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Lesson 6

Personal qualities
Positive & negative adjectives
形容个人品质的褒义词 & 贬义词
Career ladder Sometimes, I am
Positive 褒义词
Motivated 有积极性

Ambitious 雄心勃勃
Helpful 乐于助人

Bright 聪明,学习快

Intelligent 聪明

Negative 贬义词
Impatient 不耐心

Lazy 懒惰

Impolite 不礼貌,粗鲁

Nervous 紧张不安

Boring 乏味无聊
Artificial Intelligence: AI
Additional adjectives
Hard-working Calm = cool-headed creative

Erika V. John S. Marie M.

She works 10 hours a day and He doesn’t feel nervous when She is a new designer. She always
always finishes her tasks before negotitaing with customers, he is a comes up with new ideas, she is a
leaving works. She is very ________ manager. ______ member.
描述某个人的品质 / 特质,结构如下
S + to be (am / is / are) + 形容词

My team leader is impolite and he is also very impatient

My co-workers say that I am really motivated and ambitious

The new young intern seems very intelligent and he is really polite

I’m very lucky. All my colleagues are hardworking and helpful

Subjective pronouns 主格代名词

He is my boss We need to ask him This car is mine

● 会议结束后,我要把会议记录发给老板  After the meeting, I have to send the meeting minute to him ( 受格) .

● 我的同事把他最喜欢的书送给她  My colleague gives his favorite book to her/to me/to them/to us

● This is my ( 形容词,不能独立) book  This book is mine (代词,可以独立)

● These (这些) are their reports  These reports are theirs (代词)
所有形容词 & 所有代名词练习
● I am proud of my excellent leadership and negotiation skill.

● I am proud of having a good understanding of production

-- 》 我为对生产有很深刻的了解而骄傲

● Input  output
Listening & Writing
听力 & 写作

patient skills work we Get along with

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