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M404 UNIT 3

3.2 Relevance of Education Technology with Difference
Education Technology
Technology Education is also called the Study of Technology or Technological
Studies. Technology Education teaches about technology as an educational area
of content. Technology Education is concerned with a broad spectrum of
technology, which is any innovation, change, or modification of the natural
environment to satisfy perceived human needs and wants, and how technology
accomplishes this through the interrelated disciplines of math, science,
engineering, and others. The primary goal of Technology Education in grades K—
12 is to develop technological literacy in all students. Technological literacy is the
ability to use, manage, understand, and evaluate technology in general. The most
important thing is mentorship which is best done by Skill Pal. Mentorship is the
new age term of Education technology. Without any life coaches, you can’t go
towards success. So join Skill Pal to develop new ideas in your mind. Any amateur
can get life coaches through Skill Pal and set goals.
Educational Technology focuses on the use of computers, information systems,
audiovisual equipment, and other media. Educational Technology is also called
Instructional Technology or Information Technology (IT) Educational Technology is
mainly concerned with the narrow spectrum of technologies used for
communication and the dissemination of information. Educational Technology
teaches through technology, instructing students in the use of a relatively small set
of tools developed by technology. Education is increasingly becoming high tech. All
the things that are happening in the world of technology are directly impacting
education and learning systems. People who act as a mentor usually supposed to
say something as free. But if you go to an expert mentor he or she maybe ask for
some payment. SkillPal is here to provide expert mentors. On this platform of
SkillPal, mentors supposed to provide knowledge and ideas against some money.
You can get a shout out video message regarding mentorship. This personalized
video will help to develop your plans and ideas. The mode of learning is changing
vastly with technological advancement students become more brilliant in
education and have versatility in knowledge. Various tools and avenues create
with the aim of delivering training and learning to learners more efficiently.
Educational technology examples are several that bring knowledge to the people
making them knowledgeable.
Learning methodologies and experiences should never be the same for everyone, but
the earlier education systems could never accommodate the custom learning
experience as there were too many limitations. Thanks to modern technology in
education, we can really initiate custom teaching and learning methodologies and
experiences in our present-day educational infrastructure. With modern gadgets and
interfaces, now one can initiate learning based on their need, preference, and
availability. Instead of the one-size-fits-all approach to classroom education, mobile
apps development for education unleashed a new way of need-based learning. For
instance, a junior surgeon now can seek guidance for a critical procedure during the
operation right through his mobile app.
More than any other technology, cloud computing unlocked the door of high tech
education. The anytime-anywhere accessibility of information stored in remote cloud
servers of the apps made it possible to access courseware and educational materials
from any device and from anywhere. You can continue reading a book and
collaborate with other students and teachers about your homework just through any
device and at any time. Besides the ease of access and collaboration, cloud-based
education apps solved the problem of storing data as well. A vast majority of devices
and app platforms are now coming with virtual assistant apps and features like
Apple’s Siri. Such smart assistants responding to voice commands make things even
easier for learning. Moreover, the speech-to-text feature, coming with most devices,
makes note-taking and writing even more comfortable and fast-paced.
Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality have come as s big boost to online education.
Thanks to VR and AR learners can actually get an immersive learning experience
without needing to move their legs too much. If you want to learn about space
objects just by running a 3D space video on your VR headgear, you can float in
space while a background voice continues depicting you the Milky Way in detail.
Similarly, real-time broadcasting of critical surgical operations allows medical
students to learn through a more immersive experience.
Thanks to the increasing pace of high tech adoption of the educational system,
learning data is increasingly becoming important to drive decisions and make
decision-making procedures easier. The huge volume of education information and
data give birth to learning analytics, as it is increasingly important to assess and
evaluate student engagement, traction, and learning output. In the near future, we
can see learning analytics warning teachers about certain issues, warning students
about deadlines and their progress, etc. Eventually, learning systems will dictate the
way education is remitted by teachers and experienced by learners. Learning
analytics will boost learner engagement in education more than anything else.
A mentor of SkillPal can help you advance within your field and connect you with
opportunities that you might not have otherwise had access to. They do this by
sharing their knowledge, helping you identify opportunities in your path, and
potentially opening doors for you when the time comes. Almost every great
achiever in history has claimed that they had a great mentor at some point
during their rise to excellence. Mentorship is a valuable tool for turning one’s
vision into reality. SkillPal Mentors are expected to guide and advise their
mentees, helping them build a successful career or gain a solid footing within a
certain organization. Typically, a mentor has one mentee at a time and can focus
on shaping their trajectory. Skilled immigrants and international students who
want to quickly advance in their career in a new country should take advantage
of mentorships.

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