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Preparing the Curriculum

Lesson 5
Let’s Begin!
Take a look at the picture. Describe the children and how they are
dressed. Relate this scenario to education.
 What is wrong with the picture?
 What does the one–size–fits–all approach mean?
 What happens when the curriculum doesn’t fit the needs of the students?
 How can a multigrade teacher prepare a curriculum that caters to the
students’ varied needs?
 Classroom organization and management also involves the preparation
of the resource materials for teaching .
 One of the resource materials in education is the curriculum. For all
educators, the curriculum is the key guide in determining what is
essential for teaching and learning, so each learner has access to
relevant academic experience.
 In many cases, curricula are usually structured for a monograde system.
In this case, the curricula still need to be revisited and redesigned to suit
the multigrade classes.
 The Department of Education has provided a Budget of Work ( BOW), a
resource material for teaching multigrade classes
, which serves as a guide for teachers in preparing
daily and/or weekly lesson designs.
Sample of the Budget of Work for multigrade teaching in Math1, 2 & 3:
 In the sample budget of work, the whole class is going to work on
the same theme or topic. ( progression of activities)
 However, not all parts of the BOW provided by the DepEd involve a
whole class working on the same topic or theme. ( flexibility)
 The objectives and content areas are given; however, it is up to the
teachers to plan and organize the learning experience best suited to
their students.
Strategies for Effective Curriculum Planning
• First, thoroughly review the national curriculum to see what is relevant
and required for each grade level.
• Then look for common themes or topics that are depicted from one
grade to the next in each subject area, and identify themes. This
answers the question of what topics or themes can be taught together
and which should be taught separately.
• After identifying the general themes, work on the objectives and
content for your theme or unit of work.
• once you have decided what objectives and contents to be included, it
is then possible to look at differentiating the activities for the different
groups in your classroom.
Let’s Practice
Scan the K to 12 Curriculum Guide of your chosen subject. Then,
create a one-week budget of work for multigrade class with grades 1, 2
and 3 students. Follow the format of the Budget of Work from the
Department of Education, but don’t just simply duplicate the entries.

(You can get a copy of the K-12 Curriculum Guide at

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