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BUS213 Advertising 2024

Seminar 3 Week 4:
Imo Enang, Tajwar Malik, Alexis Wearmouth
Have you read these articles?

Diamond, N., Sherry, Jr. J.F., Muñiz, Jr. A. M., McGrath,

M.A., Kozinets, R.V., and Borghini, S. (2009), American Girl
and the Brand Gestalt: Closing the Loop on Sociocultural
Branding Research, Journal of Marketing, Vol. 73, May,

Holbrook, M., and Hirschman, E.C. (1982), The experiential

aspects of consumption: Consumer fantasies, feelings and
fun, Journal of Consumer Research, Vol. 9, Iss. September,
p. 132-140.
Key points from these articles?

Can you tell me?

American Girl brand
1) How does a brand name communicate information about
the brand (American Girl, Modalu’s Pippa, Mulberry’s Alexa,
Hermès’ Birkin, etc.)?

2) Why it is so important to get the right message (such as STP

and the core value of the brand) in advertising?

3) Why does every element of the advertising have a powerful

role in the brand’s positioning, launching, building, and
facilitating segmentation and targeting?
• Think of two top (international) brands. Now list any
associations and values that occur to you for each brand.

• When you have listed all the attributes of these two brands,
try to think of why you associate these ideas, characteristics
or values to each brand.

• For example, you might think of Marlboro cigarettes - the

tough, masculine cowboy, the red package design, a hacking
cough, and so on.
• “Discuss you chosen brands in detail … 1) the brands in general
(why does giving names to common products transform them into
meaningful objects?), 2) their logos (the Nike logo is essentially a
check mark –any meaning associated with this? it can be associated
with speed, the idea of speed as symbolic of power and conquest.
e.g. running at top speed with the Nike shoes… The word Nike
means the Greek goddess of victory. Orange colour printed over the
outline of a checkmark is the sign of positive mark), 3) values that
can be associated with the brand (brand culture can be used to
explain this), 4) brand personality/ identity, advertising (how the
company uses ad to build brand awareness and personality), etc.”
Next seminar

Read the article ‘Branding as cultural activism’ at before the seminar.
Review questions

1. Collect 3 video, radio or print advertisements. Try to ascertain what each of the ads was
intended to accomplish for the brand. The intention behind the ads should be considered in the
light of such issues as: (a) the likely target audience for the brand; (b) other possible
stakeholders; (c) the apparent brand positioning indicated by the ad’s creative approach; (d) the
choice of medium; (e) other marketing issues concerning this brand.

2. List as many examples as you can of marketing objectives that might be supported with
advertising and promotion. Be prepared to justify your choice with examples or reasoning.

3. Give three examples of brand co-creation. Why should brands tell stories?
How do consumers produce brands?
Any questions?

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