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• He resisted every attempt to replace Urdu by Hindi and by founding association
for defence of Urdu.
• He directed the attention of muslims to English education and by Aligarh
movement, enable them to retain their economic viability intact in his period of
• Sir Syed expounded the two nation theory in unequivocal terms and repudiated
the concept of one nation Hinudtani nation
• He demanded separate electorate and reservation of seats for the Muslims
• Sir Syed demanded proportionate representation of muslims in government
• Sir Syed declared Congress as purely Hindu party and made it clear that it does
not represent Muslims

• The Message of Revival:
Allama Iqbal was a dynamic philosopher and gifted poet. He influenced many Muslims
during the struggle of independence mainly through his words and poetry. He invited
Muslims to come forward and join hands in struggle of nation building “TAMEER-E-
• Anjamun Himayar-e-Islam:
It was most influential Muslim organization which was split in 2 groups. Allama Iqbal got
both the groups to bury the hatchet as a reconciliatory committee member he played an
active role
• He became an MLA of Punjab assembly 1926
• Simon commission: He took and active role in holding all Muslim party conferences
which were held to asset Muslims demands
• Allahabd Address: in 1930 he addressed the depth and multidimensionality of his
thoughts, gave Muslims their goal and a new shape and direction to muslim movement
• He founded an association “ Pakistan National Movement” in 1933 and
through this he put forward the proposal of establishing Pakistan
comprising of Punjab, N.W.F.P ,Sindh, Baluchistan and Kashmir
• He emphasized the creation of a separate union consisting of islamic
• In 1935 he published a four-page pamphlet commenting on act of
separation of Burma. He drew an analogy between Burma and Pakistan
• In 1937 he further defined his proposal by demanding the creation of
another Islamic state of “Bang-i-Islam” consisting of Bengal and Assam
as “ usmanistan”
• Ambassador of Hindu-Muslim unity
• He drafted 14 points as reaction to Nehru report which became core
demands of Muslims
• Qauid-e-AZAM united and actived Muslim league and became the
sole representative body
• Jinnah signed a pact with Sikander Hayat Khan to join hands for lahore
• Jinnah protected the rights of Muslims of India
• The proposal of Lahore resolution was accepted
• Despite facing various issues in initial years, such as lack of skilled individuals,
shortage of funds and absence of strong leadership, the students stood up for the
rights of Muslims of the Subcontinent. Muslim students of Punjab, Sindh,
Balochistan, North West Frontier Province (NWFP), Bengal, Assam, Bombay, Bihar,
Central Provinces (CP), Delhi, Madras, Orissa, United Province (UP) and Banglore
had their own Muslim Student Federations (MSF) who worked day in and day out
for the struggle of Pakistan Movement.
• The Freedom Movement gained momentum in the early 40’s and so did the
students’ activities. Muslim students worked socially, intellectually, journalistically
and politically to serve the national goal. Their enthusiasm reflects in the titles
they used before their names such as Khadim-e-Pakistan and Mujahid-e-Pakistan.
They also interacted with the common people of different villages and towns,
giving them political awareness. A Pakistan rural propaganda committee was set
up by the Punjab MSF to carry the League’s message to the villagers. Summer
schools were held in various colleges and universities to enlighten the students
regarding the political situation. Fund—raising was also an important activity
carried out by the students to financially help Muslim League in the upcoming
elections of 1945.
• The political role of Muslim students was a valuable contribution towards
the independence of Pakistan. As the time drew closer for the elections of
1945-46, the activities of the students grew faster. Hundreds of trained
volunteers were appointed for different duties in the election campaign,
as well as for the election day. This time, too, they had to face enormous
difficulties in the form of police and official interference. Furthermore,
they had a tough time in Hindu-majority areas too where they were
abused and stoned. But, nothing could distract them from achieving their
goal and ultimately their struggles, effort, sincerity and hard work
resulted in the creation of Pakistan.
• The students were supported, trusted and guided by the Quaid-i-Azam
throughout the Movement. He believed and proved that youth is a
Pakistan asset which, if handled properly, can be of great advantage to
the nation
• The Muslims became conscious toward the development of Hindus in British election
in 1892.
• Sir Syed protested against it as he considered it severe subjugation of Muslims to a
Hindu majority
• This was the start of two-nation theory under the folds of separate electorate
• Sir Syed Ahmed Khan played a vital role by raising awareness of education within
Muslim community
• together with education and society the separate electorate completed the triangle of
two-nation-theory that may run as:
“ India is homeland to several communities out of which the Hindus and the Muslims
are two important communities. the Muslim community must be rated according to
their religious identity and historical importance and not by their numbers, hence, in no
case, it would be subjugated to the hindu majority”
• two-nation-theory was the corner stone of Indian Muslims for their self-rule and is
integral part of ideology. It denies any amalgamation of faith as the amalgamation was
tantamount to distinction of the Muslim community.
• Setting up a free Islamic society
• Preservation og Muslim entity
• Freedom-requisite of Islam
• foundation of Islamic state
• setting up of true Islamic society
• Prejudicial circumstances and narrow-mindedness of Hindus
• Attainment of peaceful conditions
• Islamic culture and civilization
• Guarding the Urdu language
• Deliverance from economic exploitation
• setting up a centre of the unity of Islamic world

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