Russia Update 1

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A non-speaking English

country RUSSIA

Present by
• Rejepova Gulay
• Hudayberdiyeva Altinay
Russia: A Cultural Kaleidoscope
Russian culture is diverse and rich, with
influences from various ethnicities,
traditions, and historical periods.
● From classical music and ballet to
iconic literature and art, Russia has
made significant contributions to
the world's cultural heritage.
● Traditional Russian customs, such
as Matryoshka dolls and the famous
Russian banya, are known
Russia's Burgeoning Economy

Russia boasts one of the world's largest

economies, driven by sectors like oil and
gas, mining, agriculture, manufacturing,
and technology. International trade plays a
crucial role, with Russia exporting
commodities and products to many
countries. Major Russian cities like
Moscow and Saint Petersburg are key
economic hubs, attracting foreign investors
and fostering innovation.
The English Language in Russia
English has become increasingly
important in Russia due to
globalization and international
● Proficiency in English can
provide access to better job
opportunities and enhance
international business relations.
● English is taught as a second
language in schools and
universities, with an emphasis on
reading, writing, and grammar.
English Proficiency by Generation
Younger generations in Russia tend to have a
higher level of English proficiency compared
to older generations.
● Many young Russians are exposed to
English through popular culture, online
platforms, and educational initiatives.

● However, older generations may face

challenges due to limited exposure and
the lack of an English education during
their upbringing.
English Proficiency by Region

● English Language proficiency

varies across different regions of
● Metropolitan areas and tourist
destinations are more likely to have
higher English proficiency levels.
● In rural or remote regions, the
availability of English language
resources and opportunities for
practice may be limited.
English Language Skills: Trends Over 50 Years
Over the past 50 years, the importance of
English as a global language has grown
In Russia, there has been an increased
focus on English language education and
the inclusion of English in the curriculum.
The younger generations have had more
exposure to English through media, travel,
and internet resources, resulting in
improved proficiency levels.
Challenges of Learning English in Russia

The complexity of English grammar,

unfamiliar phonetics, and
differences in sentence structure can
be demanding.
Limited opportunities for practical
application and interaction with
native English speakers can hinder
language acquisition .
Conclusion: A Multifaceted Russia

Russia's cultural heritage, diverse

economy, and evolving English language
landscape make it a fascinating country
to explore.
The knowledge of English in Russia
varies by generation, region, and
educational background.
As the world becomes more
interconnected, the demand for English
skills in Russia will continue to increase.
Thank you for your attention 😄

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