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• Be a able to understand what being a human means and it’s purpose

• Being able to differentiate the difference of how human cooperate with philosophy
and religions

• Able to remember the philosophers who talked the ultimate purpose of human and
Meaning and Purpose of Human
According to the postmodern philosophers, it is good to say that we really do not know
anything at all. Like Socrates’ humble one-liner: “What I know is that I do not know.”

According to philosophers, there is nothing wrong if measures and efforts to adapt those
well-defended and well-established thoughts about the meaning of human nature and many
other issues are done and pursued.

Classic view of man dictates that the nature of man is to think, to feel and do or act only
those that are inherent in his nature.

Human Nature is characterized as:


Three-fold level of Human Nature

•Somatic Level – refers to the body, substance,

constitution, or stuff of man and secondarily (or
accidentally) to bodily structure, color, etc which
are conditioned by culture and environment.
•Behavioral Level - - refers to the mode of acting of
every man. Man has a universal way of acting or
conducting himself properly.Approaches of behaviour (Psychologists)

1. Cognitive – refers to knowledge or understanding or the mental dimension of human existence

2. Affective – refers to the emotional or the dimension

or the feeling part of man.

3. Psychomotor – pertains to action• Attitudinal Level – refers to the mental reaction of every
man to a given stimulus or the position of every individual concerning his opinion, feeling or
Attitudinal Level – refers to the mental reaction of every man to a given
stimulus or the position of every individual concerning his opinion,
feeling or mood.

Others say, the ultimate purpose of life is to find

joy, contentment, and satisfaction in one’s pursuits and
relationships. This might involve building close connections
with loved ones, pursuing activities and hobbies that bring
happiness, and working towards goals that bring a sense of
. . According to this view, the ultimate purpose of life is to find joy,
contentment, and satisfaction in one's pursuits and relationships. This
might involve building close connections with loved ones, pursuing
activities and hobbies that bring happiness, and working towards goals that
bring a sense of fulfillment

1.Eudaimonia (Aristotelian Ethics):

- According to Aristotle, the main purpose of human life is to achieve

eudaimonia, often translated as “flourishing” or “well-being.” This involves
cultivating virtues and fulfilling one’s potential to live a life of virtue, reason,
and excellence.
VIRTUES TO ACHIEVE EUDAIMONIA Courage (Andreia) Wisdom (Sophia) Temperance (Sophrosyne) Justice (Dikaiosyne) Generosity
(Eleutheriotes) Honesty (Aletheia) Compassion (Philanthrophia)


Existentialists argue that life has no inherent meaning, and it’s up to individuals to create their own meaning
through their choices and actions.

3.Divine Purpose (Theism):

- In theistic traditions, such as Christianity and Islam, the main purpose of human life is often tied to fulfilling the
will of God or a divine plan. This may involve worship, obedience to religious teachings, and moral living to attain
4. Nirvana (Buddhism):In Buddhism, the main purpose of human life is to attain Nirvana, which is the
state of liberation from suffering and the cycle of birth and death (samsara). This is achieved through
following the Eightfold Path and transcending desires and attachments.
The eightfold path of Buddhism:
• Right Understanding
• Right Thought
• Right Speech
• Right Action
• Right Livelihood
• Right Effort
• Right Mindfulness
• Right Concentration.

5. Service to Others (Altruism):Some philosophical perspectives, such as altruism, posit that the main
purpose of human life is to serve others and contribute to the well-being of society. This view
emphasizes compassion, empathy, and the alleviation of suffering in others.

6. Hedonism: Hedonism proposes that the main purpose of human life is to seek pleasure and avoid
pain. This view emphasizes maximizing personal happiness and satisfaction, often through the pursuit
of sensual pleasures and gratification of desires.
Religious Views of Human Life

Religion serves various purposes for individuals and communities.

•Comfort and Guidance: Religion can provide comfort during difficult times and offer
guidance on moral beliefs and behaviors .

•Sense of Community: Religion often fosters a sense of community and connection to

tradition, allowing individuals to find support and guidance from others who share their
beliefs .

•Moral Framework: Religion can provide a basis for moral beliefs and values, helping
individuals navigate ethical dilemmas and make decisions .

•Self-Control and Discipline: Religion may enhance self-control and discipline, helping
individuals resist immediate temptations for greater rewards later on .
Religion serves various purposes for individuals and communities. It provides meaning and purpose in life,
offering guidance and understanding. It offers moral and ethical principles, shaping personal values and
promoting virtues. Religion creates a sense of community and belonging, providing support and unity. It
offers emotional comfort in difficult times through rituals and prayers. It promotes social cohesion,
kindness, and compassion, fostering unity and cooperation. Religion preserves cultural traditions and values,
promoting cultural identity. It also facilitates personal growth and self-reflection through practices like
prayer and meditation. It's important to remember that the benefits of religion can vary based on beliefs and
experiences.he concept of sin and redemption is a significant aspect of many religious beliefs. It revolves
around the idea of human wrongdoing, the consequences of those actions, and the possibility of finding
forgiveness and restoration. Sin refers to actions, thoughts, or behaviors that are considered morally wrong
or against the teachings of a particular religion. It is often seen as a violation of divine laws or principles.
The concept of sin varies across religions, but it generally involves transgressions against a higher power,
oneself, or others.
Thank You
Members :
Raniel Jave Sasing
Albert Edano
Niel John Dumdum
John Mark Deniega
Ivy Gay Pestano
Raya Batigue

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