Dr. JPSM PPT - Python

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Python Programming

(CSE3011, LP, 03)


Assistant Professor Grade-I,
School of Computing Science and Engineering,
VIT Bhopal University, Bhopal
Course Objectives
This course will introduce the Python Programming
language, its functionality, code constructs, and its
applications. This course is devised for following

1. To study object oriented paradigm in Python.

2. To develop their skill set using Python.
3. To familiarize with the functionalities and applications
of Python
Course Outcomes

• Understand and use the Object Oriented paradigm in


• Use the IO model in Python to read and write disk files.

• Write Python programs using collections, regular

expression, classifying and categorizing text.
Student Outcomes (SO)
1. An ability to analyze a problem, identify and define the
computing requirements appropriate to its solution.
2. An ability to design, implement and evaluate a system
/computer‐based system, process, component or program
to meet desired needs
3. Design and conduct experiment as well as analyze and
interpret data.
4. An ability to use current techniques, skills and tools
necessary for computing engineering practice.
5. An ability to apply mathematical foundations, algorithmic
principles and computer science theory in the modeling
and design of computer-based systems (CS)
List of Experiments
What is Python?
• Python is a high-level programming language
• Open source and community driven
• “Batteries Included”
▫ a standard distribution includes many modules
• Dynamic typed
• Source can be compiled or run just-in-time

python Timeline/History
• Python was conceived in the late 1980s and developed
by Python software foundation.
▫ Guido van Rossum, Benevolent Dictator For Life
(For quite some time he used to work for Google, but currently, he is working at
▫ Rossum is Dutch, born in Netherlands, Christmas break
bored, big fan of Monty python’s Flying Circus (BBC’s TV Show)
• In 1991 python 0.9.0 was published and reached the masses through
alt. sources (When it was released it had more than enough capability
to provide classes with inheritance, several core data types exception
handling and functions)
• In January of 1994 python 1.0 was released
▫ Functional programming tools like lambda (a special type of function without
the function name), map, filter, and reduce.
▫ comp.lang.python formed, greatly increasing python’s user base.

CS 331 12/11/2023

python Timeline/History
• In 1995, python 1.2 was released.
• By version 1.4 python had several new features
▫ Keyword arguments (similar to those of common lisp-family
of programming language)
▫ Built-in support for complex numbers
▫ Basic form of data-hiding through name mangling (easily
bypassed however)
• Computer Programming for Everybody (CP4E) initiative
▫ Make programming accessible to more people, with basic “literacy”
similar to those required for English and math skills for some jobs.
▫ CP4E was inactive as of 2007, not so much a concern to get employees
programming “literate”

CS 331 12/11/2023

python Timeline/History
• In 2000, Python 2.0 was released.
▫ Introduced list comprehensions similar to Haskells
▫ Introduced garbage collection
• In 2001, Python 2.2 was released.
▫ Included unification of types and classes into one hierarchy,
making pythons object model purely Object-oriented
▫ Generators were added(function-like iterator behavior)

Python 3.10.4 is the latest stable version.

Due to its elegance and simplicity, top technology

organizations like Dropbox, Google, Quora, Mozilla,
Hewlett-Packard, Qualcomm, IBM, and Cisco have
implemented Python.
Comparison between python 2 and 3 version
How to install Python on Windows?
• Step 1) Visit the official page for Python
https://www.python.org/downloads/ on the Windows operating

• Step 2) Once you have downloaded the installer, open the .exe file,
such as python-3.12.0-amd64.exe, by double-clicking it to
launch the Python installer.

• Step 3) After completing the setup. Python will be installed on your

Windows system. You will see a successful message.

• Step 4) Close the window after successful installation of Python. To

access the command line, click on the Start menu and type “cmd” in
the search bar. Then click on Command Prompt/windows power
Python Interfaces

• IDLE – a cross-platform Python development

• PythonWin – a Windows only interface to
• Python Shell/Windows PowerCell – running
'python' from the Command Line opens this
interactive shell.
IDLE – Development Environment
• IDLE helps you program in
Python by:
▫ color-coding your program
▫ debugging
▫ auto-indent
▫ interactive shell
Example Python
• Hello World
print “hello world”
• Prints hello world to standard
• Open IDLE and try it out
• Follow along using IDLE

Programming basics
• code or source code: The sequence of instructions in a program.
• syntax: The set of legal structures and commands that can be used in a particular
programming language.
• output: The messages printed to the user by a program.
• console: The text box onto which output is printed.
▫ Some source code editors pop up the console as an external window, and others
contain their own console window.
Compiling and interpreting
• Many languages require you to compile (translate) your program into
a form that the machine understands.
compile execute
source code byte code output
Hello.java Hello.class

• Python is instead directly interpreted into machine instructions.

source code output
triple-quotes (''' or """)

Modules, Comments and PIP

• A module is a file containing Python definitions and
statements. It allow you to organize your Python code
logically, making it more manageable and reusable.
(Inbuilt_python module index or external)

• Comments are text in your code that is not executed as part

of the program. They are used to add explanatory notes or
annotations to the code (Single-Line Comments by # and
Multi-Line Comments by triple-quotes).

• PIP stands for "Pip Installs Packages." It is a package

management system that simplifies the process of installing,
updating, and managing external libraries or packages in your
Python projects. (pip install package_name)
External python modules
• NumPy: For numerical computing.
• Pandas: For data manipulation and analysis.
• Matplotlib: For 2D plotting.
• Requests: For making HTTP requests.
• Beautiful Soup: For web scraping.
• Django and Flask: For web development.
• TensorFlow and PyTorch: For machine learning and deep
• SQLAlchemy: For SQL database interaction.
• Scrapy: For advanced web crawling.
• Tkinter and PyQt: For GUI development.
• Requests: For handling HTTP requests.
Data Types

• Integers
• Floating point numbers
• Strings
• Booleans (True/false)
• None (nothing)

Real numbers
• Python can also manipulate real numbers.
▫ Examples: 6.022 -15.9997 42.0 2.143e17

• The operators + - * / % ** ( ) all work for real numbers.

▫ The / produces an exact answer: 15.0 / 2.0 is 7.5
▫ The same rules of precedence also apply to real numbers:
Evaluate ( ) before * / % before + -

• When integers and reals are mixed, the result is a real number.
▫ Example: 1 / 2.0 is 0.5
▫ The conversion occurs on a per-operator basis.
▫ 7 / 3 * 1.2 + 3 / 2
▫ 2 * 1.2 + 3 / 2
▫ 2.4 + 3 / 2
▫ 2.4 + 1
▫ 3.4

Math commands
• Python has useful commands for performing calculations.
Command name Description
abs(value) absolute value Constant Description
e 2.7182818...
ceil(value) rounds up
pi 3.1415926...
cos(value) cosine, in radians
floor(value) rounds down
log(value) logarithm, base e
log10(value) logarithm, base 10
max(value1, value2) larger of two values
min(value1, value2) smaller of two values
round(value) nearest whole number
sin(value) sine, in radians
sqrt(value) square root

• To use many of these commands, you must write the following at the
top of your Python program:
from math import * in REPL >>>(Read, Evaluate, Print, Loop)

• variable: A named piece of memory that can store a
▫ Usage:
 Compute an expression's result,
 store that result into a variable,
 and use that variable later in the program.

• assignment statement: Stores a value into a variable.

▫ Syntax:
name = value
▫ A variable that has been given a value can be used in


• print : Produces text output on the console.

• Syntax:
print "Message"
print Expression
▫ Prints the given text message or expression value on the console, and moves
the cursor down to the next line.
print Item1, Item2, ..., ItemN
▫ Prints several messages and/or expressions on the same line.

• Examples:
print "Hello, world!"
age = 45
print "You have", 65 - age, "years until retirement"
Hello, world!
You have 20 years until retirement
# Example 1: Integer Variable
• age = 25
• print("Age:", age)

# Example 2: String Variable

• name = "John"
• print("Name:", name)

# Example 3: Float Variable

• height = 1.75
• print("Height:", height)

# Example 4: Boolean Variable

• is_student = True
• print("Is Student:", is_student)
Logical operators

• In Python, Logical operators are used on conditional

statements (either True or False). They perform Logical
AND, Logical OR and Logical NOT operations.
Logical operators

• Logical AND operator returns True if both the operands

are True else it returns False.

• Logical OR operator returns True if either of the

operands is True. (do it)

• Logical NOT operator work with the single boolean

value. If the boolean value is True it returns False and
vice-versa. (do it)
Practice problems on Unit-1 and 2

Prob 1. Use REPL and print the table of 9 using it.

Prob 2. Install an external module and use it to
perform operation of your interest.
Prob 3. Write a program to print virus definition.
Prob 4. Write a program to add three numbers.
Prob 5. Write a program to find remainder when a
number in divided by b.
Prob 6. Write a program to calculate square of a
number/average entered by the user.
Repetition (loops)
and Selection (if/else)

Language components - Control Flow structures
and Syntax

• There are situations in real life when we need to make

some decisions and based on these decisions, we decide
what we should do next.
• Conditional statements in Python languages decide the
direction (Control Flow) of the flow of program

1. Python if statement
• The if statement is the most simple decision-making
statement. It is used to decide whether a certain
statement or block of statements will be executed or not.

• if statement: Executes a group of statements only if a
certain condition is true. Otherwise, the statements
are skipped.
▫ Syntax:
if condition:

• Example:
X = 3.4
if X > 2.0:
print "Your application is accepted."

2. Python If-Else Statement

But if we want to do something else if the condition is false, we can use the
else statement with if statement to execute a block of code when the if
condition is false.
Looping with For

• We could use a for loop to perform

geoprocessing tasks on each layer in a list.
• We could get a list of features in a feature class
and loop over each, checking attributes.
• Anything in a sequence or list can be used in a
For loop.
• Just be sure not to modify the list while looping.

The for loop

• for loop: Repeats a set of statements over a group of values.

▫ Syntax:

for variableName in groupOfValues:


 We indent the statements to be repeated with tabs or spaces.

 variableName gives a name to each value, so you can refer to it in the statements.
 groupOfValues can be a range of integers, specified with the range function.

▫ Example:

for x in range(1, 6):

print x, "squared is", x * x

1 squared is 1
2 squared is 4
3 squared is 9
4 squared is 16
5 squared is 25
While loop
• It is used to execute a block of statements repeatedly
until a given condition is satisfied.

• While loop falls under the category of indefinite


• Indefinite iteration means that the number of times the

loop is executed isn’t specified explicitly in advance.


• Syntax:
while condition:
• Example:
# Python program to illustrate
# while loop
count = 0
while (count < 3):
count = count + 1

Cumulative loops
• Some loops incrementally compute a value that is initialized
outside the loop. This is sometimes called a cumulative sum.
sum = 0
for i in range(1, 11):
sum = sum + (i * i)
print "sum of first 10 squares is", sum

sum of first 10 squares is 385
Practice problems
• Prob 1: Write program to take input of age of 3 people by
user and determine oldest and youngest among them.
• Prob 2: A student will not be allowed to sit in exam if
his/her attendance is less than 75%. Take following input
from user.
Number of classes held
Number of classes attended and print percentage of class
attended and student is allowed to sit in exam or not.
• Prob 3: Write program to print all letters except ‘e’ and ‘s’
from string of “computers”.
• Prob 4: Write program to print multiplication table of 32,
112 and 120 using loop.
• Prob 5 : Write program to take 10 integers from keyboard
using loop and print their average value on the screen.
• Write a Python program to find those numbers which are
divisible by 7 and multiples of 5, between 1500 and 2700
(both included).
• Write a Python program to count the number of even and odd
numbers in a series of numbers
Sample numbers : numbers = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9).
• Write a Python program to convert a month name to a
number of days.
• Write a Python program to sum two integers. However, if the
sum is between 15 and 20 it will return 20.
• Write a program to print n natural number in descending
order using a while loop.
• Write a program to filter even and odd number from a list.
• Write a Python program to reverse a number.

• The range function specifies a range of integers:

 range(start, stop) - the integers between start (inclusive)

and stop (exclusive)
▫ It can also accept a third value specifying the change between values.
 range(start, stop, step) - the integers between start (inclusive)
and stop (exclusive) by step
▫ Example:
for x in range(5, 0, -1):
print x

• Files are manipulated by creating a file object
▫ f = open("points.txt", "r")
• The file object then has new methods
▫ print f.readline() # prints line from file
• Files can be accessed to read or write
▫ f = open("output.txt", "w")
▫ f.write("Important Output!")
• Files are iterable objects, like lists

File processing
• Many programs handle data, which often comes
from files.

• Reading the entire contents of a file:

variableName = open("filename").read()

file_text =

• string: A sequence of text characters in a program.
▫ Strings start and end with quotation mark " or apostrophe ' characters.
▫ Examples:
"This is a string"
"This, too, is a string. It can be very long!"

• A string may not span across multiple lines or contain a " character.
"This is not
a legal String."
"This is not a "legal" String either."
• A string can represent characters by preceding them with a backslash.
▫ \t tab character
▫ \n new line character
▫ \" quotation mark character
▫ \\ backslash character

▫ Example: "Hello\tthere\nHow are you?"


• Characters in a string are numbered with indexes starting at 0:
▫ Example:
name = "P. Diddy"

index 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
character P . D i d d y

• Accessing an individual character of a string:

variableName [ index ]
▫ Example:
print name, "starts with", name[0]
P. Diddy starts with P

String properties
• len(string) - number of characters in
a string
(including spaces)
• str.lower(string) - lowercase version of a
• str.upper(string) - uppercase version of a
• Python Tuple is a collection of objects separated by
commas. In some ways, a tuple is similar to a Python list
in terms of indexing, nested objects, and repetition but
the main difference between both is Python tuple is
immutable, unlike the Python list which is mutable.

• There are various ways by which you can create a tuple

in Python. They are as follows:

• Using round brackets

• With one item
• Tuple Constructor
1. var = (“virus", “threat", “attack")
• print(var)
Out: (“virus", “threat", “attack")
2. tuple_constructor = tuple(("dsa", "developement",
"deep learning"))
Out: ("dsa", "developement", "deep learning")
3. # code to test slicing
tuple1 = (0 ,1, 2, 3)

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