Standardized Patient Practice d2

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 Patient satisfaction is becoming a key phrase
in healthcare
 Using good manners and following the rules

of proper etiquette can make an incredible

difference in how physicians and their staff
are viewed by their patients healthcare.
 If patients feel valued by their physicians and

have positive interactions with the staff, they

are most likely to become longtime loyal
customers. Yes, patients are customers, too.
 Standardized patients are individuals who are
specially trained to act as patients for the
instruction, practice and assessment of
medical examination skills of medical
students, residents and other health care

 It allows for more experienced medical

professionals to confirm the findings and
convey them to the patient accurately and
appropriately while maintaining patient

1)Appearance 2)Behaviour 3)Communication

 Based on the feedback analysis of most of the

healthcare services, the major findings were

that most complaints were regarding the
attitudes and behaviour of the staff
 One must understand that etiquettes are

necessary to build confidence in the patients

and nurture positive outlook in co-workers
Introduce yourself

 Taking the initiative to introduce and share a

little about yourself is a great way to make
patient confident about their healthcare
provider. Greet patient with a smile and eye
contact with an assertive tone of voice. This
may make the patients and others speak
about their needs to you with confidence.
Dress code

 As far as dress code, your clothing should be

clean, ironed with good fit that radiates a
sense of self-esteem to make lasting
impressions and draw positive attention. For
a good personality, one must maintain good
personal hygiene and use a mild deodorant
with clean shoes. Please avoid tight fitting
clothes, capri, low cut blouses or dresses, T-
shirts and shirts with offensive or violent
 Healthcare professionals must be fair when
they distribute care. You must provide fair
treatment and equal healthcare services to all
individuals irrespective of their sex, gender,
color, caste, creed, religion.

 It means kindness or generosity. Being a

healthcare professional you must strive for
doing good and the right thing for your

 Accepting responsibility for one’s own

actions. You must be responsible for all the
professional and personal consequences that
can occur as the result of your actions.

 It means being faithful and keeping one’s

promises. The healthcare professional must
be faithful and trustworthy to their
professional promises and responsibilities by
providing high quality care safe in a
competent manner.
Autonomy and patient self-determination

 As a healthcare professional, you should

accept the client as a unique person who has
the innate right to have their own opinions,
perspectives, values and beliefs. The patient
has the right to advice the healthcare
provider regarding the compliance with the
prescribed treatment or any rehabilitation
 It means being completely truthful with
patients. So, you must not withhold the whole
truth from clients even when it may lead to
patient distress. Along with these, the most
common ethical issues and concerns in
healthcare include the foregoing life
sustaining treatment, do not resuscitate
orders by patient’s relatives, protecting
patient’s privacy and inadequate resources
and staffing resources and end of life issues.
In such situations healthcare providers can
take professional help to resolve such issues.

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