Unit Iii Lesson A: Remote Preparation For Marriage

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3 - LESSON 1:
Title: POPCOM, DepEd to draft comprehensive sexuality education
program. OneNewsPH. May 9, 2023. Video: 1:20.
Group Sharing/Discussion Board

• How did you personally learn

about sexuality?
• Is sex education necessary?
Why or why not?
• What should be taught in sex
education? Why?
Different Theories
and Perspectives
on Human Sexuality
Human Sexuality
• “a complex area of study that
focuses on all aspects of human
persons as sexual beings”
• sexual anatomy and responses,
• sexual feelings and behaviors,
• intimate relationships,
• sexual identity and desires,
• sexual health and wellbeing,
• and the way we perceive and express our individual
sexual selves.”

Roger Hock
The Sexual Revolution’s
Idea of Sexuality
• free to use sex any time and any way we want
• freedom from old-fashioned ideas about sex,
such as purity
• any sexual activity is healthy, normal, desirable,
and a strictly personal choice
• sex is the source of happiness and the key to
Theoretical Explanations
for the Sexual Phenomena
1. Evolutionary Perspectives: human sexual
behaviors are the product of natural selection in
evolution; behavioral patterns are genetically
2. Psychoanalytic Theory: sex energy or libido is a
major influence on personality and behavior
3. Learning theory: emphasizes how sexual
behavior is learned and modified
Theoretical Explanations
for the Sexual Phenomena
4. Critical Theories: focuses on the social
construction of categories, the ways they are
applied to people, and the consequences for
individuals and society (e.g Feminist theory,
Queer theory)
5. Sociological Perspectives: the ways in which
society influences our sexual expression
Bishop Robert Barron. “Bishop Barron on Sexuality,
Sacrifice, and Love.” Aug 9, 2011. Video, 8:55.

Just as Your Son offered Himself as a willing

sacrifice for the redemption of humanity, so too
do we, who live in Christ, offer ourselves as
willing sacrifices to the glory of God, striving in
every way to live lives of holiness as we
obediently follow Christ’s command to bear up
our crosses daily and follow Him.
Letter to the Romans 12
Your sexuality is
meant to become
a vehicle of love…
conformed unto love.
Bishop Robert Barron
1. Human Sexuality
Humanity is in an Educational crisis, This educational crisis is
especially in the field of affectivity and rooted in the development
sexuality. MFCT, 1 and implementation of
curricula that:

❑Allegedly convey a
neutral conception of the
person and of life.
❑Reflects an anthropology
opposed to faith and to
right reason.”
Benedict XVI, Address to Members of the
Diplomatic Corps, January 10, 2011
As a result, these helped
destabilize the family as
an institution, presenting
the difference of man and
woman as merely the
product of historical and
cultural conditioning. MFCT,
In light of this educational crisis the
Church brings us back to the following
❑ Sexuality plays an integral part in the
development of our personality and in the
process of its education. MFCT, 4
❑ That as each person grows, “such
diversity, linked to the complementarity of
the two sexes allows a thorough response
to the design of God according to the
vocation to which each one is called. MFCT,
Hence, Affected sex education must
consider the totality of the person and insist,
therefore, on the integration of the biological,
psycho-affective social, and spiritual
elements. MFCT, 4
Human Sexuality and The
Mystery of Love

❑ The Catholic Church‘s teaching on

Human Sexuality is anchored on the
truth that - God is love and (he is
love) in himself he lives a mystery
of personal loving communion.
❑ As a person, I long for the mystery
of communion with my fellow
human beings and the mystery of
❑ Sexuality is relevant as we respond
to our vocation of love and
The self is completed by the one
who is other than the self, according
Sexuality affects all aspects of the human person in the unity of
to the specific identity of each his/her body and soul. It especially concerns affectivity, the
person which is derived from and capacity to love and to procreate, and in a more general way the
sustained by the Creator. MFCT aptitude for forming bonds of communion with others. CCC, 2332.
2.Nuptial Meaning of the ❑“The vocation of
Body the human person is
realized in marriage
and virginity or
celibacy.” FC

❑“God‘s plan for

marriage involves
total self-giving of
man and woman to
each other.”
❑ Sexuality, by means of which man and
woman give themselves to one another
through the acts which are proper and
exclusive to spouses, is not something
simply biological, but concerns the
innermost being of the human person
as such.
❑ It is realized in a truly human way
only if it is an integral part of the love
by which a man and woman commit
themselves totally to one another until
Male and Female
He Created them

As the Catechism of the

Catholic Church succinctly puts
it “man and woman, should
acknowledge and accept his/her
sexual identity.

Physical, moral, and spiritual

difference and complementarity
are oriented toward the goods
of marriage and the flourishing
of family life.
“It is an illusion to think we
can build a true culture of
human life if we do not . . .
accept and experience
sexuality and love and the
whole of life according to
their true meaning and their
close interconnection.”
“Our creation as male and
female and our longing for
communion is ‘the
fundamental fact’ of human

As each person grows,

“such diversity, linked to
the complementarity of the
two sexes allows a
thorough response to the
design of God according
to the vocation to which
each one is called. MFCT,
The acts in marriage by which the intimate and
chaste union of the spouses takes place are noble
and honorable; the truly human performance of
these acts fosters the self-giving they signify and
enriches the spouses in joy and gratitude.
Our physical bodies were made ❑ The human body includes right from the
precisely to show us this and be the beginning...the capacity of expressing
means by which we accomplish it. love, that love in which the person
becomes a gift – and by means of this gift
– fulfills the meaning of his being and

❑ Understanding the fundamental meanings

contained in the mystery of creation, such
as the nuptial meaning of the body...is
important. It is indispensable in order to
know who man is and who he should be,
and therefore how he should mold his
own activity.
❑ The body, and it alone, is capable of making visible
what is invisible: the spiritual and the divine. It was
created to transfer into the visible reality of the
world the mystery hidden since time immemorial in
God [God‘s love for man], and thus to be a sign of

❑ That original nakedness, mutual and at the same

time not weighed down by shame, expresses this
interior freedom of man.... At the root of their
nakedness is the interior freedom of the gift - the
disinterested gift of oneself.
The freedom of the gift is the response to the deep The marriage act... ‘at the same
awareness of the gift... Through this truth and time unites husband and wife in
freedom that love is built up, which we must the closest intimacy’ and
together makes them capable of
affirm is authentic love. generating new life. ‘Both the
one and the other happen
through the fundamental

Christ manifests the love with

which he has loved her [the
Church] by giving himself for
her. That love is an image and
above all a model of the love
which the husband should show
to his wife in marriage, when the
two are subject to each other out
of reverence for Christ.
3. The Person and Love (Love and

The person is a good

towards which the only
proper and adequate
attitude is love. The
value of the person is
always greater than the
value of pleasure. JP II, L&R
1. Love as an Attraction
Feelings arise spontaneously the
attraction which one person feels
towards another often begins suddenly
and unexpectedly but this reaction is in
effect blind.

2. Love as a Desire
Desire too belongs to the very essence of
the love which springs up between man
and woman. This results from the fact
that the human person is a limited being,
not self sufficient and therefore putting
it in the most objective way needs other
beings. The subject in love is conscious
of [desire‘s] presence, knows that it is
there at his or her disposal so to speak,
but working to perfect this love, will see
Metaphysical Analysis of to it that desire does not dominate, does
not overwhelm all else that love
Love comprises.
4. The Problem of Reciprocity
3. Love as a Goodwill
❑Love is not just something in the man and something
❑ Love is the fullest realization of the in the woman for in that case there would properly
possibilities inherent in man. A genuine
speaking be two loves but is something common to
love is one in which the true essence of
love is realized a love which is directed to
a genuine (not merely an apparent) good. ❑Love is by its very nature not unilateral but bilateral,
something between two persons, something shared.
5. From Sympathy to Friendship

❑ Sympathy is a manifestation of experience rather than of activity: people succumb to it in ways which
they sometimes find incomprehensible themselves, and the will is captured by the pull of emotions
and sensations which bring two people closer together regardless of whether one of them has
consciously chosen the other.
❑ Friendship brings out the element of benevolentia or goodwill (I want what is good for you), and also
the characteristic doubling of the subject, the doubling of the “I”: my “I” and your “I” form a moral
unity, for the will is equally well inclined to both of them.
6. Betrothed Love
❑ Love is not just an aspiration, but
rather a coming together, a
unification of persons. Betrothed
love’s decisive character is the
giving of one‘s own person (to
❑ The essence of betrothed love is
self-giving, the surrender of
one‘s “I”. When betrothed love
enters into this interpersonal
relationship something more than
friendship results: two people
give themselves each to the
Chastity as a virtue
Chastity is the virtue that calls
4. Education in Chastity us to use our sexuality in a
reasonable, responsible, and
faithful manner.

Chastity in all status of life

Every person, whether married
or single, is called to live a
chaste life. Like any virtue,
chastity must be developed and
practiced because our sexual
attractions and feelings are so
strong and intense, often
overpowering. Chastity is
defined as the purity of the
mind and the heart.
Chastity is a deep respect and
admiration for the person AND
for the gifts of our sexuality
and sex.

As St. John Paul II puts it,

chastity is the readiness to
affirm and love the person in
every situation. You know what
you are saying NO to by living
chastely, but what are you
saying YES to?
• Which of the two couples
do you think has a sexual
• How can you love others
in an authentic way?
• What do you think is
conjugal love?
Make a poster/slogan/catchphrase promoting
chastity and the Christian view on sexuality.

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