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The Forest of Hands

and Teeth
The story takes place in a mysterious and secluded forest, where the remnants of
humanity struggle to survive in the aftermath of a zombie apocalypse. Shrouded
in mist and filled with the eerie moans of the Unconsecrated, this forest holds
both danger and the promise of a new life beyond.

by Haru Codm
The Zombie Apocalypse
1 The Outbreak 2 Societal Collapse
A mysterious infection sweeps across As the infection spreads, society
the land, turning people into mindless, crumbles, and the survivors are forced
flesh-eating creatures known as the to barricade themselves in fortified
Unconsecrated. villages, cut off from the outside world.

3 The Fight for Survival

The villagers must constantly be on guard, fighting off the Unconsecrated that lurk at the
fence line, ever-present and relentless.
The Fenced-in Village
Isolation Community Life The Guardians

The village is surrounded by a Within the walls, the villagers A group of specially trained
towering fence, keeping the live a regimented existence, individuals, known as the
Unconsecrated at bay but also following strict rules and Guardians, patrol the fences and
isolating the villagers from the routines to maintain order and protect the village from the
outside world. safety. Unconsecrated.
Mary's Curiosity
Longing for the Outside Forbidden Knowledge
Mary, the protagonist, is haunted by her The village elders strictly forbid any talk of
mother's stories of the ocean and the world the outside world, viewing it as dangerous
beyond the forest, fueling her desire to and heretical, but Mary refuses to be
explore the unknown. deterred.

Defiance and Risk

Despite the risks, Mary embarks on a journey to discover the truth, driven by her insatiable
curiosity and her dreams of a life beyond the fence.
The Unconsecrated

Inhuman Relentless Terrifying

The Unconsecrated are soulless, They are relentless in their pursuit The villagers live in constant fear
mindless creatures driven only by of prey, driven by an unending of the Unconsecrated, who lurk
the need to feed on the living. hunger that cannot be sated. just beyond the safety of the
The Search for the Ocean

Rumor of the Ocean Dangerous Journey The Discovery

Mary's mother had spoken of Determined to find the ocean, After overcoming numerous
the ocean, a vast body of water Mary sets out on a perilous obstacles, Mary finally catches
that existed beyond the forest, journey, facing the a glimpse of the vast, endless
sparking her daughter's Unconsecrated and the expanse of the ocean, a sight
imagination. unknown. that both thrills and terrifies her.
The Journey Beyond the Fence
Escape from the Village 1
Driven by her desire for freedom, Mary
must find a way to escape the confines of
the village and venture out into the 2 Navigating the Forest
unknown. Traversing the treacherous Forest of
Hands and Teeth, Mary faces the constant
threat of the Unconsecrated, who lurk in
The Final Push 3 the mist.
After enduring countless challenges, Mary
finally reaches the edge of the forest,
where she must decide whether to
continue her journey or return to the
safety of the village.
The Uncertain Future
The Unknown As Mary stands at the edge of the forest, she faces
an uncertain future, unsure of what lies beyond the
confines of her world.

Hope and Fear The promise of a new life by the ocean fills her
with hope, but the fear of the Unconsecrated and
the challenges that await her weigh heavily on her

The Decision With a mixture of trepidation and determination,

Mary must decide whether to take the leap and
venture out into the unknown, or return to the
safety and familiarity of the village.

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