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• Who are you Invader? Where do you come from?

• I define myself as an UFA, an Unidentified Free Artist. I chose Invader as my pseudonym and I always appear behind a mask. As
such, I can visit my own exhibitions without any visitors knowing who I really am even if I stand a few steps away from them.
Since 1998, I have developed a large scale project, code name: Space Invaders.

• What is the Space Invaders project about?
• It is first of all about liberating Art from its usual alienators that museums or institutions can be. But it is also about freeing the
Space Invaders from their video games TV screens and to bring them in our physical world. Everything started the day I decided to
give a material appearance to pixelization through ceramic tiles. I first wanted to create a series of "canvases" but I soon realised
that tiles were the perfect material to display these pieces directly on the walls. I then had the idea of deploying my creatures on
the walls of Paris and soon after in cities around the globe. Each of these unique pieces become the fragment of a tentacular

• What is your invasion strategy? What are the rules of the game?
• Little by little, I organised a detailed process by which I explore international densely populated urban areas and "invade" them.
Usually, I try to display 20 to 50 pieces per city, which is already a good score. Sometimes I happen to return several times in the
same city, deploying different “invasion waves” as I like to call them. The goal is to increase my score by continuously and
restlessly invading new spaces. "Anytime, Anywhere" is the philosophy…I try to evolve and reinvent myself at all time while
leading a precise and serious aesthetic invasion project.

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