E. Baral Plumbing System Seismic Design Basic Aprilm 5, 2024 Clark, Pampanga Psmpe Central Luzon Technoforum

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OIC Director, Physical Plant and Site Development Services
Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya

Lecture Presented during the:

April 5, 2024
A building will only be operational if
the plumbing system are functional or
there is an adequate supply of water and
have a collection system for used/wasted
The piping system shall be properly
supported with vertical hangers, horizontal
or inclined strut.
It shall be properly anchored on
structural member such that all forces
acting on the pipe shall be transmitted to
this members.
When there is an earthquake, the
building undergoes shaking including
plumbing piping system. It shall be noted
that the installed plumbing system must
not be the first to fail in case the building
will be subjected to intense ground shaking.
Why we have to consider seismic forces
in the plumbing design?
Seismic forces are consider additional
load on structural members and even
plumbing system. Even properly supported
pipe may vibrate or oscillates. The critical
case is, if pipe system undergoes a
resonance condition. That will happened if
the system is constantly oscillating.
To adequately provide vertical supports
and braces or supports to carry lateral
1. 1971 San Fernando Earthquake (California)
Magnitude : 6.50 on Richer Scale
MM intensity: VIII – XI
The highest horizontal acceleration = 1.15g
The peak vertical acceleration = 0.70g
where: g is the acceleration due to gravity
The acceleration for Intensity VIII ranges
from 0.25g to 0.30g and for intensity X the
acceleration is more than 0.60
2. 1976 Gazli Earthquake (former USSR)
(May 17, 1976)
Magnitude : 7.00 on Richer Scale
The recorded vertical acceleration = 1.30g
a o
W+Wa/g The inertial forces:
W = Weight of the section of pipe
Wa/g = additional force due to vertical
acceleration (F = ma & m = W/g)
if a = 1.30g, then the total load = 2.30 W
If factor of safety is applied (FS), then the total
design load = FS x 2.30 W
a b m a P b

Consider the portion between “ab” and a & b are fixed support:
The deflection at the midspan “∆” = PL3/192EI
Stiffness “k” = P/∆ ; k = 192EI/L3
P = total equivalent concentrated vibratory load
L = distance between vertical support
E = modulus of elasticity of the pipe “ab”
I = moment of inertia of the pipe “ab”
 Assume an undamped free vibration:
my’’ ;m = W/g ; ƩF = 0
O ky my’’ + ky = 0 or
 m d2y/dt2 + ky = 0
The natural frequency is given as
w = (k/m)0.50
where w is radian/sec
if m = kg & k = kg.f/m
A horizontal overhead pipe is supported at ever
1.50m and with a total weight of 25 kg/m including pipe
dead load. Use EI = 50 kg.f – m2. Find the response of the
system. P m= 25kg/m x 1.5m/ 9.8 m/sec2
a b m = 3.826 kgf sec2/m
k= 192EI/L3 = 192(50)/1.53 = 2,844.44 kgf/m

the natural frequency the system

w= (k/m)0.50 = (2,844.44/3.826)0.50
w = 27.26 radians/second answer
my’’+ ky =0 or md2y/dt2 + ky =0
 The general solution: assume initial conditions:
yo =1.0 cm & yo’ = 1.0 cm/sec2
 y = A COS(27.27t) + B SIN (27.26t)
A. Equation of the response of the system:
1. Displacement – time equation
y = COS(27.26t) + 0.036684 SIN(27.26t)
2. Velocity – time equation
y’ = -27.26 SIN(27.26t) + COS(27.26t)

3. Acceleration – time equation

y’’ = - 743.11 COS(27.26t) - 27.26SIN (27.26t)

B. Natural frequency of the system

w = 27.26 radians per second
F=Wa/g O
F=1.15W a W w
Considering the recorded horizontal acceleration:
a = 1.15 g ; F = 1.15 W ;
This force will push the pipe sideward & the
whole pipe system will oscillates unless a lateral
inclined strut will be installed (figure below).
Load on strut = 1.15W x FS /COS θ
O θ
 Assume an undamped free vibration:
m = W/g ; W ƩF = 0
 kx o mx’’ + kx = 0 or
 O mx’’ m d2x/dt2 + kx =
The natural frequency is given as
w = (k/m)0.50
where : w is radian/sec ;m = kg.f & k = kg.f/m
Same condition as model 2
a k1= k m1 k2 m2 k3= k
Assume a free undamped condition x1 x2
Assume that the motion is at x1 to x2 only & m1 = m2
the restoring force on m1: kx1 + k2(x1 – x2)
the restoring force on m2: kx2 + k2(x2 – x1)
The equations are as follows:
mx1’’ + (k +k2)x1 – k2x2 = 0 x1(t) = B1eiwt
mx ’’ + (k +k )x – k x = 0 x (t) = B eiwt
x1’’(t) = i2w2B1eiwt ; i2 = -1; x1’’(t) = -w2B1eiwt
x2’’(t) = w2B2eiwt ; i2 = -1; x2’’(t) = -w2B2eiwt
Substitute values of x1 & x2:
– m w2B1eiwt + (k +k2)B1eiwt – k2B2eiwt = 0
– m w2B2eiwt + (k +k2) B2eiwt – k2B1eiwt = 0
 So that:
(k +k2- m w2)B1 – k2B2 = 0
– k B + (k +k – m w2) B = 0
(k + k2 – mw2) - k2 (k + k2 – mw2)2 – k22 = 0
 - k2 (k + k2 – mw2) = 0 k + k2 – mw2 = ± k2
 The natural frequencies of the system:
w = [(k +k2 ± k2)/m]0.50
w1 = [(k +2k2)/m]0.50 ; w2 = (k/m)0.50

If k2 = k , then
 w1 = [3k/m]0.50 ; w2 = (k/m)0.50
A horizontal overhead pipe is supported at every
1.50m and with a total weight of 19.60 kg/m
including pipe dead load. Use EI = 25 kg.f – m2.
Find the natural frequencies of the system.
x1 x2
k1 m 1 k 2 m 2 k 3 Note: k1 = k2 = k3 = k

m= 19.60 kg/m x 1.5m/ 9.8 m/sec2 = 3.0 kgf sec2/m

k= 192EI/L3 = 192(25)/1.53 = 1,422.22 kgf/m
the two frequencies of the system:
For w1 :
w1 = (k/m)0.50 = (1,422.22/3.00)0.50
w1 = 21.77 radians/second answer

For w2 :
w2 = (3k/m)0.50 = (3x1,422.22/3.00)0.50
w2 = 37.71 radians per second answer
 Dynamics of Structures, by Ray W. Clough &
Joseph Penzien, McGraw Hill, 1982
 Modern Structural Analysis, by Anthony E. Armenakas,
McGraw Hill, USA, 1991
 Facility Piping Systems Handbook, 3rd Edition by
Micheal Frankel, CPD, McGraw-Hill, 2010
 Earthquake: A Primer, by Bruce A. Bolt, W.H. Freeman
& Company, USA, 1978
 Civil Engineering Handbook, 2nd Edition
Edited by W.F. Chen & J.Y. Rirchard Liew
CRC Press, 2003

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