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Quarter 3_Health 8

• Discuss the signs,

symptoms, and effects
of common
communicable diseases
1.What is morbidity?
2.What is mortality?
3.What are the top 10 leading causes of
morbidity in the Philippines?
4.What are the top 10 leading causes of
mortality in the Philippines?
Direction: Match Column A with Column B.
Directions: Study each picture shown below.
Answer the proceeding questions that follow.

1.What do you observe with the pictures?

2.What do the pictures have in common?
3.What to do to prevent it from happening?
A disease that spread from one person to another is
called communicable disease. It is a
disease that is caused or pathogens. Pathogens can
be viruses, bacteria, fungi, helminths, to name a
few. It is a disease that can be transmitted.

Signs and symptoms are abnormalities that indicate a potential

medical condition. A symptom is subjective that is apparent only
to the patient, while a sign is any objective evidence of a disease
that can be observed by others.
Communicable Signs & Preventive
Diseases Symptoms Measures

Acute Upper As the name suggests nasal congestion and Practice good hygiene
the Upper Respiratory discharge (rhinorrhea), and preventive
Respiratory Tract compose the major sneezing, sore throat, measures. Drink
Tract passages and structures cough, low-grade fever, plenty of water
Infections of the upper respiratory headache, and malaise
tract include the nose or
(URTI) nostrils, nasal cavity,
mouth, throat (pharynx),
and voice box (larynx).
URTI is any infection
along the tract. It
includes common colds,
Influenza, Pharyngitis,
Sinusitis, and Pertussis
Communicabl Signs & Preventive
e Diseases Symptoms Measures

Pneumonia Inflammation and chest pain, shortness Practice a healthy

infection of the air sacs of breath, shaking, lifestyle and preventive
in one or both lungs. chills, high fever measures. Get
pneumococcal vaccine.

Bronchitis Inflammation of Productive cough, Wash hand

bronchial tubes, the headache, sore throat, frequently. Consider
airways that carry air to wheezing and wearing a mask.
your lungs. shortness of breath,
pain in the upper
Communicabl Signs & Preventive
e Diseases Symptoms Measures

Influenza Flu virus spread Cough, colds, fever, Get vaccinated for flu
through the spray from Musculoskeletal pain/ yearly. Practice
cough and sneezes. malaise, loss of standard preventive
appetite, inflammation measures, and healthy
of the nose and lifestyle.
Pulmonary Caused by bacteria Cough for two weeks Avoid close contact
called mycobacterium or more, bloody with someone who
Tuberculosis tuberculosis that attack sputum, chest and has Pulmonary
(PTB) the lungs that may back pain for one Tuberculosis
damage other parts of month or more, night
the body sweats, weight loss
Communicabl Signs & Preventive
e Diseases Symptoms Measures

Dengue transmitted by the On-and Wear a long sleeve

Aedes Aegypti mosquito. off/intermittent fever, shirt and long pants.
It is caused by a headache most Use mosquito
flavivirus. It has four prominent around the repellent.
serotypes. eyes or periorbital Consider using a
area, slow pulse rate, mosquito net.
low blood pressure, Clean surrounding s,
abdominal pain, dispose sources of
bleeding, rashes, stagnant water
muscle pains,
Communicabl Signs & Preventive
e Diseases Symptoms Measures

Sexually are infections you can Yellowish to purulent ABCs of STIs

get by having discharges, itchiness, prevention:
Transmitted unprotected sex with signs and symptoms A: Abstinence. Avoid
Infections someone who has an differ depending on the premarital sex.
(STIs) infection. The following specific causative B: Be faithful/loyal to
are the common agent/pathogen. one partner
sexually transmitted C: Consistent and
infections: Correct use of
❑ Chlamydia
trachomatis is the
most common
bacterial cause of
sexually transmitted
genital infections in
both men and
Communicabl Signs & Preventive
e Diseases Symptoms Measures
Gonorrhea is caused by
bacteria called Neisseria Gonorrhea and ABCs of STIs
Sexually gonorrhoeae. It is a major Chlamydia are the two prevention:
Transmitted cause of morbidity among most common STIs A: Abstinence. Avoid
Infections sexually-active and are treated premarital sex.
individuals worldwide, as together. Both B: Be faithful/loyal to
(STIs) it can cause urogenital infections are one partner
infections in both men characterized by C: Consistent and
and women. In women, purulent vaginal/ Correct use of
untreated gonorrhea can penile discharge. Condoms
cause pelvic inflammatory
disease (PID), infertility,
ectopic pregnancy, and
chronic pelvic pain.
Common signs and
symptoms include
mucopurulent discharge,
and for women, vaginal
Communicabl Signs & Preventive
e Diseases Symptoms Measures

Sexually Syphilis is a sexually Syphilis is ABCs of STIs

transmitted disease characterized by a prevention:
Transmitted caused by the spirochete painless papule called A: Abstinence. Avoid
Infections Treponema pallidum. The a chancre premarital sex.
(STIs) manifestations of this B: Be faithful/loyal to
disease are notoriously one partner
variable, with different C: Consistent and
stages occurring over Correct use of
time in untreated Condoms
Signs/symptoms include
widespread rash and
Communicabl Signs & Preventive
e Diseases Symptoms Measures

Sexually Human papillomavirus Infections caused by ABCs of STIs

(HPV) infection is the Human Papillomavirus prevention:
Transmitted most common sexually are characterized by A: Abstinence. Avoid
Infections transmitted disease in the genital warts premarital sex.
(STIs) world. It manifests as accompanied by B: Be faithful/loyal to
condyloma acuminate itchiness/pruritic us one partner
(CA) also known as C: Consistent and
anogenital warts. Color Correct use of
also varies, it may be Condoms
white, flesh colored, red,
brown, or
Communicabl Signs & Preventive
e Diseases Symptoms Measures

Human two species of lentivirus Fever, diarrhea, weight ABCs of HIV/AIDs

from the family of loss, swollen glands, prevention:
Immune retroviruses, that causes fatigue / tiredness, A:Abstinence. Avoid
Virus (HIV) HIV infection and in white spots in the premarital sex.
and overtime, Acquired mouth, persistent dry B: Be faithful / loyal to
Immune Deficiency cough one partner
acquired Syndrome A condition in C: Consistent and
Immune humans in which Correct use of
Deficiency progressive failure of the Condoms
immune system allows D: Do not inject drugs
Syndrome life-threatening and share needles.
(AIDS) opportunistic infections
and cancers to thrive
Directions: Read the common communicable diseases. Fill
in the columns of signs and symptoms and effects.

Communicable diseases Signs and Symptoms Effect

1. Acute Respiratory
2. Pneumonia
3. Bronchitis
4. Influenza
5. Pulmonary Tuberculosis
6. Dengue
7. Sexually Transmitted
Infections (STIs)
8. HIV and AIDS
Directions: Read carefully each
statement. Determine whether the
statement is true or false
1.Organisms like bacteria and viruses are all
over the environment.
2.Microorganisms that cause diseases are
called pathogens.
3.A cough of more than two (2) weeks with
weight loss and night sweats is indicative
more of pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB) than
4. Stomachache is not a symptom that can be
manifested by a communicable disease.
5. All types of hepatitis can be transmitted via
consumption of contaminated food and/or
6. Dengue has four serotypes. A past infection
from one serotype does not provide immunity to
the other types.
7. Wearing a face mask is not advisable when
8. All communicable diseases are sexually
transmitted but not all sexually
transmitted infections (STIs) are
communicable diseases.
9. Sharing needles, syringe, and
handkerchiefs are not advisable.
10.It is the nature of pathogens to invade
their host through certain points of entry
to cause morbidity.
Interview the elders in your family. Ask
about the effects and common
communicable diseases being
experienced in your family members.
Create an infographic.

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