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III. Staffing
According to Kootz & O’Donell, “Managerial function of staffing involves manning
the organization structure through proper and effective selection, appraisal &
development of personnel to fill the roles designed un the structure”.


It involves the process of filling the vacant position of the right

personnel at the right job, at right time. Hence, everything will
occur in the right manner.
Helps the organization to obtain the most
qualified personnel to do the job
Ensures better utilization of human resources.
Increases job satisfaction and morale of the

Ensures efficient performance of

other functions
Development of human capital

Importance of
Every organization must have staffing systems
that direct the acquisition, deployment, and
retention of its workforce. Acquisition activities
engage external staffing systems that administer
the preliminary acceptance of applicants
interested in the organization.

Importance of
• With good promotion strategy attracts efficient
• The organization will need many competent people if it
desires to grow and get bigger.

• If the organization decides to employ modern

technologies, then it must include continuous training.

• An organization can have scientific selection procedure

if there’s a support from top management.
• Staffing will attract the best employees and
managers if the organization has a good
• Labor laws affect staffing policy of the organization.
(e.g. Minimum wage. Employment of PWD)

• Socio-political groups may place force on the

organization to give jobs to merely to local people.
• Most often, organization alter their staffing policies;
propose attractive salaries and other job benefits to
adjust to talent competition.
• An organization can have scientific selection procedure
if there’s a support from top management.
• If the educational standard of a locale is extremely
high then the organization will be restricted to select
only qualified and experienced people.
Differences between Staffing & Recruitment
Characteristic of Staffing

Continuous Responsibility
People- Human Skills

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