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Combattin9 Ma laria: • • • • •
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Strate9ies for Prevention and • •
• • • ••

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Introduction • • • •
• • • •
Malaria is a life-threatening disease
caused by parasites transmitted to • • •
people through the bites of infected lI

female Anopheles mosquitoes. This

presentation will explore strategies for
prevention and treatment.


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Conclusion • • • • •
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Combatting malaria requires a multi-faceted approach encompassing prevention,
• • •
treatment, research, innovation, and community engagement. By working together, we can
make significant strides in reducing the global burden of malaria and saving lives.

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Research and Innovation • • •

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Ongoing research aims to develop new tools for malaria prevention

and treatment, including next-generation insecticides, vaccines, and
diagnostic technologies. Innovative approaches are essential to
combat the evolving challenges of malaria control.

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Thanks! •

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Malaria Prevention • • •
• •
Effective prevention strategies include the •
use•of• • •
insecticide-treated bed nets, indoor residual
spraying, and preventive medication for high­risk
individuals. Community education and awareness
are also crucial in preventing malaria transmission.
Engaging local communities in malaria control efforts is vital for sustainable
impact. Empowering community health workers, involving local leaders, and
promoting community ownership of prevention and treatment initiatives are key
to success.

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Treatment Options • • • ••
• •
Prompt and effective treatment is •
essential to prevent severe illness and death.
Antimalarial medications such as
artemisinin-based combination therapies
are the primary treatment for
uncomplicated malaria. Early
diagnosis and access to healthcare facilities

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