Q4 ACTS OF TERRORISM Sexual Abuse Rape

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Acts of Terror

-is the use of violence for political goals and putting the public or a
great number of people in fear. The purpose of these terrorist groups is
to produce terror in their victims through the use of violence, fear and
pressure. Terrorists commit acts of violence that draw the attention of
the local masses, the government, and the world to their cause. They
plan their attack to get the greatest publicity, choosing their targets that
symbolize what they oppose. The effectiveness of the terrorist act lies
not in the act itself, but in the public’s or government’s reaction to the
Act of terror may be categorized into six.
These are the following:
 State terrorism- States and governments can use force or the threat of force,
without declaring war, to terrorize their citizens and achieve a political goal.
 Bioterrorism- refers to the intentional release of toxic biological agents to
harm and terrorize civilians, in the name of a political or other cause. It includes
viruses, bacteria and toxins that could be used in an attack.
 Cyberterrorism- is the use of information technology to attack civilians and
draw attention to the terrorists’ cause. This may mean that they use computer
systems or telecommunications as a tool to carry out a traditional attack. For
example, cyberterrorists could disable networked emergency systems or hack
into networks housing important financial information.
 Ecoterrorism-the use of violence in the interests of environmentalism. In general, environmental
extremist destroy property to inflict economic damage on industries or actors they see as harming
animals or the natural environment. These have included fur companies, logging companies and
animal research laboratories, for example.
 Nuclear terrorism- refers to a number of different ways nuclear
materials might be used as a terrorist tactic. These include
attacking nuclear facilities, purchasing nuclear weapons, or
building nuclear weapons or otherwise finding ways to diffuse
radioactive materials.
 Narcoterrorism- the use of violence by drug traffickers to
influence governments or prevent government’s efforts in
stopping the drug trade. This may involve the assassination
of influential persons who are against drug trafficking, or
killing a government official who leads an anti-drug
trafficking agency.
(Incest, Molestation and Rape)

INCEST is a sexual contact between persons who are

closely related that the marriage between them is
considered illegal (e.g., parents 7 children,
uncles/aunts and nieces/nephews, etc.). Usually, incest
takes the form of an older family member having
sexual relations or sexually abusing a child or an
Although an abuse, there are many reasons
why the victims might not report this. One reason
is that the victims might be told that what is
happening is normal or happens in every family,
and don’t realize that it is a form of abuse.
Also, the victims may not know that HELP is
available or they do not know who they can talk to.
The victims may also be afraid of what will happen to
them if they tell someone, especially if the abuser
threatened them.
They may also be worried about the abuser and be
afraid of what will happen to the abuser if they tell.
Lastly, the victims may also be afraid of how the
people may react if they hear about the abuse. They
are scared that people will accuse them of having
done something wrong, or that no one will believe

is the sexual abuse of a person (whether a child or

adult) by an adult for sexual pleasure or for profit. It
occurs when an individual sees another individual as a
sexual object and uses this idea to satisfy his/her sexual
urges and fantasies, usually by subjecting their victim
to unwanted or improper sexual advances or activity.
It may include any of the following:

 FONDLING- to handle, stroke or caress lovingly or

 MUTUAL MASTURBATION- two people touching
each other’s sexual organs for pleasure
 SODOMY – sexual intercourse that involves inserting of
the penis of one person into the anus of another person
It may include any of the following:

 COITUS- sexual intercourse between a male and a female involving

the insertion of the penis into the vagina
 CHILD PORNOGRAPHY – explicit portrayal of children as sexual
subject matter for purpose of sexual arousal. It may be in a variety of
media, like books, magazines, films, photos and etc.
 CHILD PROSTITUTION – refers to children who get paid to have

- Is forced sexual intercourse, including vaginal, anal or oral


Penetration may be by a body part or an object.

The sexual act may also be considered rape if it satisfies any of the
following criteria:
 One or both people are not old enough to consent, which means one or both of
them are below 18 years old.
 One of them does not have the capacity to consent, which means one of them
may not be in his/her right mental and legal capacity to (i.e. with mental
disability, people who have been drugged or unconscious, etc.)
 One of them did not agree to take part, which means the rapist might use
physical force or threat to force the victim to have intercourse with him/her

if these three considerations are met, the sexual act falls under the category
of rape, which is a criminal offense and it is punishable by law.

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