Qualitative Research Methods - Revised, Sept 2023

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Qualitative RESEARCH Methods;

a certificate training for academic staff &

Graduate Program Students

Berhan Meshesha (MPH.HEBS)

Associate Professor of HEALTH EDUCATION
School of Public Health,
05/02/2024 1
Qualitative Research Method
Training Outline
• Introductory Remarks

• Objective of The training

• Introduction to Qualitative Research

• Qualitative Sampling Techniques

• Qualitative Data Collection Methods

• Qualitative Data Analysis Methods

• Qualitative Report Writing

• Sample Qualitative Research Papers

05/02/2024 2
Qualitative Research Method
Introductory Remarks

What dictates Research METHOD
[Approach] choice ??

05/02/2024 3
Qualitative Research Method…
Introduction Remarks…

• Factors that dictate research method

(approach) choice:
• Objective of the study
• Resources available

• Expertise of the researcher(s)

• Study subjects available

• Urgency of the data required

05/02/2024 4
Qualitative Research Method…
Introductory Remarks …

• In spite of its applicability, however, few qualitative researches are

being undertaken at our college level in particular and at Hawassa

university level in general.

» RDD Sponsored researches, 2011: 03 out of 70: only


» Global Literature , 2011: only 12 %

» EPHA Conference[2023): No qualitative research out of

56 selected papers.
05/02/2024 5
Qualitative Research Method…
Introductory Remarks …
– The case of HU.RDD sponsored researches:
• limited expertise of researchers on qualitative research
• Demands better skill than quantitative
– In Health & Medical Science training both in graduate &
undergraduate programs
» MPH & BSC Health Education & Promotion Program of
» Masters of Public Health Program of UNIVERSITY OF
» Other possible limiting factors(??)

05/02/2024 6
Qualitative Research Method…
Introductory Remarks…

• This CERTIFICATE training was developed by team

of academic staff from SoPEH on October 2011
• Designed primarily for academic staff & Graduate
Program students of the college for 03 days
• Certification Requirement: Attendance(75-100%)

• Profile of the trainers: Qualified & Relevant

05/02/2024 7
Qualitative Research Method…
Introductory Remarks…

• Approved by SEC of HU on December 20/2011

through VPAR: one package.
• Directed to RDD for funding & further
arrangements, and hence the RDD released the
fund(almost 80,000 Eth Birr) on May 15/2012

05/02/2024 8
Qualitative Research Method…
Objective of the Training
General Objective
To develop Skill of instructors and graduate students on
engaged in qualitative research undertakings.
Specific Objectives
• To develop skill of instructors and graduate students on
• To develop Skill of instructors and graduate students on
METHODS of QUALITATIVE data analysis
05/02/2024 9
Qualitative Research Method…
Pre-TRAINING Test(10%)

CODE: _______________________

Academic Rank: ________________

Field of study/Specialty: ________________________________________

1- What makes QUALITATIVE research different from QUANTITATIVE research? State at least three differences

(1.5 marks).

2- Write at least four (4) Special features characteristics of QUALITATIVE RESEARCH (2 marks)

3-List three (3) methods of Data collection and three (3) techniques of sampling for QUALITATIVE RESEARCH (3


4. Which is more internally VALID and RELIABLE research (respectively)? (1 mark)

A. Qualitative and Quantitative C. Quantitative and Qualitative

B. Quantitative and Quantitative D. Qualitative and Qualitative

5- What is “SATURATION OF INFORMATION” in qualitative research? What is its implication in EXPLORATION

OF IDEA & Sample size? (2.5 marks) 10
Qualitative Research Method

What are Your experiences on

Qualitative Research undertakings &
expectations from this training ?

05/02/2024 11
Qualitative Research Method…

• Qualitative Research, which is also called HEALTH

PROMOTION RESEARCH, is a research type that
employs observation and analysis that are not or less
numerically measurable.
• It rather uses qualitative statements for analysis;
employs textual analysis theme by theme to explore
facts in natural social settings.
05/02/2024 12
Qualitative research Method…

• Qualitative research plays such a significant role

in promoting health by exploring & verifying the
complexities of values, beliefs, attitudes, and
• Qualitative research has its own strength and
limitations as in the case in quantitative research

05/02/2024 13
Qualitative Research Method…
• Highly valid

• Flexible

• Less Expensive

• Explorative

05/02/2024 14
Qualitative Research Method…

• Less reliable

• Less Generalieable

• Requires professionally Skilled personnel

• Requires IPC & Writing Skills

05/02/2024 15
Qualitative Research Method…
Qualitative Designs (?)
• Phenomenology

• Ethnography

• Grounded theory

• Case study

05/02/2024 16
Qualitative Research Method..
Qualitative Designs…

 Case Studies
◦ When in-depth interview is
repeatedly done on individual, it is
called a case study. A case could be a
person or a program

05/02/2024 17
Qualitative Research. Method...
Qualitative Designs…
 Ethnographic Studies
Ethnography has a background in anthropology. The term means “portrait of a people” and it

is a methodology for descriptive studies of cultures and peoples. The cultural parameter is

that the people under investigation have something in common. Examples of parameters

•geographical - a particular region or country



•shared experience

05/02/2024 18
Qualitative Research Method...
Qualitative Designs…

 Phenomenology

◦ Phenomenology literally means the study of

phenomena. It is a way of describing something that
exists as part of the world in which we live.
Phenomena may be events, situations, experiences or
concepts. We are surrounded by many phenomena,
which we are aware of but not fully understand.

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Qualitative Research Method...
Qualitative Designs…

 Grounded theory
◦ The main feature is the development of new theory
through the collection and analysis of data about a
phenomenon. It goes beyond phenomenology
because the explanations that emerge are genuinely
new knowledge and are used to develop new
theories about a phenomenon.
05/02/2024 20
Qualitative Research Method…
Qualitative Designs…

• The issue of triangulation

• The MIXED study:
• Research theories:
» The positivist theory( pro quantitative
» The Social constructivist theory( Pro qualitative)
» The Pragmatism theory( Pro mixed approach)
• Concurrent(Parallel )design
• Sequential( exploratory) design

05/02/2024 21
Health Promotion Research..
Problem: sample project
Narrated Qualitative Research Project:
on VCT; M.Berhan [JSD-2(1)2014,49-58 ]

In spite of its important role in the prevention

and control of HIV/AIDS, VCT service is being
utilized poorly (21.9%) by the youth(11).

May 2, 2024 22
Health Promotion Research..
Objective: sample project
Narrated Qualitative Research Project:
on VCT; M.Berhan [JSD-2(1)2014,49-58 ]
General objective
To assess factors influencing utilization of Voluntary HIV Counseling &Testing service among 18 to 24

years old adolescents Hawassa town community

Specific objectives
 To explore enhancing factors in utilization of VCT service

To explore inhibiting factors in utilization of VCT service

To assess levels of HIV risk perception & VCT benefit perception

May 2, 2024 23
Qualitative Research Method…
Home take Assignment
• Develop a concept paper on “Poor
institutional delivery service utilization in HU
teaching Referral Hospital”

Emphasis on: Statement of the PROBLEM, Objective,

Methods(sampling Techniques & data Collection)

05/02/2024 24
Qualitative Research Method…
Sampling Techniques

• Convenient sampling

• Homogenous sampling

• Critical case sampling

• Typical case sampling

• Criterion sampling

05/02/2024 25
Qualitative Research Method…
Sampling Techniques…
• Confirmatory or un confirmatory
• Extreme/ deviant case sampling
• Maximum variation

• Snow ball or chain sampling

• Opportunistic sampling

• Political case sampling

05/02/2024 26
Health Promotion Research..
Sampling: sample project

Narrated Qualitative Research Project:

on VCT; M.Berhan [JSD-2(1)2014,49-58 ]

A combination of convenient and

maximum variation sampling
technique was employed.
May 2, 2024 27
Qualitative Research Method…
Data Collection Methods
• Focus Group Discussion(FGD)

• In-depth Interview(IDI)

• Participant /Behavior

05/02/2024 28
Qualitative Research Method…
Data Collection Methods…
Focus Group Discussion(FGD)
• A qualitative data collection which brings together a small

homogenous group (usually six to twelve persons) to discuss

topics on the study agenda(more of Exploration).

• The purpose of the discussion is to stimulate participants to

reveal underlying opinions, attitudes and reasons for their

behavior- the “Whys” and “Hows” of human behavior.

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Qualitative Research Method…
Data Collection Methods…

• Advantage of FGDs
Not expensive

Reduces distance between target population

and facilitator
Probing is possible when the questions are
not clear
05/02/2024 30
Qualitative Research Method…
Data Collection Methods…
 Advantages…
 Brain storming and interaction may result in insight that
would not be obtained if participants were interviewed
 Quick results can be obtained

 The process allows expression of honest and spontaneous

responses rather than intellectual opinion
05/02/2024 31
Qualitative Research Method…
Data Collection Methods…
• Limitations of FGD
 Data obtained are not quantitative

 May not be truly representative

 May be influenced by moderators/facilitators

 Members/participants may be reserved or inhibited to discuss private


 The data do not enable to draw clear conclusion

 It is subjected to misuse through the absence of moderating /facilitating

05/02/2024 32
Qualitative Research Method
Data Collection Methods…
• Techniques of FGD
 a relaxed atmosphere,

 and the discussion is facilitated by an observer who

takes notes and arranges tape recording.
 Each session of FGD usually lasts between one to two
hours ideally but actually 60 to 90 minutes are enough
(an hour on average).
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Qualitative Research Method…
Data Collection Methods…
• The moderator has a very demanding role as a leader of the discussion,
and should do the following tasks;

 Directing the discussion,

 Encouraging participation,

 Building rapport,

 Maintaining flexibility, and

 Controlling the time allotted for each topic.

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Qualitative Research Method…
Data Collection Methods…
• Stages of FGD session

 Introduction stage

 Warm-up stage

Discussion stage

Wrap-up stage
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Qualitative Research Method…
Data Collection Methods…

• Exercise-1: Form different groups; identify

facilitator and record keeper to UNDERTAKE
one FGD session for each group. The areas
could be on Legalization of Abortion, Quality
Education & VCT service utilization You
may use an audio recorder (tape).Exercise it
for 30 minutes.
05/02/2024 36
Qualitative Research Method…
Data Collection Methods…
• In-Depth Interview(IDI)
 A qualitative data collection method which is used to
explore topics in greater depth and find out about
sensitive information it is also used to identify new
areas of information(more of Verification)
 When done in individual’s case it is also called a case
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Qualitative Research Method…
Data Collection Methods…

• At least 15 representative people should be

interviewed in this method for
• A case could be a person or a program

05/02/2024 38
Qualitative Research Method…
Data Collection Methods…
 Advantages of IDI
• There is an opportunity to probe individual
• There is an opportunity to discuss sensitive or
emotion laden issues
• There is an opportunity to interview hard – to -
reach audiences by going to their locality (home).
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Qualitative Research Method…
Data Collection Methods…
 Limitations of IDI

• It is time consuming method

• It doesn’t allow broad generalizations
• There could be interviewer influences

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Qualitative Research Method…
Data Collection Methods…
• Criteria for IDI
 Number needed

 Composition of interviewee

 Length of the interview

 Setting of the interview

 Interview feature

 Stage of the interview-

 Interviewer
05/02/2024 41
Qualitative Research Method…
Data Collection Methods…

• Exercise-2: Identify a key informant and an

interviewer, and UNDERTAKE one IDI session.
The areas could be on Legalization of
Abortion, Quality Education & VCT service
utilization You may use an audio recorder
(tape). Exercise it for 30 minutes.

05/02/2024 42
Qualitative Research Method…
Data Collection Methods…

• Participant/Behavior Observation

– To fully understand the complexities of

certain phenomena, merely relying on
surveying what people say is limited because
people may be unwilling to share important
details especially if they are sensitive.
05/02/2024 43
Qualitative Research Method…
Data Collection Methods…

• Here, direct participation in and observation

of the phenomena are critical.
• Participant Observations enable researchers
to go beyond the selective perceptions of
others and experience the setting firsthand.
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Qualitative Research Method…
Data Collection Methods…

• Participant observation is also called behavior

observation, and it has four (4) basic types of behavior
assessment techniques:
– Frequency recording (counting each occurrence of actions),

– Duration recording (measuring length of time of each action),

– Behavior products (counting physical products),

– Narrative recording (sequence description shortly).

05/02/2024 45
Qualitative Research Method…
Data Collection Methods…
– Advantages of Participant Observation

• Allows actual observation of behaviors

• Allows observation of antecedents

• Can be combined with other qualitative


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Qualitative Research Method…
Data Collection Methods…
• Limitation of participant observation

– Observer’s presence may affect or change

behavior(in case of open)
– The sample considered is usually small

– It may by pass obtaining consent of subject

05/02/2024 47
Health Promotion Research..
Data Collection: Sample project

Narrated Qualitative Research Project:

on VCT; M.Berhan [JSD-2(1)2014,49-58 ]
Data collection tools:
Semi-structured FGD and in – depth interview
guides. The FGD and the in-depth interview was
audio – taped

May 2, 2024 48
Qualitative Research Method…
Outline of study
Outline for Research Report
• Title
• Abstract
• Acknowledgement
• Table of contents
• Chapter -1- Introduction
– Problem statement
• Chapter -2- Literature Review
– Significance of the study
– Objectives of the study
• Chapter- 3- Methods and Materials
– Study design
– Study area and period
– Sample population
– Sampling technique and sample size
– Data collection instruments
– Data collection plan
– Data collectors
– Data Analysis plan
– Data Quality control measures
– Ethical issues consideration
– Result Dissemination plan
• Chapter- 4- Results
• Chapter- 5- Discussion
• Chapter -6- Conclusion & Recommendation
• • References
• • Appendices
• • Declaration
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Qualitative Research Method…

Age ________________________ Marital status ________

Sex ________________________ Educational status_____
Occupation _________________ Religion­­--------------

1. What do you know about VCT service situation of Hawassa town currently?
[Probe: Presence, Location, affordability, number of centers….]

2. Who do you think should be tested for HIV?

[Probe: unmarried, married, students, CSWs, others]

3. Why do you think people don’t want to be tested for HIV ?

[Probe: low risk perception, fear of coping, lake of care and support, bad altitude
towards the service, lack of ART, lack of trust of counselors………..]

4. What do you think motivate people to be tested for HIV?

[Probe: avoiding stress, changing life style, getting chance of abroad, marriage plan,
counselors’ persuasion, peer influence, religious leaders’ influence, health
professionals’ influence and job opportunity.------]
05/02/2024 50
Qualitative Research Method…
Home take Assignment

• Develop a concept paper on “Poor

institutional delivery service utilization in HU
teaching Referral Hospital”

Emphasis on: Statement of the PROBLEM, Objective,

Methods(sampling Techniques & data Collection

05/02/2024 51
Qualitative Research Method…

 Assuming that qualitative research can

not be considered to be internally
valid because it is not externally valid .
 Assuming that Convenient/purposive
sampling can be used in PURELY
quantitative research
05/02/2024 52
Qualitative Research Method…
. Misunderstandings…
 Assuming that qualitative research
FINDINGS can be used as sole evidence
for policy planning; beyond being
supplementary inputs for policy decision.

 Assuming that there is SINGLE best

research design/method
05/02/2024 53
Qualitative Research Method…
 Assuming that qualitative research is
more expensive than the quantitative one

 Assuming that qualitative research can

not be used for graduate program
thesis[ masters & PhD studies]

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Qualitative Research Method…

 Assuming that qualitative research is

not systematic and flexibility is always

 Considering that qualitative research

undertaking as a LEXURY exercise.

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Qualitative Research Method…
Data Analysis …

• The analysis( theme-by-theme) involves:

Category coding, Rating & ranking to
facilitate report writing(narratives).

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Qualitative Research Method…
Data Analysis …
 Manually( Thematic Framework : Coding
 Employing qualitative data management
Soft wares:
• Atlas.ti

• Nvivo
05/02/2024 57
Qualitative Research Method…
Data Analysis …

• Manual Analysis of Qualitative data:

• The following are required for the analysis:

 Field notes and debriefings (notes and comments on both verbal and

non-verbal exchanges)

 Session summaries (with in a day or two of the completion of data


05/02/2024 58
Qualitative Research Method…
Data Analysis …

Manual Analysis…
 Transcripts (documenting tape recorded data on note
 Log book (organizing the transcribed notes on table) and
 Thematic frame work analysis (identifying important
themes, coding categories, rating and ranking responses

05/02/2024 59
Qualitative Research Method…
Home take Assignment
• Develop a concept paper on “Poor
institutional delivery service utilization in HU
teaching Referral Hospital”

Emphasis on: Statement of the PROBLEM, Objective,

Methods(sampling Techniques , data Collection
methods & data analysis methods)

05/02/2024 60
Health Promotion Research..
Analysis: Sample project

Narrated Qualitative Research Project:

on VCT; M.Berhan [JSD-2(1)2014,49-58 ]

Manual analysis using thematic

framework(coding book) using
transcribed responses.
May 2, 2024 61
Health Promotion Research…
Analysis: sample project…VCT;
M.Berhan [JSD-2(1)2014,49-58 ]
CODED Response Categories Rating Responses Ranking
Th Male Youth Female Youth Street Boys Male Female Street Responses
Youth Youth Boys

(a) Fear of (a)Fear of (a)Fear of (a)Fear of (a)Fear of (a)Fear of a, b, a, b, a, b,

Inhib stigma stigma and stigma and stigma and stigma and stigma and
iting and discriminati discriminatio discrimination , discriminatio discriminatio c d, e e, f First:
facto discrimi on , n, (b) fear of n, n,
rs for nation , (b) fear of (b) fear of coping ,lack of (b) fear of (b) fear of
a, b
utiliz (b) fear of coping ,lack coping ,lack of awareness coping ,lack of coping ,lack of Second:
ation coping of awareness (d) Low HIV awareness awareness
of ,lack of awareness risk perception (c) Lack of
d, e
VCT awaren (f) awarness Third:
servi ess unaffordable
ce VCT service (e) High HIV c, f
(c) Lack of risk
awarness perception

May 2, 2024 62
Qualitative Research Method…
Data Analysis …


FGD audio record (the cassette to be provided
by the trainer) which is recorded during one
study on school youth to assess factors
influencing VCT service utilization: (specifically
practice the following two activities:
– Transcribe the audio message to text message
– Analyze the responses manually using CODING
05/02/2024 63
Qualitative Research Method…
Qualitative Report Writing
• Transcribed notes

• Thematic Analysis Summary

 Main Findings: Addressing Objective

 Quotable Quotes

 Method- by- Method write up

 Conclusion & Recommendations

May 2, 2024 64
Qualitative Research Method…
Report Writing…

• For complete report writing, the following

documents are required: the log book, codes from
transcripts, session summaries, field notes, debriefing notes and the

thematic frame work.

• The report should involve main findings

(responses) which are presented according to
topics or issues of interest.
05/02/2024 65
Qualitative Research Method…
Report Writing …

• Quotations should be used to illustrate

strongly expressed thoughts, beliefs, and
emotions by participants.
• In the case of FGD, It is the FGD that is taken
as a reference not individuals in the group !

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Qualitative Research Method…
Report Writing …

• Majority and minority feelings, as well as

apparent differences in feelings by
characteristics of respondents
• Based on the discussion of the findings, the
investigator may then be in a position to make
useful recommendations
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Qualitative Research Method…
Report Writing …
• In general, the reporting format should consist the
following points:
 Title of the study

 Objectives and methods, including data analysis

 Major findings in line with significant broad topics of the guides

 Discussion

 Conclusions

 Recommendations for interventions

05/02/2024 68
Health Promotion Research..
Qualitative Report writing
 Transcribed notes

 Thematic Analysis Summary

◦ Main Findings: Addressing Objective

◦ Quotable Quotes

◦ Method- by- Method write up

◦ Conclusion & Recommendations

05/02/2024 69
Health Promotion Research..
Report: sample project

Narrated Qualitative Research Project:

on VCT; M.Berhan [JSD-2(1)2014,49-58 ]
The explorations made by the FGDs were also made verified & further explored by IDIs of key
informants: a total of 13 key informants’ interviews, out of the planned 15, were undertaken
because saturation of information. Each interview lasted 30 minutes on average and conducted in
private settings. The key informants involved were counselors, PLWHAs, religious leaders,
community leaders, CSWs, and street boys. Age of the key informants ranges from 18 to 60 years.

May 2, 2024 70
Health Promotion Research..
Report: sample project

Narrated Qualitative Research Project:

on VCT; M.Berhan [JSD-2(1)2014,49-58 ]
Theme: 1. whom should be tested for HIV?

On the discussion made among participants on whom to be tested for HIV, majority of the
participants in most of the FGDs cited that everybody should be tested regardless of age, sex and
occupation. This finding was also verified by the IDI’s findings:
May 2, 2024 71
Health Promotion Research..
Report: sample project

Narrated Qualitative Research Project:

on VCT; M.Berhan [JSD-2(1)2014,49-58 ]
A 37 years old protestant church Pastor, when expressing his deep concern said: “It is only for
couples who need to marry that HIV testing is encouraged and requested by our church; I think
that the already married couples, who lead peaceful life and take the necessary preventive
measures that the tested person would have taken, need not undertake the test, If the HIV testing
leads to revenge, suicide, family and marriage distortion and social interaction break down, which
were not problems before the test, I don’t think that the test is no more important”.

May 2, 2024 72
Health Promotion Research..
Report: sample project
Narrated Qualitative Research Project:
on VCT; M.Berhan [JSD-2(1)2014,49-58 ]
Theme: 2. Inhibiting factors for VCT service Utilization:

Concerning the factors which inhibit the utilization of VCT service, fear of stigma and
discrimination and fear of coping with positive HIV test result were identified in all of the FGDs,
and high HIV risk perception was identified in most of the FGDs
May 2, 2024 73
Health Promotion Research..
Report: sample project

Narrated Qualitative Research Project:

on VCT; M.Berhan [JSD-2(1)2014,49-58 ]

while lack of awareness, low risk perception and Lack of trust on BOTH the validity &
confidentiality of the TEST were identified as important factors in some of the FGDs.

May 2, 2024 74
Health Promotion Research..
Report: sample project
Narrated Qualitative Research Project:
on VCT; M.Berhan [JSD-2(1)2014,49-58 ]
A 60 years old Orthodox Church Priest capitalized on importance of Care & support
services to PLWHA, and said: “When people are tested for HIV in seeking Care &
support, if they are positive for the test, and not given the required support, they & other
people lack trust on the service & the government commitment; I think the government
should work harder in this regard!!”

May 2, 2024 75
Health Promotion Research..
Report: sample project ….
Theme: 3. Enhancing factors for VCT service Utilization:

The study has identified having marriage plan and presence of Care & Support
(ART) as enhancing factors for the utilization of the VCT service in almost all of
the FGD sessions, and high HIV risk perception and persuasion by health
professionals were identified as important factors in most of the FGDs, while
occurrence of repeated illness and planning for future life were identified in
some of the FGDs. Other factors raised during the discussion include DV lottery,
raised awareness level, importance of knowing HIV status and peer influence.
An 18 years old grade 9 male student, gazing and laughing at one of his friends,
when arguing against the idea of his friend on importance of peer influence,
said: “You see, It is you that should start being faithful to your partner even if
you think that she may not be faithful to you so that you can influence her & be
a model to other friends of yours!”

05/02/2024 76
Health Promotion Research..
Report: sample project…
The issue of HIV risk perception level, generally, was a debatable topic in 1/3 of the
FGDs in that some of the participants considered high HIV risk perception as
enhancing factor for the utilization of VCT service while other participants
considered it rather as an inhibiting factor for which a consensus was not reached
through out the discussion sessions. It was noted that, there was no clear variation
across the different population sub-groups (strata) in identifying fear of stigma and
discrimination as inhibiting factors, and having marriage plan and presence of ART
as enhancing factor for utilizations of the VCT service in the area.
The Key informants, in most of the IDIs, also verified that marriage plan and
presence of Care & Support (ART) are important enhancing factors for the
utilization of the VCT service: almost all counselors identified marriage plan, and
some of the counselors mentioned Professional risk(exposure) , raised awareness
and knowledge of people as a result of shared experiences from PLWHA who are on
ART, influence of religious leaders, persuasion by health professionals (PIHCT
approach) and changing friends(sexual partners) as most important enhancing
factors for VCT service utilization among youth.

05/02/2024 77
Health Promotion Research..
Recommendation: sample project

Narrated Qualitative Research Project:

on VCT; M.Berhan [JSD-2(1)2014,49-58 ]
 I.E.C/ B.C.C interventions on HIV/AIDS prevention and VCT utilization

 Advocacy, at a local level ,should be made in favor of the “voluntary”

component of VCT against the inappropriate implementation of PIHCT

 Further study involving QUANTITATIVE METHOD should be undertaken

on HIV risk perception

May 2, 2024 78
Qualitative Research Method…
Sample Research Reports

• Refer to the Sample Reports:

 On the Training Guide

 On the Publication

05/02/2024 79
Qualitative Research Method…
Post-TRAINING Test(10)

Name: _______________________

Academic Rank: ________________

Field of study/Specialty: ________________________________________

1- What makes QUALITATIVE research different from QUANTITATIVE research? State at least three

differences (1.5 marks).

2- Write at least four (4) Special features/characteristics of QUALITATIVE RESEARCH (2 marks)

3-List three (3) methods of Data collection and three (3) techniques of sampling for QUALITATIVE RESEARCH

(3 marks)

4. Which is more internally VALID and RELIABLE research (respectively)? (1 mark)

A. Qualitative and Quantitative C. Quantitative and Qualitative

B. Quantitative and Quantitative D. Qualitative and Qualitative

5- What is “SATURATION OF INFORMATION” in qualitative research? What is its implication in

05/02/2024EXPLORATION OF IDEA & Sample size? (2.5 marks) 80
Qualitative Research Method…
Group Work on FGD
• Presentation Outline
 How the FGD was Organized & started ?
 Techniques used to make it Participatory?
 How Recording Process was managed?
 What IDEAS were explored from the FGD?
 Debatable issue(S) during the discussion?
 How the FGD was Wrapped -up ?
 WHAT Lesson did you draw from the session?
05/02/2024 81
Qualitative Research Method…
Group Work on IDI

• Presentation Outline
 Which thematic area did you identify?
 How many guides did you develop?
What IDEAS were explored from the IDI?
WHAT Lesson did you draw from the

05/02/2024 82
Let us appreciate the difference to
make a difference !!!!

05/02/2024 83

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