What: Dos:: PA-6-PD-GB-TOOL KIT-990421-OC

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What: Basis of all Japanese production systems. 5 S is a Dos: Make sure operators and supervision
way to remove MUDA, to standardize workplace understand concepts and steps before
and work, to make deviation from standard complete implementation
obvious 5 S is a step by step approach.
Concepts like floor marking, tool shadow
boards, visual management have to be
Where: All processes including administrative processes introduced at speed of operators and
Involve supervision
When: Understand 5S through a workshop and then use
it as a background process to be included in all
Who: All personnel can use 5 S
Don'ts: Not involving supervision is the first way
for a step back
Why: Reduce variability
Establish standards

Remarks: 5 S should be used as a background

tool for all activities. It is powerful tool to
How: Follow step by step described in the following rebuild standards after a change
pages See other tools like visual management

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5 S includes five steps used to instill discipline
through organization of the workplace and processes

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5

Seiri Seiso Seiton Seiketsu Shitsuke

The 5 S's Sort out Shape Sweep Standardize Sustain

• Segregate what is • Place each item in • Clean the entire • Use standard • Use systems to
needed and get rid its optimal position workplace and all procedures and monitor 5 S and
of what is not used in the workplace equipment checklists to ensure that it is
and use visual maintain an constantly
management orderly, clean, maintained
useful work area

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STAGE 1: sort out (SEIRI)

Sort out Shape Sweep Standardize Sustain

• Decide on workplace area where 5 S will be implemented

• Determine what is not used in the workplace, and either move these items to
another area or dispose them
• If there is a question on whether or not an item is being used, place a red "Usage"
tag on the item with a sign-off box to be filled out if anyone uses the item within 30
days. If the Usage tag is blank after 30 days, remove the item from the area
• If it is determined that an item is not used very often, place it in a location outside
of the main working area where it will not be "in the way"

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STAGE 2: shape (SEITON)

Sort out Shape Sweep Standardize Sustain

• Plan optimum locations for items in the selected area

• Physically reconfigure the area to match the planned layout. After reviewing the new
layout, make any revisions necessary
• Use floor tape to mark the new locations for all equipment, racks, production materials,
etc., as well as aisles. Use visual management tools to identify the proper locations
• Determine the best location for tools, gauges, work aids, and other small items. Mark and
label these locations. Build racks or shadow boards for frequently used items. Move
items close to their points of use, and assure that heavily used items are placed near
primary work locations while less used items are placed farther away
Hints : Tools as string diagrams, flow analysis, motion economy ... can be used to help
defining location of items

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STAGE 3: sweep (SEISO)

Sort out Shape Sweep Standardize Sustain

• Completely clean the entire area selected for 5S implementation, including floors, walls,
• Completely clean all items and all equipment in the area
• Tag any leaks, broken dust guards, etc. that are present which may cause a future
cleanliness problem. Make sure that anything that has been tagged is repaired as soon as
• Paint or refinish areas if necessary, and replace any broken glass
• Be sure that the proper cleaning tools are present to maintain the improved condition
• Be sure that proper collection methods exist for normal work debris and trash

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STAGE 4: standardize (SEIKETSU)

Sort out Shape Sweep Standardize Sustain

• Decide what needs to be done on a regular basis to keep the area neat, clean, and orderly
• Decide the frequency with which each item must be performed. Items should be classified
as daily, weekly, monthly, and semiannually (other time increments may be used). Use
this information to write standardized 5S checklists
• Decide who should be responsible for each checklist. Incorporate the content of the
checklists into the standard job requirements for the responsible parties

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STAGE 5: be disciplined (SHITSUKE)

Sort out Shape Sweep Standardize Sustain

• Using a general 5S audit sheet as a guideline, formulate a company-specific 5S audit

sheet. Test this audit by performing it on the newly improved area
• Using a layout, divide the plant into different area of responsibility. Assign certain parties
to be responsible for 5S in those areas
• Assign supervisors/managers to be responsible for performing 5S Audits on a regular
basis (possibly monthly)
• Use visual management to chart the data gathered from the audit system on a regular

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