Pathogenic Capability and Variability in Bipolaris Sorokiniana

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Pathogenic Variability in Bipolaris sorokiniana

Pooja Gurung
Major Advisor PLP-06M-2021
Asst. Prof. Pratishtha Adhikari, PhD Credit Seminar (PLP699)
Department of Plant Pathology 3rd Semester, M. Sc. Agriculture
Agriculture and Forestry University Department of Plant Pathology
Rampur, Nepal Agriculture and Forestry University
Rampur, Nepal
Outline of Presentation

The pathogen: Bipolaris sorokiniana
Worldwide Distribution of Pathogen
Host Range
Pathogenicity Factors
Host Response
Pathogenic Variability

1809 A.D. Genus: Helminthosporium

(1928) Subgenera

Cylindro-Helminthosporium Eu-Helminthosporium

One or more germtubes from any cell Germination Only from end cells
Straight cylindrical conidia Shape Fusiform often curved

Drechslera Bipolaris
Differentiating criteria for Bipolaris, Drechslera and Exserohilum

Fig. 1: Hilum structure in Drechslera, Bipolaris Fig. 2: Basal cell germination & progression of
and Exserohilum (left to right) (Alcorn, 1988) septum formation in Drechslera (a,c), Bipolaris
(b,d), and Exserohilum (b,e) (Alcorn, 1988)
The Pathogen: Bipolaris sorokiniana
Fusoid often curved conidia
• Shoemaker (1959) proposed the generic name
Bipolaris for the Helminthosporium species Germinating by one germ tube from
each end (bipolar germination)

• B. sorokiniana is characterized by

Thick-walled, elliptical conidia (60-120µm x

12-20µm) with 5 to 9 cells (Kumar et al.,
2002) Fig. 3: Conidium of B. sorokiniana
Mycelium composed of hyphae interwoven as loose cottony mass,
• In axenic culture appears white or light to dark grey depending on the isolates

Fig. 4: Variation in shades of mycelium of B. sorokiniana cultures

Worldwide Distribution of the Pathogen

Causal agent of foliar spot blotch, root rot, and black points on grains of wheat and
barley (Sivanesan, 1990)

Most common in humid, warm, wheat-growing regions, with South Asia’s Eastern
Gangetic Plains serving as hotspot (Sharma et al., 2022)

Pathogen also occurs in North and Latin America (Duczek and Jones-Flory, 1994),
Brazil (Mehta et al., 1992), in parts of Europe (Kwasna, 1995)

Spot blotch reduces wheat output by 23 to 40 % in Nepal (Sharma and Duveiller, 2006)
Host Range
Table 1: Monocotyledonous hosts of Bipolaris sorokiniana
Cereals Grasses
Triticum aestivum Agropyron pectinatum
Secale cereale Agropyron repens
Hordeum vulgare Alopecurus pratensis
Hordeum murinum Beckmannia eruciformis
Avena sativa Bromus erectus
Bromus inermis
Dactylis glomerata
Festuca heterophylla
Festuca ovina
Lolium perenne
Pennisetum villosum
Poa pratensis
Bakonyi et al. (1997)
Host Response
Exerts a biotrophic and a subsequent necrotrophic growth phase

Cuticle and cell wall penetration

Development of hyphae within the
invaded, living epidermal host cell
(biotrophic phase)

Fig. 6: Biotrophic growth phase

confined to a single epidermal
Hyphae invasion into mesophyll host cell that is invaded by a
network of infection hyphae
layer, followed by epidermal & (Kumar et al., 2003)
mesophyll cell death (necrotic
Host cell collapse: brought about Fig. 7: Necrotrophic growth phase characterized by invasion of
by toxin secretion mesophyll tissue and host cell death. Dead cells appear decolorized
and black arrow heads shows spread of fungal hyphae (Kumar et al.,
Pathogenicity Factors

• Bipolaris toxins
Prehelminthosporol: Most abundant and active compound of B. sorokiniana (Carlson et al.,
Non-host specific Independent of germination Release starts as soon as conidia
comes in contact with water
1.2-2.1µg/mg dry matter of fungal tissue

Amphiphilic nature Aids in softening the waxy cuticle layer of

the leaves prior to infection

Affects membrane permeability thereby, inhibiting mitochondrial
oxidative phosphorylation, the photophosphorylation in chloroplast and
proton pumping across the plasma membrane (Briquet et al., 1998)
Pathogenicity Factors

• Sorokinianin
Condensation product originating from products of
Nakajima (1994)
the sesquiterpene and TCA pathways

Shows inhibitory activity on seed germination

• Hydrolytic enzymes

Cellulose-hydrolysing enzymes:
Glucosidase and Cellobiohydrolase
Pathogenicity Factors

Fig. 8: The structures predominant phytotoxins of Bipolaris sorokiniana

(A) Prehelminthosporol (B) Helminthosporol (C) Sorokinianin (Kumar et al., 2002)
Pathogenic Variability

Bipolaris sorokiniana is a variable fungus due to somatic hybridization, sexual reproduction,

and heterokaryosis (Tinline, 1962)

Major mechanisms involved in the variability of this fungus include heterokaryosis, which
occurs chiefly through anastomosis, enables the parasexual cycle, which is the main source of
genetic diversity

Genetic variability among naturally occurring population is an outcome of evolution and

demographic process (Zhang, 2017)
Paleogeographic analysis suggests that western part of Central Asia transitioned from a
humid to semi-arid climate

This change is thought to have sped up speciation due to habitat alteration

Pathogenic Variability
Phylogeographic Diversity
2.1 million years ago

B. sorokiniana Bipolaris oryzae


1.2 million years ago

Asian isolates

0.47 million years ago

Between Indian & Between Indian &
Indian Isolates American Isolates African Isolates

0.38 million years ago 0.35 million years ago 0.05 million years ago
(Sharma et al., 2022)
Pathogenic Variability
Genetic diversity

1. Heterokaryosis 3. Mutation

4. Sexual reproduction
2. Parasexual cycle

Anastomosis Spontaneous
Heterokaryosis occurrence Cochliobolus sativus
Mitotic crossing-over Ascogonia and Spermagonia
het loci
Haplodization Compatible mating type
Pathogenic Variability
• In B. sorokiniana heterokaryosis arising from anastomosis and nuclear migration
between marked strains was reported by Tinline (1962)
condition perpetuated by less than 10% of the conidia

Buller (1993) was the first to outline the process of anastomosis

Mechanistically, hyphal anastomosis has 3 distinct physiological states of participating hyphae

Pre-contact Positive autotropism, peg initiation

Post-contact Growth arrest after physical contact prior to hyphal fusion

Post-fusion Non-self recognition/ Regeneration

Pathogenic Variability

Genetic Control of Anastomosis

het (heterokaryon incompatibility)/

vic (vegetative incompatibility) loci

Individuals that differ in specificity at one or more

het/ vic loci

Heterokaryotic fusion cells are usually

compartmentalized and undergo death by lytic Fig. 9: Hyphal anastomosis shown by
B. sorokiniana

Vegetative Incompatibility/ Somatic Incompatibility

Pathogenic Variability

Parasexual cycle

Heterokaryosis Formation of Occasional mitotic Haplodization

Heterozygous diploids crossing over through aneuploidy
(Pontecarvo & Roper, 1952)

Tinline (1962) obtained occasional heterozygous diploid cultures from heterokaryotic ones

Isolation of recombinants constitutes genetic evidence of somatic heterozygous diploids

and parasexuality in the fungus

Supportive evidence of diploidy was chromosome number, conidial size and nuclear
volume (Huang & Tinline, 1974)
Pathogenic Variability


Variation caused by mutation reported by Christensen and Davies (1937)

Tinline (1961)
An anisomycin-resistant strain occurred spontaneously in
a spore-populated medium that contained a
concentration of anisomycin that was inhibitory to the
germination and growth of the parent
Pathogenic Variability

Sexual reproduction
Perfect stage: Cochliobolus sativus

Ascogonia & Spermogonia Initiate Asci with 8 ascospores

reported by Shoemaker (1995) Pseudothecial (filiform, helically coiled)

Mating type alleles for sexual

compatibility (Tinline, 1951)
A and a

Despite a seemingly simplicity in the mating type system, mature pseudothecia

do not develop in all compatible pairings

Under natural conditions, the perfect stage was only found in Zambia (Raemaekers, 1988)
Involvement of multiple genes
(Harding & Tinline, 1983) Impaired gene function arrests development
Present Status

Genetic variability reported in Virulence diversity reported in

Brasil (Oliveira et al., 2002) Uruguay (Gamba & Estramill, 2002)

Australia (Meldrum et al., 2004)
India (Saharan et al., 2008)
Syria (Arabi & Jawhar, 2004)
Poland (Saharan et al., 2008)
Canada (Ghazvini & Tekauz, 2007)
Iran ((Zilfaghary et al., 2021)
Pakistan (Asad et al., 2007)
India (Singh et al., 2021)

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