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Background Information:

Noting details is a reading comprehension skill that involves picking

out from a piece of text, or pieces of information to achieve a given CLICK
purpose. FOR

• The students are having a picnic in the park.
• They are eating delicious fruits and desserts in the afternoon.
• They eat happily.
• Who are having a picnic in the park? The students
• What are they eating? They are eating eat fruits and desserts.
• Where do they play? In the park
• When do the students eat? In the afternoon
• How do the students eat? They eat happily.

L8 L9
Vocabulary Building
encompasses (v.) surround and have or hold within
handicrafts (n.) a particular skill of making decorative objects by hand.
purity (n.) the quality or state of being pure
settler (n.) a person who moves with a group of others to live in a new area.
tribe (n.) a social division in a traditional society consisting of families or communities
linked by social, economic, religious, or blood ties, with a common culture and dialect,
typically having a

The Beautiful Province of Batanes- Home of Winds

Batanes is one of the most beautiful provinces in the Philippines. It is also known as the “Home of
the Winds”. Batanes is the northernmost and the smallest province in the country. It encompasses ten
chief islands and three of them are occupied. Basco is the capital of Batanes. Batanes is home to the
Ivatans who are much admired as the “True Insulares”. Ivatan Tribe is the first settler in this province.
They came from Formosa which is known as Taiwan today. They have kept the purity of their culture and
traditions through the years. Batanes is also popular for dried fish, the main product of the province.
Handicrafts such as native hats and fans are products of export quality. Sugarcane or “Palek” is widely
sold in the islands. The strong winds blowing along the coastline and the historic marks that can be found
in the province are the reasons why the area is visited by tourists. Thanks to its calm and windy weather.
Comprehension Check!

1. What province of the Philippines is known as “Home of Winds?”


A. Baguio B. Kristene

C. Batanes D. Bulacan
Comprehension Check!

2. What is the capital of Batanes?(LITERAL)

A. Taiwan B. Formosa

C. Basco D. Batanes
Comprehension Check!

3. What is the main product of Batanes? (LITERAL)

A. dried mango B. dried fish

C. dried squid D. sugarcane

Comprehension Check!

4. What are the products of Batanes that are export quality?(LITERAL)

A. Dried fish B. Palek

C. Hats and Fans D. Strawberry

Comprehension Check!

5. Why do we call Batanes the "Home of Winds"?(REORGANIZATION)

A. it is composed of ten chief islands.

B. it has calm and windy weather.

C. it is home of Ivatans

D. it surrounded by bodies of water

Process Questions for Learners: Process Questions for Teachers:
1. List down three experiences below.

1. What part of the lesson 2. How do you plan to strengthen what went well?
did you find easy? __________________________________________________
2. What part of the lesson __
did you find 3. How do you plan to cope with what went wrong?
challenging? __________________________________________________
3. Do you think you are __
ready to proceed to the What went well? What went wrong?
next text? 1. 1.

Learner’s Reflection 2. 2.
_________________________________________________________ 3. 3.
Teacher’s Reflection
Vocabulary Building:

beacon (n.) a guiding or signaling light; something that serves as a source of inspiration or
conquer (v.) it means to overcome, defeat, or gain control over someone or something,
typically through force, effort, or strategy.
persevere (v.) to persist in a course of action or in spite of obstacles; to continue striving
despite difficulties.
pledge (n.) a solemn promise or commitment, often made formally or publicly.
steadfast (adj.) it used to describe someone or something that is resolutely or unwaveringly
firm and determined in their attitude, beliefs, or actions.
FOR To You That I Concern
Lourdes L. Yoro, Katrina Ann R. Rigor

Sis, your strength, a beacon shining bright,

Through life's storms, you've shown your endless might.
You're the source of hope, a guiding light,
Teaching us to believe, to reach those heights.

You've journeyed far, and there's still more ahead,

Recall the promise on that night we said,
On July's twenty-third, we pledged anew,
To conquer, find joy, and make dreams come true.

To conquer the world, to savor the small,

Through every trial, you've stood strong through all.
We're nearly there, our goal within embrace,
Together we've kept up this steadfast pace.

Though life's path was twisted, steep, and rough,

We persevered, which should be proof enough.
Our time has come, and everything aligns,
Not perfect, but in time, our star still shines.

For every good thing has its own season,

We're blessed beyond any logical reason.
Keep moving forward, sis, can't you see?
You're an inspiration to both you and me.
Comprehension Check!

1. When did the speaker and their sister make a promise to be the best
versions of themselves?(LITERAL)

A. March 15th B. July 23rd

C. November 10th D. December 5th

Comprehension Check!
2. According to the poem, what did the speaker's sister teach others?

A. to doubt themselves

B. to believe in something

C. to give up easily

D. to be selfish
Comprehension Check!

3. How does the poem describe the strength of the sister? (LITERAL)

A. as a shining beacon

B. as weak and fragile

C. as a fleeting moment

D. as a hidden treasure
Comprehension Check!
4-5. List two contrasting ideas conveyed in the poem about their journey.

Process Questions for Learners: Process Questions for Teachers:

1. List down three experiences below.

1. What part of the lesson
did you find easy? 2. How do you plan to strengthen what went well?
2. What part of the lesson __________________________________________________
did you find ____________________________________________________
challenging? 3. How do you plan to cope with what went wrong?
3. Do you think you are __________________________________________________
ready to proceed to the ____________________________________________________
next text? What went well? What went wrong?
1. 1.
Learner’s Reflection
_________________________________________________________ 2. 2.
_________________________________________________________ 3. 3.

Teacher’s Reflection
Vocabulary Building
disaster (n.) a sudden event, such as an accident or a natural catastrophe, that causes
great damage or loss of life.
finding (n.) a conclusion reached as a result of an inquiry, investigation, or trial.
impact (n.) a strong effect on someone or something.
pandemic (n.) a widespread occurrence of an infectious disease over a whole country
or the world at particular time
participants (n.) a person who voluntarily participates in human subject research after
giving informed consent to be the subject of the research.
Pandemic and Typhoon: Positive Impacts of a Double Disaster on SOUND

Mental Health of Female Students in the Philippines

Humanitarian crises present a significant challenge to how all societal sectors carry out their roles. The pandemic and
other man-made and natural disasters were combined in various nations during these emergencies, creating a "double
disaster“ that had an impact on people's health, safety, and well-being as well as those of their communities. Students are a
group that is particularly susceptible to mental health
issues because of the difficulties associated with their transition to maturity. This study used narrative analysis to examine
how students respond to calamities and the effects of a double disaster on their mental health. The findings indicated that
students experienced stress as a result of having to acclimate to distant learning, fulfill academic obligations, and use
technology for online learning during pandemic lockdowns. Participants voiced their concerns about the virus spreading
throughout the neighborhood, particularly in the emergency shelters where there was less of a focus on maintaining social
distance, there were inadequate facilities for hygiene and sanitation, and there was a shortage of basic necessities.
Participants shared their insights and coping mechanisms, which included supporting one another, adhering to government
regulations, seeking other sources of income, saving energy exclusively for vital uses, and relying on their faith. The results
of this study will be important in creating policies and strategic actions that best meet community members' needs during a
double tragedy, especially in addressing the effects of humanitarian emergencies on mental health.

Source: Lavinia Javier Cueto and Casper Boongaling Agaton, "Pandemic and Typhoon: Positive Impacts of a
Double Disaster on Mental Health of Female Students in the Philippines," PubMed, 2021, (accessed September 23, 2022).
Comprehension Check!

1. What is the title of the study above?(LITERAL)

A. Pandemic and Typhoon: Positive Impacts of a Double Disaster on Mental

Health of Female Students in the Philippines
B. Pandemic and Typhoon: Negative Impacts of a Double Disaster on Mental
Health of Female Students in the Philippines
C. Pandemic and Typhoon: Positive Impacts of a Double Disaster on Physical
Health of Female Students in the Philippines
D. Pandemic and Typhoon: Positive Impacts of a Double Disaster on Mental
Health of Male Students in the Philippines
Comprehension Check!

2. The researchers define “double disaster” as _________(LITERAL)

A. The combination of social and mental health problems.

B. The combination of social and other man-made and natural disasters.

C. The combination of pandemic and environmental problems.

D. The combination of pandemic and other man-made and natural disasters.

Comprehension Check!
3. Based on the text, who is susceptible to mental health issues?

A. social workers B. children

C. students D. adults
Comprehension Check!

4-5. What is the importance of the results of the study? (REORGANIZATION)

Process Questions for Learners: Process Questions for Teachers:

1. List down three experiences below.

1. What part of the lesson
did you find easy? 2. How do you plan to strengthen what went well?
2. What part of the lesson __________________________________________________
did you find ____________________________________________________
challenging? 3. How do you plan to cope with what went wrong?
3. Do you think you are __________________________________________________
ready to proceed to the ____________________________________________________
next text? What went well? What went wrong?
1. 1.
Learner’s Reflection
_________________________________________________________ 2. 2.
_________________________________________________________ 3. 3.

Teacher’s Reflection
Vocabulary Building:
abruptly (adv.) It is used to describe an action or event that occurs quickly and with a
lack of smoothness or gradualness.
fervent (adj.) This describes a passionate, intense, and enthusiastic feeling or expression
of strong
emotions, beliefs, or enthusiasm.
solitude (n.) The state of being alone or in a tranquil, peaceful, and solitary place.
tempestuous (adj.) This means characterized by strong and turbulent emotions or a
violent storm.
tranquil (adj.) It is a state of peacefulness, calmness, and serenity.
A Night to Remember
Lourdes L. Yoro, Katrina Ann R. Rigor

It was a tranquil evening, the world outside painted in shades of deepening darkness. Celso lay cocooned in the comforting
embrace of his bed, his room illuminated only by the soft glow of a nightlight. The rhythmic sound of raindrops dancing upon his
window and the gentle swish of the wind brushing against the trees created a symphony of serenity.
But suddenly, as if nature itself had decided to play a discordant tune, the peaceful night was shattered. Celso awoke
abruptly, his heart racing with fear. The tempestuous orchestra of rain and wind had taken center stage, and anxiety gripped him
Without a moment's hesitation, he reached for his phone and dialed a familiar number, his voice trembling as he urgently
inquired, "Nanay, what is happening outside?" On the other end of the line, his mother's voice, a soothing balm to his fearful soul,
answered, "There is a typhoon, Celso. But don't be afraid, we have faith that the Divine will take care of everything. Just pray and
seek guidance from the Divine to keep us safe and away from any danger.“
Those words were a lifeline, a reassurance that despite the chaos outside, there was a pillar of strength and comfort in his life
—his mother. How he longed to feel her embrace at that very moment, to be held tightly in the arms of her love. With her words
echoing in his mind, Celso returned to the sanctuary of his room. He knew it was time to seek solace and strength from a higher
power, to find courage in prayer. He bowed his head, closed his eyes, and began to speak from the depths of his heart.

"Divine Presence, we thank you for everything—for the gift of life, for the unwavering strength you have always
bestowed upon us," Celso whispered, his voice a fervent plea. "We come before you, seeking forgiveness for
our shortcomings. We humbly ask for the safety of ourselves, our families, and our loved ones during this
tumultuous storm. Shield us from harm and danger.“
Each word was uttered with profound sincerity, a testament to the unwavering faith that transcended the
boundaries of religion and belief. As he prayed, he felt a sense of connection to something greater than himself,
a comforting presence that enveloped him like a warm embrace.
With a final, heartfelt "Amen," Celso opened his eyes, the room bathed in the soft glow of his nightlight. The
storm still raged outside, but within his heart, a serene peace prevailed.
As he returned to his bed, he pulled the covers close around him, cocooning himself in a sense of security
that faith in the Divine could provide. And as the tempest continued to play its turbulent tune, Celso drifted back
into slumber, knowing that he was not alone, that a higher power watching over him and his loved ones. This
night would be a night to remember, a night when fear was conquered by faith, a universal
faith that united hearts in times of adversity.
Comprehension Check!

1. What disrupted Celso's peaceful evening? LITERAL)

A. a sudden power outage

B. a surprise visit from a friend

C. a phone call from his teacher

D. a loud sound of rain and swish of wind

Comprehension Check!

2. Why did Celso call his Nanay urgently? (LITERAL)

A. to chat about his day

B. to inquire about the weather

C. to ask her to cook his favorite meal

D. because he felt afraid and wanted to know what was happening

Comprehension Check!

3. What comforting advice did Celso's mother give him?(LITERAL)

A. "Run outside and play in the rain."

B. "Ignore the storm, it will go away soon."

C. "It's just a passing shower, don't worry."

D. "Pray and ask God to keep us safe and away from danger.”
Comprehension Check!

4-5. List at least two things Celso prayed for in his room. (REORGANIZATION)

Process Questions for Learners: Process Questions for Teachers:

1. List down three experiences below.

1. What part of the lesson
did you find easy? 2. How do you plan to strengthen what went well?
2. What part of the lesson __________________________________________________
did you find ____________________________________________________
challenging? 3. How do you plan to cope with what went wrong?
3. Do you think you are __________________________________________________
ready to proceed to the ____________________________________________________
next text? What went well? What went wrong?
1. 1.
Learner’s Reflection
_________________________________________________________ 2. 2.
_________________________________________________________ 3. 3.

Teacher’s Reflection
Vocabulary Building
academic performance (n.) measurement of the student achievement across various academic
alternative delivery mode (n.) is an alternative modality that allows schools to deliver education
to marginalized students and those at risk of dropping out
descriptive correlation (n.) a study in which the researcher is primarily interested in describing the
relationship among variables.
key stages (n.) show the degree or quality of proficiency that the learner is able to demonstrate in
each key stage after learning a particular learning area
rejected (v.) when the data provide strong enough evidence to conclude that is likely incorrect.
Lourdes L. Yoro

The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between alternative delivery mode and
academic performance in basic education department at Osias Colleges, Inc. This study used descriptive-
correlation method in determining the relationship between the quality of alternative delivery mode and the
academic performance of the students. The respondents of this study were the 108 total population students of
Basic Education Department. The quality of alternative delivery mode is described as Very Good in all
dimensions Facilitation, Functionality, Learning
Experience and Accessibility.
On the other hand, the academic performance of the respondents in all key stages are described as Very
Satisfactory. The computed Pearson Correlation Value (.648) is greater than the sig. (2-tailed) value (.000).
Therefore, the null hypothesis of this study indicated that there is no significant relationship between
alternative delivery mode and academic performance was rejected.
This concluded that there is a significant relationship between alternative delivery mode and academic
performance of the respondents which means that the better the quality of delivery of instruction the higher the
academic performance of the respondents.
Comprehension Check!

1. What kind of research method did the author use in determining the
relationship between the quality of alternative delivery mode and the
academic performance of the students? (LITERAL)

A. Correlational B. Descriptive

C. Descriptive-Correlation D. Experimental
Comprehension Check!

2. Where is the study conducted? (LITERAL)

A. Sto. Cristo Integrated School B. Osias Colleges, Inc.

C. Basic Education Department D. Education Department

Comprehension Check!

3. Who are the respondents of the study? (LITERAL)

A. College students B. Pupils

D. Students from the Basic

C. Teachers Education Department
Comprehension Check!

4. Based on the passage, what is the purpose of the study?

A. Determine the relationship between alternative delivery mode and
academic performance

B. Qualities of the teachers

C. Effectiveness of alternative delivery mode

D. Performance of the students in alternative delivery mode

Comprehension Check!

5. What could have been the conclusion of the study if the null
hypothesis was accepted? (REORGANIZATION)

Process Questions for Learners: Process Questions for Teachers:
1. List down three experiences below.
1. What part of the lesson
2. How do you plan to strengthen what went well?
did you find easy? __________________________________________________
2. What part of the lesson ____________________________________________________
did you find __
3. How do you plan to cope with what went wrong?
challenging? __________________________________________________
3. Do you think you are ____________________________________________________
ready to proceed to the __
next text? What went well? What went wrong?
1. 1.
Learner’s Reflection 2. 2.
_________________________________________________________ 3. 3.

Teacher’s Reflection
Development Team
Netflix. n.d. "Squid Game OST 오징어게임 (Original Soundtrack from The Netflix Series) Full
Unpublished Materials (self-learning kits):

Rigor, Katrina Ann R. 2022. "Alarm Clock." Self-Learning Kit (SLK). Tarlac City Schools
Album." Audio file. Retrieved from

Pixabay. n.d. "Cinematic Melody (Main)." Recorded. Accessed October 23, 2023. Rigor, Katrina Ann R. 2022. "Birthday Cake." Self-Learning Kit (SLK). Tarlac City Schools Division.

Book: Rigor, Katrina Ann R., and Lourdes L. Yoro. 2023. "A Night to Remember." Self-Learning Kit
(SLK). Tarlac City Schools Division.
Diaz-Cruz, Esperanza, Ponciano Mil Flores, and Let’s Get Better in English. 2015. Learner’s
Material First Edition. Rigor, Katrina Ann R., and Lourdes L. Yoro. 2023. "The Tale of the Blue Bag." In Self-Learnin
Kit (SLK). Tarlac City Schools Division.
Rigor, Katrina Ann R., and Lourdes L. Yoro. 2023. "To You That I Concern." Self-Learning Kit
Canva. "Playing basketball." (SLK). Tarlac City Schools Division.
utm_content=DAFIXOb9AHE&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=shar Yoro, Lourdes L. 2021. "Alternative Delivery Mode and Academic Performance in Basic
ebutton. Education Department." Master’s Thesis, Osias Colleges Inc. Tarlac City.

Giphy. n.d. "Squid Game Doll." GIF. Retrieved from Video:
Canva. 2023. "Introductory Video." Canva. Retrieved from
NPR. 2021. "Squid Game Season 1 Episode 1." NPR. Accessed October 25, 2023. Netflix. 2023. Squid Game | Season 2 Announcement [Video file]. Retrieved from

Pling. n.d. "Squid Game workers in mask." Pling. Website:
d671525cc229b1b8640a85d4b9ea69d.jpg. Merano, Vanjo. "Filipino Pork Adobo vs. Mexican Adobo." Panlasang Pinoy. Accessed
September 21, 2022.
Journal Article:
Cueto, Lavinia Javier, and Casper Boongaling Agaton. 2021. "Pandemic and Typhoon: Positive "The Beautiful Province of Batanes-Home of Winds." Vigattin Tourism. Accessed September
Impacts of a Double Disaster on Mental Health of Female Students in the Philippines." PubMed. 25, 2023.
Accessed September 23, 2022. Home-of-the-Winds.

Printed References "The Benefits of Mobile Phones." Academic Help. 2018.

Rigor, K.R. & Yoro, L.L.(2023). Noting Details Reading Strategy for Key Stage 4 Non-
Comprehenders, First Edition. Tarlac City Division. Revised Edition Accessed September 24, 2022.
Development Team
Creators and Developers: Katrina Ann R. Rigor, and Lourdes L. Yoro
Editor: Dorothy G. Manabat
Reymar D. Paguio PhD – Education Program Supervisor in English,
Lily Beth B. Mallari - Education Program Supervisor, LRMS
Robert E. Osongco EdD – Chief, Curriculum Implementation Division

Illustrator: Paul Marrion R. Vallentos

Layout Artist: Mariechris M. David
Graphics Editor: Paul Marrion R. Vallentos
Cover Art Designer: Andrew Ian L. Salvaña
Management Team:
Robert E. Osongco EdD – Chief, Curriculum Implementation Division
Reymar D. Paguio PhD – Education Program Supervisor in English
Lily Beth B. Mallari - Education Program Supervisor, LRMS

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