Module 1 Lesson 3 - Communication Social Engagement

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Lesson 3: Bringing it

All Together
Module 1: Lesson 3 - Communication/Social Engagement
Objectives and Outcomes
*Students will be able to review their personal data and identify two areas of strength and
two areas of need.
*Students will be able to compare their pre-assessment results to their post-assessment
results in order to complete a personal improvement plan.
● How can you use what
Bell Ringer you learned about
empathy to become a
Question better communicator?
● Time: 6-10 minutes
Directions: Today you will complete
Communication Post-Assessment and
Empathy Post-Assessment. We will
compare the data from each post
assessment to your pre-assessment
Post-Assessments data.
*Communication Post Assessment
*Empathy Post Assessment
Time: 20 minutes
Activity: Comparing your Data!

*In this next activity you will compare your results and identify two areas of
strength and two areas of need. After identifying strengths and needs each
student will begin to create a personal improvement plan.

Strengths and Areas of Need Google Form

Time: 15 minutes
Activity: Student Improvement Plan

*Directions: After you have reviewed and compared

your data, you are ready to start creating your
student improvement plan. I have created a graphic
organizer/google form that will assist you in
completing this plan.
*Student Improvement Plan Document
I will call conference with each student individually
to review their plan.

Time: 15-30 minutes

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