density

Certain areas, such as the Himalayas and other

convergent margins, are not in isostatic
equilibrium and are not well described by
isostatic models
Heiskanen's hypothesis as a
compromise between Airy's and
Pratt's models
Airy's and Pratt's models, proposed in 1855,
suggest the Earth's crust floats on a fluid-
like mantle, while Heiskanen's hypothesis,
also known as the Airy-Heiskanen
hypothesis, suggests that two-thirds of
topography is compensated by root
formation and one-third by Earth's crust
above the crust-substratum boundary. This
compromise considers the Earth's outer
shell rigidity and density variations.
Heiskanen's hypothesis is crucial for
understanding Earth's crust behavior and
geological features.
Heiskanen's theory of isostasy suggests that
Earth's crust compensates for one-third of
topography above the Pratt model boundary. It
incorporates horizontal and vertical variation in
rock density, a compromise between Airy's and
Pratt's models. Isostasy controls regional
elevations of continents and ocean floors, with
high mountains having low-density roots.
The role of isostacy in the development
of plate tectonics theory

Compensation of topography Formation of oceanic and Testing isostasy and plate

continental crust tectonics
Isostasy explains Earth's surface
topography, with Heiskanen's theory Isostasy, the principle that Isostasy can be tested on a
indicating that root formation and plates' thickness and density planetary scale using a simple
Earth's crust compensate for two-thirds increase with age, causes them pendulum, and the agreement
of topography, crucial for to sink relative to the mid- between isostatic models and
understanding landform distribution ocean ridge crest. This sinking observed data, such as seafloor
and plate tectonics processes. is balanced by new crust age, supports plate tectonics
formation at the mid-ocean theory.
Heikko Heiskanen's 1933 isostasy theory, based on
the principle of isostatic equilibrium, provides a
detailed understanding of Earth's lithosphere's
response to mass distribution. Variations in mass
distribution, such as ice cover or sedimentation,
cause vertical movements in the lithosphere to
achieve equilibrium and minimize gravitational
potential energy. This theory is crucial for
understanding post-glacial rebound and tectonic
forces. His work is integral to geophysics, geodesy,
and physical geography.

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