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10MN Biology

October 04, 2022

Carbon cycle

Studenst should understand how carbon is cycled through the atmosphere, soil and water.

 Explain the carbon cycle.

 Explain the impact of mans’ activities on the
carbon cycle.

• Carbon cycle explains the movement of carbon between the earth’s:

• biosphere – space that living things occupy
• geosphere – solid portion of the earth
• hydrosphere – water on or surrounding the earth
• atmosphere – gaseous envelope around the earth

• The carbon cycle is the continual cycling of carbon between the biotic and
abiotic environment.
C a rb o n c y c l e
Carbon Cycle Steps

• The major steps involved in the process of the carbon cycle:

• Carbon present in the atmosphere (CO2) is absorbed by plants for photosynthesis.
• These plants are then consumed by animals, and carbon gets
bioaccumulated into their bodies.
• These animals and plants eventually die, and upon decomposing, carbon is
released back into the atmosphere.
• Some of the carbon that is not released back into the atmosphere eventually
become fossil fuels.
• These fossil fuels are then used for man-made activities, which pumps more
carbon back into the atmosphere.
Assessment 1 1

1. Carbon dioxide
2. Photosynthesis
3. Animal respiration
4. Plant respiration 2
5. Decay organism 4
6. Fossil fuels
7. Root respiration
8. Auto and factory 3



•Carbon enters the atmosphere as CO2.

•CO2 is absorbed by autotrophs such as green plants
•Animals consume plants, thereby, incorporating carbon into their
•Animals and plants die, their bodies decompose and carbon is
reabsorbed back into the atmosphere.
•If decay is prevented, then fossil fuels are formed. Burning these fuels
release into the air.
Human impact on the carbon cycle

• Deforestation
• Less trees to absorb CO2
• More CO2 trapped
• Global warming
Human impact on the carbon cycle

•More combustion
• Greenhouse effects
• Climate change
• Global warming
Assessment 2
Coal Respiration Natural Gas Photosynthesis burning of fossil fuels
ocean Decayed Greenhouse glucose oil

a. Plants use CO2 in the process of ___________________ to make___________ and

b. Animals use oxygen in the process of _______________ and make more CO 2.
c. The ____________________________ is the main regulator of CO 2 in the atmosphere
because CO2 dissolves easily in it.
d. In the past, huge deposits of carbon were stored as ______________dead plants and
animals .
e. Today these deposits are burned as fossil fuels, which include
___________,___________, and ____________.
f. More CO2 is released in the atmosphere today than in the past because of the ________ .
g. Too much CO2 in the atmosphere may be responsible for the _________ effect or global

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