Case 2

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What would you do to make the customer journey simple ,So it gets over in 3 steps
2. What does it takes to give customers 1 click checkout / experience utilizing the benefits of
multichannel campaign management solution or platforms?

• Understanding your Customer and his journey • One click checkout helps to drive up conversion
• Focus on targeting the customer rates.
• It is easier for the customer to go from
• Automation for Better User Experience
considering a purchase to finalizing it, and they
• Analyzing the Results and Retargeting are more likely to buy it.
• We can use default payment credentials and
shipping information which can be saved against
Social Media Marketing the customer account , to make purchase with a
Videos about highlights of the upcoming entertainment events single click of a button
on Instagram and Facebook, which include the link of direct • This removes the need of restarting the buying
booking of the event process due to slow connection or lag
• We can be transparent about product
PPC information shipping and sales policies and
Advertisements about future entertainment event can be additional fees
displayed on various platforms
2018 2019 2020


STEP 3 -
RECOMMENDATION Once he clicks on the desired
event , a drop down menu will
During customer sign up, Once he clicks on the desired The preferred payment mode
Ticketek would gain the event , a drop down menu will for example debit, credit,
unstructured data of the allow him to choose the wallet , UPI which will have
customer which include his number of tickets required. his details saved and he just
preferences of desired event , Also the real time seating have to select the mode of
location of event, cost of the availability can be displayed payment
ticket and seat type. Proper using the platform for Once payment is completed
content based and collaborative appropriate seating booking by the customer , he can
recommendation is will be He then confirms his contact choose the mode of collecting
helpful.So whenever the details , addresses, mobile the ticket
customer has to book a ticket number which are would be (Save as Pdf)
for a event, he would get all already available and (Email)
the details of his/her desired proceeds further for payment (Specific ticket number or
event on the first page of the option. code
website. )
Business process diagram

Ullamco laboris nisi ut Ullamco laboris nisi ut

aliquip ex ea commodo aliquip ex ea commodo
consequat. Duis aute ir consequat. Duis aute ir
ue dolor in repreh ende ue dolor in repreh ende
in volu ptate velit esse in volu ptate velit esse

Ullamco laboris nisi ut

aliquip ex ea commodo
BUSINESS Ullamco laboris nisi ut
aliquip ex ea commodo
consequat. Duis aute ir PROCESS consequat. Duis aute ir
ue dolor in repreh ende ue dolor in repreh ende
in volu ptate velit esse in volu ptate velit esse

Ullamco laboris nisi ut Ullamco laboris nisi ut

aliquip ex ea commodo aliquip ex ea commodo
consequat. Duis aute ir consequat. Duis aute ir
ue dolor in repreh ende ue dolor in repreh ende
in volu ptate velit esse in volu ptate velit esse

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