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Lesson 13

Suggestions & advice

提议 & 建议
 I suggest you should….( 我建议你应该做… .)
I suggest you should attend the meeting asap.
I suggest we should adjust the schedule so that we have more
time to prepare for the new product.

 I advise you to + 动词
I advise you to attend the meeting as soon as possible
I advise you to welcome customers to Guangzhou to do auditing
Charge fully
Part 1: Listening
impatient charge project disconnect impractical disagree misspell program
不耐心 充电 专案 断开 不实用 不同意 拼写错 项目,课程

◼ These desks are impractical, why don’t we buy new ones?

◼ The monitor keeps going on and off. Should I disconnect it?

◼ Don’t be impatient with your cell phone or tablet.

You should wait for it to charge fully before using it.
We should wait for the customer to give instructions before doing auditing

◼ John, why did you disagree with everything I said about this project?
Let’s sit down and talk about it. (Let’s talk about it later)

Let him finish the report first / Let’s finish the report together
/I will let you go: let ( 让,允许 )

◼ So many people misspell words in emails, how about getting a spell-check program?
Practice 1
Practice 2

Let’s do more promotion on social media

We could redesign the packaging for this product

What about hiring a software consultant?

Practice 3 :反义词
Part 2 : Speaking

01 03

Advice Advice
Your colleage is too
Suggestion Your team members make
too much noise in the office
worried before giving a The total lead time of auditing is 3 and you can’t concentrate
presentation, you say weeks, but next week is Tet
something to her. holiday so you want to adjust
schedule to fit in with the situation

Part 3: Writing





第一类条件句 (Conditional sentence)
在这些句子中, if 子句的时态要使用一般现在时,而主要子句是一般将来时。

条件子句 主要子句
if + 一般现在时 一般未来时
If you don't hurry, you will miss the train.
If it rains today, you will get wet.
If the product sells well ( 畅销 ) our company will gain a lot of profits
1. 如果审核结果不及格,我们需要重新做,直到满足客户的要求
If the audit result fails, we need to re-audit until it meets the customer’s requirements
2. 如果产能不达标的话,客户对 BU 的信任也会慢慢消失
If the productivity/production capacity fails to meet target, the customer will gradually lose trust in our BU
If we can’t get the product certificates on time, the customer won’t (will not) place new orders (下新订单)

Make a decision: 下决定

Revision: Giving opinions & advice
Revision: Giving opinions & advice
Revision: Giving opinions & advice
Revision: Problems at work
Revision: Problems at work

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