Lesson 5 Choosing A Job & Describing The Office

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English for Business

Lesson 5
Choosing a job
Describing workplace
中文 英文

我每天早上都在公司食堂吃早餐,从未吃过中国菜或者越南 I have breakfast at the company canteen every morning. I have

菜。 never eaten Chinese or Vietnamese food

针对这个问题,内部需要尽快提出解决方案 We need to come up with solutions to this problem soon.

工作中有任何问题都可以随时通过邮件联系我,邮件: If you have any question/concern at work, you can contact me

abc@hotmail.com by my email: abc@hotmail.com at any time.

Our company was established/founded in 1997. It has many

我们的公司成立于 1997 ,有多年做 A 产品的经验,可以说完
years of experience in manufacturing A products, so it totally
meets your requirements
他们不确定什么时候客人到达河内,我觉得应该上午 10 点左 They are not sure what time the customers will arrive in Hanoi. I
右吧。 think they will arrive at about 10am
a job

01 02
喜欢 / 热爱 不喜欢 / 厌倦
He likes working alone since he doesn’t get along I don’t like intereviews, they’re so boring.
well with other staff.
They hate/dislike giving presentations,
Most of my colleagues enjoy business trip. They especially when customers ask too many
have chances of travelling to different parts of the questions
Have chances of working with many experienced co-workers
And I can learn a lot from them
your office
describe in details
Let’s describe in details
There is /There are (有) How many well-trained members are there on your team?
 There are four

How many departments are there in your company?/at your office?

 There are about twenty (departments in my company)

How many months are there in a year? There are twelve

How many hours are there in a day?There are twenty four

How many students are there in your class?

There is one/only one student

There is (not) + 冠词 (a/an )或 one + 名词  否定 : isn’t + any

VD: There is a meeting in/at I03-2F room. (2F: second floor)
There is a big cup on the desk (on 上面)
There are (not) 复数名词 (通常在名词后面加 s/es)  否定: aren’t + any
There are four well-trained members/employees on my team (How many
不规则多数名词 : person  people, child  children, man  men, woman  women
不可数名词一般没有复数形式 : milk  milk, water  water, money  money ( a bottle of water,
a cup of coffee  two cups of coffee)
How many elevators are there in I03-2F workshop?
There are about three/Maybe three
There aren’t any bathrooms on this floor
Let me show you around the office

There’s a staff cafeteria on the third floor

There isn’t an elevator/lift in this building

Is there any place to lock my bicycle here?

Is there a desk ready for our new desginer

A lot of = lots of
PAY and CONDITIONS 薪水 & 条件

Salary 薪水 Payslip 工资单 Pay cut 减薪 >< pay rise 加薪

1. The salary for this job is 35,000$ A: When can I get my payslip? Every staff has to take a pay cut.
2. Your salary will be paid on the B: You can check it on Wecom I’m hoping to get a pay rise next year.
12th of each calendar month yourself on Tuesday.

Bonus 奖金 Benefits 利益,福利 Overtime pay 加班费

If the company has a good year, In addition to my salary, I get sick pay Mia works extra hours and
you can receive a bonus and medical benefits gets overtime pay
PRACTICE 3: Talk about your job
1. Do you like your current job? Why or why not
 Because customers find out many issues in a day
We need to deal with them every day, it’s tiring :疲惫 tired
2. Which kind of skills do you need to have?
 I need to have product management skill, QS audit skill, negotiation skill and the most
important/key skill is interpersonal skill
3. What is your main reponsibility/duty? / Which tasks are you responsible for?
My job includes/involves dealing with customers and auditting ISO 9001 & 14001 certifcates and so
I am currently 目前 /now responsible for/in charge of dealing….
4. Do you have to work a lot with other teams?
Yes, we have to discuss with other teams before and after the meeting
Discuss 讨论 align meeting
5. How often do you go on a business trip? I go on a business trip 5 times a month, sometimes I’m in
PRACTICE 3: Talk about the office

How many people are there in the pictures?

Are there three lights on the ceiling?

Glass ceiling

Where is the picture?  It’s on the wall

Are two staff working on PC?

 He is pointing at the ceiling
Don’t point at me like that 不要这样指我
Write an application letter
You should write:

1. Why do you write this letter?


2. What experience or skills so you have to

apply for this position?

3. When are you available for an interview?


4. Do you have an attached CV with this mail?


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