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Model II : single channel, Poisson Arrival with Exponential

service, finite Population model (limited Sources Model)

(M/M/1): (FCFS/n/N)

N= Limited Number of customer in the system

1. Probability that server is idle ( or empty system)

2. Probability that there are n customer in the system

Pn= ρN P0 where n= 0,1………N

Model II : single channel, Poisson Arrival with Exponential
service, finite Population model (limited Sources Model)
(M/M/1): (FCFS/n/N)

3. Average no. of customer (expected ) in the system

4. Average no. of customer in the queue

Lq= Ls- ( λe /μ)

Where ,Traffic intensity depends on mean arrival entry in system (ie. Effective arrival rate)
λe= λ(1-Pn)
Model II : single channel, poisson Arrival with Exponential
service, finite Population model (limited Sources Model)
(M/M/1): (FCFS/n/N)

5. Average waiting time of customer in system

6. Average waiting time of customer in the queue

Model II Formulae (M/M/1): (FCFS/n/N)
Example :
Example 1: Trains arrive at the yard every 15 minutes and service time is 32
minutes . If the capacity of yard is limited to 4 trains . Find

- Probability that yard is empty

- Average number of trains in the system

• N=Capacity of yard= 4 trains
• Arrival rate=
λ = 1/ 15 trains / Minute
= (1/15)*60 trains/hr
= 4 trains/hrs

• Service rate= μ = 1/32 trains/ minute

= (1/32)*60 train/ hrs
= 1.88 trains/hrs
- Probability that yard is empty

ρ = 4/1.88= 2.1

P0= (1-2.1)/ 1-(2.1)4+1

( -1.1)/1- 40.84

= -1.1/-39.84

= 0.027 i.e 2.7%

- Average number of trains in the system

- Average number of trains in the system
Example 2: Patient arrive at a clinic according to a poisson distribution at rate of 30
patient per hour . The waiting room does not accommodate more than 14 patients
. Examination time per patient is exponential with mean rate 20 per hour
1. Find effective arrival rate at the clinic
2. What is the expected waiting time until a patient is discharged from

N= 14 patients
• Arrival rate= λ = 30 patient /hrs

• Service rate = μ = 20 patient / hrs

• ρ = λ / μ = 30/20= 1.5
1. effective arrival rate at the clinic =
λe= λ (1 –Pn) -----------(i)
Pn = ρN * P0

Put in eq(i)

λe= λ (1 –Pn) = 30 ( 1- 0.33)= 30 x( 0.67)= 20. 1 ie. 20 patients

2. What is the expected waiting time until a patient is discharged from

-------- eq( ii )

Put Ls value in (ii)

Ws= Ls/ λe = 12.03/ 20.1 = 0.598 hrs

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