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Introduction to Advertising

Prepared by Muhammad Rashid Akbar

Think of “Advertising” not only as
a “noun” but as a “verb”

Think of Elements & Principles of Advertising as the

concepts and practices of advertising
Brief History of Advertising
The history of advertising can be traced to ancient civilizations.

• Egyptians used papyrus to make sales messages and wall posters.

• Lost and found advertising on papyrus was common in Ancient

Greece and Rome. The tradition of wall painting can be traced
back to Indian rock art paintings that date back to 4000 BCE.

• In ancient China, the earliest advertising known was oral, as

recorded in the Classic of Poetry (11th to 7th centuries BCE) of
bamboo flutes played to sell candy.
Brief History of Advertising

Bronze plate for

printing an
advertisement for the
Liu family needle shop
Song dynasty (960–
1279), China.

It is considered the
world's earliest
identified printed
advertising medium.
Brief History of Advertising
Europe, Middle Ages had general populace unable to read,
they used signs & image associated with their trade that read
"cobbler", "miller", "tailor", or "blacksmith" would use an
such as a boot, a suit, a hat, a clock, a diamond, a horse shoe, a
candle or even a bag of flour.
Fruits and vegetables were sold in the city square from the
backs of carts and wagons and their proprietors used street
callers (town criers) to announce their whereabouts for the
convenience of the customers
Brief History of Advertising
Three major forms of advertisement existed during the pre-printing period
(before the 15th-century); those forms were Trademarks, Town Criers and
Sign Boards.

Trademarks Around 4,000 years ago

• Producers began by attaching simple stone seals to products which, over
time, were transformed into clay seals bearing impressed images, often asso-
ciated with the producer's personal identity.
• Some of the earliest use of maker's marks, dating to about 1,300 BCE, have
been found in India.
• By the medieval period, Hallmarks (Quality Assurance Marks) were ap-
plied to high value goods such as precious metals, and assayers (Quality Ex-
aminers) were appointed by Governments to administer the system and en-
sure product quality.
Brief History of Advertising
Town criers: In ancient towns and cities, where the majority of citizens were illit-
erate, town-criers were appointed to call out official announcements and general
news. Before long, private individuals began to employ public criers to act as an
At the same time, Hawkers developed a system of Street Cries to promote their
goods and services. These street cries provided an essential public service before
the advent of mass media.

Sign Boards: Retail signage and promotional signs appear to have developed in-
dependently in the East and the West.
• In antiquity, the ancient Egyptians, Romans and Greeks were known to use signage
for shop fronts as well as to announce public events such as market days.
• China also exhibited a rich history of early retail signage systems.
• In Medieval Britain and France and much of Europe, Innkeepers were compelled
to erect a sign-board.
Advertising in Modern Perspective
16th–18th centuries
• Modern advertising began to take shape with the advent of newspapers and magazines
in the 16th and 17th centuries.
• Advent of Trade Cards and Handbills.
19th century
• In June 1836, an editor of the Paris newspaper was the first to rely on paid advertising
to lower its price, extend its readership and increase its profitability. His formula was
soon copied by all titles.
• Great Britain’s Thomas J. Barratt created an effective advertising campaign for
Pears Soap
• United States 1840: Volney B. Palmer set up the 1st advertising agency in Philadel-
He bought large amounts of space in various newspapers at a discounted rate then
resold the space at higher rates to advertisers. The actual ad – the copy, layout, and art-
work – was still prepared by the company wishing to advertise; in effect, Palmer was a
space broker.
Introduction to Advertising
Advertising is the life of all Trades
Advertisements come in many shapes, sizes, and forms
Advertising is fundamentally persuasion
persuasion happens to be not a Science,
but an Art.
Definitions of Advertising

Advertising is the action of calling public attention to an idea, good, or

service through paid announcements by an
identified sponsor
Advertising is any communication, usually paid-for, specifically in-
tended to inform and/or influence one or more people
According to Advertising Association of the UK

Advertising is any paid form of non-personal presentation and promo-

tion of ideas, goods and services by an
identified sponsor

Advertising is Persuasive Communication

Advertising in Marketing Mix
4 Ps of Marketing
Marketing Mix > Promotion > Marketing Communication> Advertising

Advertising is a form of marketing communication

Advertising & Marketing Mix
4 Ps of Marketing

5 Elements of Promotion to acquire Marketing Communication

Advertising & IMC
Marketing Communications has 5 basic factors Promotional Mix may
utilize all 5 or selective factors for Marketing Communication

All 5 tools combined make Integrated Marketing Communication

Modern Advertising
Modern Advertising
bases on Intensive Research including the fields of
Social & Behavioral Sciences,

Advertising reaches the targeted customers in the well segmented market and deliver the mes-

Expensive Business of Advertising is really getting complex form of communication

day by day, using objectives and strategies to impact
Consumer’s thoughts, feelings, and actions in the most economic resources

Advertising is some times the combination of Art and Science

3 Goals of Advertising
Objectives of Advertising

1. Demand oriented objectives

2. Increase product/brand awareness
3. Image oriented objectives
4. Change consumer attitudes / Reposition Product
5. Differentiation / knowledge of product features
Additional Objectives of Advertising
• To introduce a new product by creating interest for it among the
prospective customers
• To reach people inaccessible to salesman.
• To enter a new market or attract a new group of customers.
• To light competition in the market and to increase the sales, Coke &
• To enhance the goodwill of the enterprise by promising better quality
• To improve dealer relations
• To warn the public against imitation
• To Change Social Attitudes
• To Persuade Buyers for Trial
• To Persuade or Convince Buyers to Purchase
• To Remind Buyers to keep products on TOM
• To support personal selling program. Advertising maybe
4 Roles of Advertising
1. The Marketing Role
• The process a business uses to satisfy 3. The Economic Role
consumer needs by providing goods and • Moves from being informational to creat-
services ing demand
• Product category • Advertising is an objective means for
• Target market providing price value information,
• Marketing mix thereby creating a more rational economy
• Building Brand
4. The Societal Role
2. The Communication Role • Informs consumers about innovations and
• Can reach a mass audience issues
• Introduces products • Mirrors fashion and design trends
• Explains important changes • Teaches consumers about new products
• Reminds and reinforces • Helps shape consumer self-image
• Persuades • Perpetuates self expression
5 Key Players in Advertising

• The Advertiser (the client)

• The Advertising Agency (campaign & strategies)
• The Media (Print, Electronic, Transit, Web)
• The Vendor (media buying houses)
• The Audience (Publics)

• Can you identify some for each

3 Different Types of Advertising
• Above The Line Advertising (ATL) include activities that are largely non-tar-
geted and have a wide reach for information, persuasion, retention and showing
presence in the market
Examples :TV, radio, & newspaper advertisements

• Below The Line Advertising (BTL) include conversion focused activities which
are directed towards a specific target group
Examples :Outdoor, sponsorships, in-store PR as tool of advertising, etc

• Through The Line Advertising (TTL)include activities which involve the use
of both ATL & BTL strategies simultaneously. These are directed towards brand
building and conversions and make use of targeted (personalized) advertisement
Examples : 360 degree Marketing, cookie based advertising, digital marketing strate-
gies, etc.
Different Categories of Advertising

Advertising activities categorized in terms of

Advertisement Medium

• Print Advertising: Newspaper, magazines, & brochure ad-

vertisements, etc
• Broadcast Advertising: Television and radio advertisements
• Outdoor Advertising: Hoardings, banners, flags, wraps, etc
• Digital Advertising: Advertisements displayed over the in-
ternet and digital devices
• Product/Brand Integration: Product placements in enter-
tainment media like TV show, YouTube video, etc
Special Categories of Advertising

• Covert Advertising: Also known as “Guerrilla Advertising” sim-

ply refers to the advertising that is hidden in other media. Under
this, the products/items are placed covertly so that consumers will
observe them indirectly.
• Surrogate Advertising: Surrogate advertising” is a duplicate ad-
vertising of a brand’s product in the disguise form in order to en-
hance the marketing of another product of the same company. Sur-
rogate advertising is generally used to promote the banned prod-
ucts like alcohol and cigarettes for increasing the sales and thus
the profit margin.
• See A PDF In The Folder
Importance of Advertising

To The Customers

• Convenience: Targeted informative advertisements make the customer’s

decision making process easier as they get to know what suits their re-
quirements and budget

• Awareness: Advertising educates the customers about different products

available in the market and their features. This knowledge helps the cus-
tomers compare different products and choose the best product for them

• Better Quality: Only brands advertise themselves and their products.

There are no advertisements of unbranded products. This ensures better
quality to the customers as no brand wants to waste money on false ad-
Importance of Advertising

To The Business

• Awareness: Advertising increases the brand and product awareness among the
people belonging to the target market
• Brand Image: Clever advertising helps the business to form the desired brand
image and brand personality in the minds of the customers
• Product Differentiation: Advertising helps the business to differentiate its
product from those of competitors’ and communicate its features and advan-
tages to the target audience
• Increases Goodwill: Advertising reiterates brand vision and increases the
goodwill of the brand among its customers
• Value For Money: Advertising delivers the message to a wide audience and
tends to be value for money when compared to other elements of promotion
Importance of Advertising

1. Crucial for Launch or Announce- 9. Generates Employments

ment 10. Helps Change Attitudes
2. Source of revenue for public 11. Promotes Creativity
3. Promotes Goods, services, Ideas 12. Promotes Competition
and Events 13. Increases Choices and Price Value
4. Helps increase the sales of the Products
5. Maximizes the profits for Advertis- 14. Urges Consistency in Demand and
ers Supply
6. Creates and promotes Consumers’ 15. Helps determine and strengthen self
market and social awareness image
7. Educates society 16. Provides Food for thought and in-
8. Helps Build Brands and Brand Im- vites over Critical thinking
Many Advantages of Advertising
• Educates Society
• Create Consumer Awareness
• Generates Competition
• Increase Choices
• Improve standards of Products & Services
• Generates Sales
• Generates Revenue
• Drops Prices
• Maximizes Profits (on both ends i.e. Producers & Consumers)
• Raises the standard of living
• Generates Employment…
Some Disadvantages of Advertising

• Increases the Costs

• Confuses the Buyer
• Sometimes Misleading
• Only for Big Businesses
• Encourages the Sale Of Inferior Products
• Widens the gap between Rich and Poor
• Can Promote Stereotypes

• Should we consider disadvantages of ….

How Advertising perform its
Persuasive Functions
Advertising uses well crafted Persuasive Messages incorporated
with 3 basic appeals and many derivatives in various Models

Advertising uses
3 methods
to persuade
• Ethos-Ethical
• Pathos-Emotional
• Logos-Logical

How Advertising perform its
Persuasive Functions
Advertising appeals are communication strategies
that marketing and advertising professionals use to grab attention
and persuade people to buy or act

• Ethos-Ethical Appeals: means to convince an audience of the au-

thor’s credibility or character

• Pathos-Emotional Appeals : means to persuade an audience by

appealing to their emotions

• Logos-Logical Appeals : means to convince an audience by use of

logic or reason
Some more Important Appeals in Advertising to
Boost Consumer Response
1. Humor Appeal – laughter and playfulness to “cut through the clutter
2. Music Appeal – Music is a natural link to emotions
3. Fear Appeal – If you “don’t buy,” fear-based appeal suggests that you
will experience a negative consequence
4. Scarcity Appeal – A scarcity appeal creates FOMO or fear of missing out
5. Bandwagon appeal – since something is popular or everybody is doing
it, so should you, peer pressure or popularity
6. Sexual Appeal – sex appeal will motivate consumer interest and create a
desire to purchase
Advertising as Process

1. Identify and Analyze the Advertising Target

2. Defining Objectives
3. Determine the Advertising Appropriation
4. Creating an Advertising Message
5. Developing a Media Plan
6. Executing the Campaign
7. Evaluating the effectiveness of the campaign
Different Advertising Models
• DAGMAR or ‘Hierarchy of Effects’ ACCA

• Maslow
• MECCA or Means-End Chain
Dynamics of Different Advertising Models

The AIDA Model – Problem solving?

(Foremost and most • Desire
widely utilized) – ‘Want’ factor
– Brand
• Attention • Action
– Get noticed – How do I get it?

• Interest
– What’s in it for me?
Dynamics of Different Advertising Models

The DRIP Model

• Differentiate
– Be different from the competition
• Remind
– Who are we? What do we stand for?
• Inform
– What’s new? Features-Benefits
• Persuade
– Why is it right for you?
Dynamics of Different Advertising Models
The VIPS Model

• VISIBILITY: This relates to how many people see the ad

• IDENTITY: The brand should clearly be identified in the ad since

there isn’t much time and the consumer only glances at it

• PROMISE: The USP as well as the offer needs to be clearly con-

veyed to the customer

• SINGLEMINDEDNESS: The ad should concentrate on one purpose

and not a lot of things to avoid ambiguity in the consumer’s mind
Dynamics of Different Advertising Models
The DMP Model (The Decision Making Process)
1.Recognition of need 5.Determining terms of
Remind or create perception of purchase
need? We’re great value for money

2.Define parameters of
need / solution
We’ve got just the solution 7. Post-purchase
3.Search for information You made the right decision!
Find out what we have to offer
4.Evaluation of You are our valued customer
Aren’t we better than the
Dynamics of Different Advertising Models

PLC {Product life Cycle}

Model 3. Growth
Maximize sales
1. Pre-Launch
Teaser campaign 4. Maturity
Tactical campaigns
2. Introduction
Launch campaign 5. Decline / Withdrawal
Why advertise?
Dynamics of Different Advertising Models
The DAGMAR Model based on ACCA
(Defining Advertising Goals for Measured Advertising Results)
also known as ‘Hierarchy of Effects’ model
Awareness – Communication tasks involved making the consumer aware of
the brand or the product.

Comprehension – These tasks also helped the consumer in understanding

the attributes and the features of the product and what the product will do for
the consumer.

Conviction – The communication task convinced the customer that this

product was meant for them

Action – Ultimately, after conviction, the customer was to be enticed to take

Effective Advertising

Advertising that can be recognized as effective will…

• be noticed
• be understood
• stimulate action (such as an enquiry or visit to your store)
• achieve an outcome (such as a sale).
• The following tips will help you to meet these goals.
Factors required for Effective Advertising
The premise to find Mandate for Effectiveness in
• Creative
• Reach
• Targeting
• Recency
• Context

Group 1&2 to present on “The Mandate for Effectiveness or

which factors come together to makes an effective advertise-
ment?” with examples in print and TV commercials
The End

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