Multiple Choice Listening Mona

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75% of Vietnamese
-> The majority of people living
in Vietnam

Buses -> public transport

Why is paraphrasing
important in listening skill?
Listening: Multiple
choice Qs
Strategies used in multiple choice listening questions

1. Pre-listening: Locate and underline keywords in QUESTIONS and

ANSWERS eg: Q: In 1999, ________
2. While listening: Scan keywords, try to catch their parallel
expression and eliminate irrelevant answers and mark your final choice
PS: 1. Don’t panic when missing a question! . 2. Don’t rush before paying
attention to negative/signal words! Eg: The best option we can offer is
$55, no actually it's not available anymore, it's $66
A.$55 B$66 C$99
Paraphrase in listening questions
• Alex and Mark were surprised to learn that coastal cities
• Answer – B: include most of the world’s largest city
• Audio– But most of the biggest city are actually built by the sea
• One A
• More than 1 A
• For more than 1 answer type of Qs, you need to read the instruction
• listening

Then pls send the screenshot of your result to the zalo group
Vocab challenge
1. You will be divided into groups and your job is to find as many synonyms found in
the listening script as possible
• Eg: fascinated by = interested in
• 2. Write down the synonyms on your online notebook and create 5 sentences so that other
groups need to paraphrase using the synonym of the underlined phrases
• Eg: I am fascinated by how hardworking and well-behaved my students are
• -> I am ________
• 3. one group challenges 1 member of another group. If that person cannot paraphrase, the attack
group get a point from the defense group. The group has the lowest score will have to follow an
order given by the group with the highest score
• listening

Then pls send the screenshot of your result to the zalo group
Wrap up
• Strategies used in multiple choice Qs
• Importance of synonyms and paraphrasing in
Vocabulary extension exercise
• Read these listening script and find the sentence
containing the following words. Write down
these sentences on your online notebook and
write down your own sentences using these
words. Write down definition of these words if
they are new words to you.
Vocab sharing
1. Students form a circle or stand in a line, facing
outward. Each student should hold their vocabulary
cards facing the person next to them.
2. Students will take turns sharing their vocabulary
words with their peers. Students need to explain the
word on their card and use it in a sentence related
to the chosen topic.
The chart below gives information about levels of education by age range in the UK in 2010.
• The chart shows how education levels vary with age in the UK in 2010. Older
individuals, especially those in the oldest age group, tended to have fewer
• For younger people (ages 16-50), about 27% had no qualifications. Among those
aged 16-24 and 35-50, 20% had a school certificate, while 71% held university
degrees. In the 24-35 age group, the numbers were slightly different, with 76%
having university degrees and 15% possessing school certificates.
• In the older age brackets (50-75), 50% had university degrees, 20% held school
certificates, and 30% had no qualifications. Among those over 75, 72% had
university degrees, while only 3% had school certificates, and 25% had no
The chart details age demographics as they relate to levels of education in the UK
in 2010. Looking from an overall perspective, it is readily apparent that older
people, particularly in the oldest age bracket, tended to have no or fewer
Looking first of all at younger people, precisely 27% of individuals from ages 16-50
had no qualifications. Breaking that down further, 20% of the 16-24 and 35-50
groups had school certification and 71% had university degrees. For ages 24-35,
the numbers are slightly different with 76% having graduated university and 15%
with a school certification
Turning to the older demographics, for those aged 50-75, 50% had a university
degree, 20% a school certificate and 30% no qualification. This figure expanded to
72% for people over 75, with just 3% having earned a school certificate and 25% a
university degree.
Participation bonus point/Revision of
vocabulary related to education
• Write down 5 words on a piece of paper
• Teacher collects these pieces of paper
• Each student must pick up randomly one piece and
put words found on these pieces of paper into

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