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 Vendedor: Good afternoon Miss, Welcome
to Mobile Club, what type of cell phone are
you looking for?
 Comprador 1: Good afternoon, thank you
very much, I’m looking for a Iphone. Which
one has the best battery?
 Vendedor: I recommend the most recent
iPhone, iPhone 15 pro max, it has the best
battery than the iPhone 14 pro max.
 Comprador 1: How much does it cost?
 Vendedor: It’s costs $1,300.
 Comprador 1: Do you accept credit cards?
 Vendedor: Yes, We do.
 Comprador 1: Perfect, I'll take it
 Vendedor: You can go to the cashier to
cancel, it was a pleasure for me to serve
 Vendedor: Good afternoon Miss, Welcome to Mobile
Club, How can I help you?
 Comprador 2: Good afternoon, thank you very much,
I’m looking for a Cellphone. Which is the cheapest?
 Vendedor: The Alcatel 1V. But it’s not the better.
How much do you want to spend?
 Comprador 2: No more than $150.
 Vendedor: Well, I can recommend the Xiami redmi
10C, which is on sale this day for $150.
 Comprador 2: Seriously, it's perfect for me.
 Vendedor: I know you won't regret taking that offer.
Xiami redmi 10C is a much better cell phone than the
Alcatel 1V.
 Comprador: Thank you very much, where do I pay?
 Vendedor: Please come with me, I will help you with
your payment.

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