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• Sexual and emotional attraction towards the same sex has been recorded
throughout history of mankind.In china 600 BCE, they used terms
“pleasure of the bitten peach’ and “brokeback”. In Japan they have “shudo
or nonshuko” kathoey is used in Thailand to refer to lady boys. In the
Philippines we have the Babylan and the Catalonan who were mostly
women priest,but some are males who lived their lives as a women.
• Society attitude towards homosexulity and another gender variants change through
history, in ancient Greek, all males are expected to take on a younger male lover in a
practice called “pederasty. Some societies,like the indigenous Native Americans,
accepted and celebrated what they called” two –spirited”person in a dance to the
• However,later culturessee it as a “sin” following the abrahamic religion which
branded it as sodomy,a crime against nature. As these cultures colonized other
countries,it enforced it beliefs system of viewing some sex, attractions as a sin
through violence such as killing homosexual through burning,stoning ,or being fed to
the dog.
• LESBIAN –women who are emotionally and sexually attracted to women.
• GAY-men who are emotionally and sexually attracted to men
• BIXESUAL-man or woman who are emotionally and sexually attracted to
women or men.
• TRANSGENDER-when your gender identity (how you feel) is different
from your physical sex male or female.
• QUEER-used by people who celebrate all gender identities can also mean
someone who do not want to be restricted as Lesbian,gay,or Bi.
• INTERSEX- people who are born with sex genitals or chromosome
patterns that do not fit the typical male or female body.
• ASEXUAL/ALLY- asexual are people who do not feel sexual attraction to anyone but it
does not mean that they do not engage in romantic or sexual relationship ALLIES are
straight or heterosexual people who are fighting for LGBT rights.
• PLUS- the plus sign refers to sexualities that do not fit in theLGBTQIA spectrum.I
Knowledge on the human sexuality is still
evolving,so there many terms that pops us here
are some to help us become more inclusive.
• ANDROGYOUS-people whose gender expression (their physical appearance) may
or may not be districtly male or female
• GENDER- your internal sense of being masculine of femine or neither.
• GNDER IDENTITY – how you feel,man ,women neither.
• GENDER EXPRESSION-how you express your sense of being male of female or
neither,maybe through hairstyle, clothes, etc.
• SEXUAL ORIENTATION –your emotional and sexual attraction to a person.
• SEXUAL ASSIGNED AS BIRTH- your given sex when were born base on your sex
• CISGENDER- when your gender identity matches with the sex you are assigned at
• NON-BINARY- people who do not feel like a boy or girl :they may feel like they are
both or neither,so sometimes they use the pronouns they,them,and theirs.

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