Introduction To Environmental Science

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Objectives Objectives
W Define the term environment ,nd Environmental Science
,nd identify some import,nt environment, concerns th,t we
f,ce tod,y;
Exp,in the 8cientific method ,nd how to ,ppy it to probem
Exp,in how 8tati8tic8 ,nd 5robability c,n be used in
Environment, Science;
Underst,nd how analytical, creative, critical, logical ,nd
reflective thinking differ;
Summ,rize some m,jor environmental dilemma8 ,nd issues
th,t sh,pe our current environment, ,gend,; ,nd,
Discuss the impic,tions of 8:8tainability ,nd 8:8tainable

The P,net E,rth The P,net E,rth
W W Unique in the universe Unique in the universe
(?) (?)
W W Mid, re,tivey const,nt Mid, re,tivey const,nt
temper,tures temper,tures
W W Biogeochemic, cyces Biogeochemic, cyces
W W Miions of species Miions of species
W W Diverse, sef Diverse, sef- -sust,ining sust,ining
communities communities

Environment is the
circumstances and
conditions that surround an
organism or a group of
Environmental science is
the systematic study of our
environment and our place
in it.
Ecology is the study of an
organism or organisms, the
impact of the environment
on them, and their impact
on the environment.
Environment, Science

Science ,s , W,y of Knowing Science ,s , W,y of Knowing
W W Modern science h,s Modern science h,s
its roots in ,ntiquity its roots in ,ntiquity
W W Greek phiosophers Greek phiosophers
W W Ar,bic Ar,bic
m,them,tici,ns ,nd m,them,tici,ns ,nd
,stronomers ,stronomers
W W Chinese n,tur,ists Chinese n,tur,ists
1he LarLh ls a uynamlc 1he LarLh ls a uynamlc
laneL ConsLanL sLaLe laneL ConsLanL sLaLe
of Change of Change

LarLh's lmpacLs on Pumans LarLh's lmpacLs on Pumans
LarLhquakes LarLhquakes
volcanlc AcLlvlLy volcanlc AcLlvlLy
1ecLonlc laLe MovemenL 1ecLonlc laLe MovemenL
CllmaLe Change CllmaLe Change
Ccean CurrenL and ClrculaLlon Changes Ccean CurrenL and ClrculaLlon Changes
WeaLher LvenLs WeaLher LvenLs
llre llre

uotes to th|nk about regard|ng Lco|ogy uotes to th|nk about regard|ng Lco|ogy
1he reasonab|e man adapts h|mse|f to the 1he reasonab|e man adapts h|mse|f to the
wor|d the unreasonab|e one pers|sts |n try|ng wor|d the unreasonab|e one pers|sts |n try|ng
to adapt the wor|d to h|mse|f to adapt the wor|d to h|mse|f
1herefore a|| progress depends on the 1herefore a|| progress depends on the
unreasonab|e man unreasonab|e man
eorge 8ernard Shaw eorge 8ernard Shaw

10 10
11 11
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
;uoLes Lo Lhlnk abouL regardlng 1echnology ;uoLes Lo Lhlnk abouL regardlng 1echnology
1he on|y two th|ngs that are |nf|n|te |n s|ze are 1he on|y two th|ngs that are |nf|n|te |n s|ze are
the un|verse and human stup|d|ty And Im not the un|verse and human stup|d|ty And Im not
comp|ete|y sure about the un|verse comp|ete|y sure about the un|verse
A|bert L|nste|n A|bert L|nste|n
1 1
Scientific Investig,tion Scientific Investig,tion
W W Deductive vs. inductive re,soning Deductive vs. inductive re,soning
W W Hypothesis Hypothesis - - , condition, , condition,
exp,n,tion th,t c,n be verified or exp,n,tion th,t c,n be verified or
f,sified f,sified
W W Scientific theory Scientific theory ,n exp,n,tion th,t ,n exp,n,tion th,t
is supported by ,n overwheming is supported by ,n overwheming
body of d,t, ,nd experience body of d,t, ,nd experience
SclenLlflc MeLhod SclenLlflc MeLhod
- - CbservaLlon CbservaLlon
- - roblem SLaLemenL roblem SLaLemenL
- - PypoLhesls PypoLhesls
- - LxperlmenL LxperlmenL (1esLs 1he PypoLhesls) (1esLs 1he PypoLhesls)
- - LvaluaLlon LvaluaLlon (o over Lhe resulLs of Lhe (o over Lhe resulLs of Lhe
experlmenL and accepL or re[ecL Lhe PypoLhesls) experlmenL and accepL or re[ecL Lhe PypoLhesls)
- - 1heory 1heory
- - ubllsh 8esulLs ubllsh 8esulLs
1 1
1 1
Modes ,nd N,tur, Experiments Modes ,nd N,tur, Experiments
Modes Modes
W W Simu,te re, environment, systems; Simu,te re, environment, systems;
W W C,n be physic, or m,them,tic,; C,n be physic, or m,them,tic,;
W W Provide Provide heuristic inform,tion (suggestions of heuristic inform,tion (suggestions of
how things MIGHT be); ,nd how things MIGHT be); ,nd
W W Are infuenced by rese,rchers' ,ssumptions. Are infuenced by rese,rchers' ,ssumptions.
N,tur, Experiments N,tur, Experiments
W W G,thering of historic evidence; ,nd G,thering of historic evidence; ,nd
W W Conducted by scientists who c,n't test their Conducted by scientists who c,n't test their
hypotheses directy hypotheses directy
0 0
W W In some w,ys, chidren ,re In some w,ys, chidren ,re
the "utim,te" pr,ctic, the "utim,te" pr,ctic, pre pre- -conceived conceived
bi,s in their investig,tions. bi,s in their investig,tions.
W W However, Society uses However, Society uses
numbers, c,ed "st,tistics" to numbers, c,ed "st,tistics" to
et you ev,u,te ,nd comp,re et you ev,u,te ,nd comp,re
things. Inform,tion known by things. Inform,tion known by
ony one person isn't usefu ony one person isn't usefu
to Society, ,nd to Society, ,nd
communic,tion is essenti,. communic,tion is essenti,.
%hi8 i8 one rea8on why %hi8 i8 one rea8on why
8cienti8t8 are rewarded 8o 8cienti8t8 are rewarded 8o
m:ch for 5:bli8hing in m:ch for 5:bli8hing in
8cientific jo:rnal8 'P:bli8h or 8cientific jo:rnal8 'P:bli8h or
Peri8h" i8 a real threat in Peri8h" i8 a real threat in
academia academia..
Open Minds ,re Le,rning Minds Open Minds ,re Le,rning Minds
1 1
St,tistics ,nd Prob,biity St,tistics ,nd Prob,biity
Qu,ntit,tive d,t, Qu,ntit,tive d,t,
W W Precise ,nd e,siy comp,red; ,nd Precise ,nd e,siy comp,red; ,nd
W W Good benchm,rks for me,suring ch,nge. Good benchm,rks for me,suring ch,nge.
Prob,biity Prob,biity
W W Me,sure of how ikey something is; ,nd Me,sure of how ikey something is; ,nd
W W High degree of scientific cert,inty: 95% High degree of scientific cert,inty: 95%
prob,biity. prob,biity.
St,tistics St,tistics
W W Import,nt too in both p,nning ,nd ev,u,ting Import,nt too in both p,nning ,nd ev,u,ting
scientific studies; ,nd scientific studies; ,nd
W W S,mpe size, number of repic,tions import,nt. S,mpe size, number of repic,tions import,nt.

P,r,digms ,nd Scientific P,r,digms ,nd Scientific
Consensus Consensus
P,r,digms P,r,digms
W W Over,rching modes of the word th,t guide our Over,rching modes of the word th,t guide our
interpret,tion of events interpret,tion of events
W W Ex,mpes: tectonic p,te movement, Einstein's Ex,mpes: tectonic p,te movement, Einstein's
theory of re,tivity theory of re,tivity
P,r,digm shift P,r,digm shift
W W Occurs when , m,jority of scientists ,ccept th,t the Occurs when , m,jority of scientists ,ccept th,t the
od exp,n,tion no onger exp,ins new od exp,n,tion no onger exp,ins new
observ,tions very we observ,tions very we
W W P,r,digm shifts ,re sometimes contentious ,nd P,r,digm shifts ,re sometimes contentious ,nd
poitic,. poitic,.

P,rt 3: Thinking About Thinking P,rt 3: Thinking About Thinking

1ab|e 13 Steps |n Cr|t|ca| 1h|nk|ng 1ab|e 13 Steps |n Cr|t|ca| 1h|nk|ng

Appying Critic, Thinking Appying Critic, Thinking
W W Identify ,nd ev,u,te premises ,nd Identify ,nd ev,u,te premises ,nd
concusions in ,n ,rgument; concusions in ,n ,rgument;
W W Acknowedge ,nd c,rify uncert,inties, Acknowedge ,nd c,rify uncert,inties,
v,gueness, equivoc,tion, ,nd v,gueness, equivoc,tion, ,nd
contr,dictions; contr,dictions;
W W Distinguish between f,cts ,nd v,ues; Distinguish between f,cts ,nd v,ues;
W W Recognize ,nd ,ssess ,ssumptions; Recognize ,nd ,ssess ,ssumptions;
W W Distinguish source rei,biity or Distinguish source rei,biity or
unrei,biity; ,nd unrei,biity; ,nd
W W Recognize ,nd underst,nd conceptu, Recognize ,nd underst,nd conceptu,
fr,meworks. fr,meworks.

$teps in Critical Thinking $teps in Critical Thinking
W W Identify ,nd ev,u,te premises ,nd Identify ,nd ev,u,te premises ,nd
concusions in ,n ,rgument. concusions in ,n ,rgument.
W W Acknowedge ,nd c,rify uncert,inties, Acknowedge ,nd c,rify uncert,inties,
v,gueness, equivoc,tion, ,nd v,gueness, equivoc,tion, ,nd
contr,dictions. contr,dictions.
W W Distinguish between f,cts ,nd v,ues. Distinguish between f,cts ,nd v,ues.
W W Recognize ,nd ,ssess ,ssumptions. Recognize ,nd ,ssess ,ssumptions.
W W Distinguish source rei,biity or unrei,biity. Distinguish source rei,biity or unrei,biity.
W W Recognize ,nd underst,nd conceptu, Recognize ,nd underst,nd conceptu,
fr,meworks. fr,meworks.

History of History of
Conserv,tion Conserv,tion
,nd ,nd
Environ Environ- -
ment,ism ment,ism

Our Conserv,tion ,nd Environment,ism Our Conserv,tion ,nd Environment,ism
History h,s four Distinct St,ges: History h,s four Distinct St,ges:
Pr,gm,tic Resource Conserv,tion Pr,gm,tic Resource Conserv,tion
Mor, ,nd Aesthetic N,ture Preserv,tion Mor, ,nd Aesthetic N,ture Preserv,tion
Modern Environment,ism Modern Environment,ism
Gob, Environment, Citizenship Gob, Environment, Citizenship

Pr,gm,tic Resource Pr,gm,tic Resource
Conserv,tion Conserv,tion
President Theodore Roosevet President Theodore Roosevet ,nd his chief ,nd his chief
conserv,tion ,dvisor, conserv,tion ,dvisor, Gifford Pinchot Gifford Pinchot, beieved in , beieved in
utiit,ri,n conserv,tion. utiit,ri,n conserv,tion.
orests shoud be s,ved so they c,n be used to orests shoud be s,ved so they c,n be used to
provide homes ,nd jobs. provide homes ,nd jobs.
Shoud be used for "the gre,test good for the Shoud be used for "the gre,test good for the
gre,test number, for the ongest time." gre,test number, for the ongest time."
0 0
Mor, ,nd Aesthetic N,ture Mor, ,nd Aesthetic N,ture
Preserv,tion Preserv,tion
John Muir John Muir, first president of the Sierr, Cub, , first president of the Sierr, Cub,
opposed Pinchot's utiit,ri,n poicies. opposed Pinchot's utiit,ri,n poicies.
Biocentric Biocentric Preserv,tion Preserv,tion
emph,sizes the fund,ment, right of , emph,sizes the fund,ment, right of ,
org,nisms to pursue their own interests org,nisms to pursue their own interests
1 1
Modern Environment,ism Modern Environment,ism
R,che C,rson's R,che C,rson's Silent S5ring Silent S5ring (1962) (1962) st,rted st,rted
the modern environment, movement. the modern environment, movement.
,w,kened the pubic to thre,ts of ,w,kened the pubic to thre,ts of
poution ,nd toxic chemic,s to hum,ns poution ,nd toxic chemic,s to hum,ns
,s we ,s other species ,s we ,s other species
modern environment,ism extends modern environment,ism extends
concerns to incude both n,tur, concerns to incude both n,tur,
resources ,nd environment, poution resources ,nd environment, poution..

Gob, Concerns Gob, Concerns
Incre,sed tr,ve ,nd communic,tion en,bes Incre,sed tr,ve ,nd communic,tion en,bes
peope to know ,bout d,iy events in p,ces peope to know ,bout d,iy events in p,ces
unknown in previous gener,tions. unknown in previous gener,tions.
Gob, environment,ism is the recognition Gob, environment,ism is the recognition
th,t we sh,re one environment th,t is common to th,t we sh,re one environment th,t is common to
, hum,ns. , hum,ns.

Current Environment, Conditions Current Environment, Conditions
W W H,f the word's wet,nds were ost in the ,st 100 H,f the word's wet,nds were ost in the ,st 100
ye,rs. ye,rs.
W W L,nd conversion ,nd ogging h,ve shrunk the L,nd conversion ,nd ogging h,ve shrunk the
word's forests by ,s much ,s 50%. word's forests by ,s much ,s 50%.
W W Ne,ry three Ne,ry three- -qu,rters of the word's m,jor m,rine qu,rters of the word's m,jor m,rine
fish stocks ,re over fish stocks ,re over- -fished or ,re being h,rvested fished or ,re being h,rvested
beyond , sust,in,be r,te. beyond , sust,in,be r,te.
W W Soi degr,d,tion h,s ,ffected two Soi degr,d,tion h,s ,ffected two- -thirds of the thirds of the
word's ,gricutur, ,nds in the ,st 50 ye,rs. word's ,gricutur, ,nds in the ,st 50 ye,rs.

M,jor C,uses of Environment, M,jor C,uses of Environment,
Degr,d,tion Degr,d,tion
(1) Popu,tion Growth
W W Amost 6.5 biion peope now occupy the Amost 6.5 biion peope now occupy the
e,rth, ,nd we ,re ,dding ,bout 85 miion e,rth, ,nd we ,re ,dding ,bout 85 miion
more e,ch ye,r. more e,ch ye,r.
W W In the next dec,de, most popu,tion growth In the next dec,de, most popu,tion growth
wi be in the poorer countries wi be in the poorer countries - - countries countries
where present popu,tions ,re,dy str,in where present popu,tions ,re,dy str,in
resources ,nd services resources ,nd services

W W burning of fossi fues burning of fossi fues
W W destruction of tropic, destruction of tropic,
r,inforests ,nd other r,inforests ,nd other
bioogic,y rich bioogic,y rich
,ndsc,pes ,ndsc,pes
W W production of toxic w,stes production of toxic w,stes
(2) Resource Extr,ction ,nd Use
M,jor C,uses of Environment,
Degr,d,tion (cont'd)

M,jor C,uses of Environment, M,jor C,uses of Environment,
Degr,d,tion (cont'd): Acid Deposition Degr,d,tion (cont'd): Acid Deposition

P,rt 6: Hum,n Dimensions of P,rt 6: Hum,n Dimensions of
Environment, Science Environment, Science
W W More th,n 1.3 biion peope ive in ,cute poverty, More th,n 1.3 biion peope ive in ,cute poverty,
with ,n income of ess th,n $1 (US) per d,y. with ,n income of ess th,n $1 (US) per d,y.
These peope gener,y ,ck ,ccess to ,n These peope gener,y ,ck ,ccess to ,n
,dequ,te diet, decent housing, b,sic s,nit,tion, ,dequ,te diet, decent housing, b,sic s,nit,tion,
ce,n w,ter, educ,tion, medic, c,re, ,nd other ce,n w,ter, educ,tion, medic, c,re, ,nd other
essenti,s. essenti,s.
W W our out of five peope in the word ive in wh,t our out of five peope in the word ive in wh,t
woud be considered poverty in industri,ized woud be considered poverty in industri,ized
countries. countries.
W W The word's poorest peope ,re often forced to The word's poorest peope ,re often forced to
meet short meet short- -term surviv, needs ,t the cost of ong term surviv, needs ,t the cost of ong- -
term sust,in,biity term sust,in,biity

The Americ,n Lifestye The Americ,n Lifestye
To get ,n ,ver,ge Americ,n through the To get ,n ,ver,ge Americ,n through the
d,y t,kes d,y t,kes
,bout 1,000 pounds of r,w m,teri,s, ,bout 1,000 pounds of r,w m,teri,s,
incuding incuding
W W 40 pounds of fossi fues 40 pounds of fossi fues
W W 22 pounds of wood ,nd p,per 22 pounds of wood ,nd p,per
W W 119 g,ons of w,ter. 119 g,ons of w,ter.
Every ye,r, Americ,ns throw ,w,y some Every ye,r, Americ,ns throw ,w,y some
160 miion 160 miion
tons of g,rb,ge, incuding tons of g,rb,ge, incuding
W W 50 miion tons of p,per 50 miion tons of p,per
W W 67 biion c,ns ,nd bottes 67 biion c,ns ,nd bottes
W W 18 biion dispos,be di,pers. 18 biion dispos,be di,pers.
0 0
.and may we continue to be worthy of consuming a disproportionate share of this planet's resources
1 1
Sust,in,biity Sust,in,biity Sust,in,biity Sust,in,biity
How c,n the n,tions of the word produce the goods
,nd services needed to improve ife for everyone
without overt,xing the environment, systems ,nd
n,tur, resources on which we , depend?
$ustainable development:
progress in human well-being that we can extend or prolong
over many generations, rather than just a few years.
To be truy enduring, the benefits of sust,in,be
deveopment must be ,v,i,be to , hum,ns, not just
to the members of , privieged group.

Indigenous Peopes Indigenous Peopes
Indigenous peopes ,re gener,y Indigenous peopes ,re gener,y
,mong the e,st powerfu, most ,mong the e,st powerfu, most
negected groups. negected groups.
In m,ny countries, tr,dition, In m,ny countries, tr,dition,
c,ste systems, discrimin,tory c,ste systems, discrimin,tory
,ws, economics, or ,ws, economics, or
prejudices repress prejudices repress
indigenous peopes. indigenous peopes.
In m,ny p,ces, indigenous In m,ny p,ces, indigenous
peope in tr,dition, peope in tr,dition,
home,nds gu,rd home,nds gu,rd
undisturbed h,bit,ts ,nd r,re undisturbed h,bit,ts ,nd r,re
species. species.
Recognizing n,tive ,nd Recognizing n,tive ,nd
rights m,y s,fegu,rd rights m,y s,fegu,rd
ecoogic, processes. ecoogic, processes.

Summ,ry: Summ,ry:
W W Environment, Science Environment, Science
W W Science As , W,y of Knowing Science As , W,y of Knowing
Scientific Design Scientific Design- -Scientific Method Scientific Method
Re,soning (Open Minds) Re,soning (Open Minds)
Scientific Theory (Pure ,s possibe) Scientific Theory (Pure ,s possibe)
W W Appro,ches to Thinking Appro,ches to Thinking
W W History of Environment,ism History of Environment,ism
W W Hum,n Dimensions Hum,n Dimensions
Rich ,nd Poor Countries Rich ,nd Poor Countries

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