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1. Data Mining Ashok M V and 2022 Machine Learning, Predicting Relies on historical
Approach for Apoorva A Data Analysis placement data, may not account
Predicting Student chances of for recent trends
and Institution's students using
Placement historical data

2. Predicting Student V. Hegde, A. M. R, 2023 Random Forest, PCA Achieved 97% Limited information
Placement using R. C accuracy on the dataset used
PCA and Machine
Learning Technique

3. Student Placement N. Kathirisetty et 2023 Machine Learning Considers Limited details on

Probabilistic al. Ensemble Emotional specific machine
Assessment Using Techniques (not Quotient (EQ) for learning techniques
Emotional Quotient specified) job placement used
With Machine
Learning: A
Conceptual Case

4. Performance Analysis of K. V. Kumar, 2022 Support Vector Support Vector Limited details on the
Placement Prediction P. Malathi, S. Machine, Random Machine outperforms nature of the dataset,
System using Support Ramesh Forest Algorithm Random Forest its size, and
Vector Machine over Algorithm significantly characteristics
Random Forest

5. Determining the Factors R. K. Kavitha, 2023 Random Forest, Various machine Limited information
Influencing the Academic C. Rajan Support Vector learning approaches on the specific data
Accomplishment of Krupa, J. Machines, Naive used for predicting job mining and machine
Students and Predicting Isabella Bayes, Neural success based on learning techniques
their Success Using Menezes Network, K-nearest academic data employed
Machine Learning Neighbour

6. Student Performance M. Maphosa, 2023 Python Identifies gender Limited details on the
Patterns in Engineering at W. Doorsamy, disparities, dropout nature of the dataset,
the University of B. S. Paul rates, and performance its size, and specific
Johannesburg: An patterns in engineering variables analyzed
Exploratory Data

7. Predicting Student A. Alshanqiti, 2020 Hybrid Regression, Accurate prediction of Limited information
Performance and Its A. Namoun Multi-Label future grades and on the specific hybrid
Influential Factors Using Classification identification of key regression model and
Hybrid Regression and factors influencing multi-label
Multi-Label student performance classification
Classification techniques used

8. Early Predicting of E. Alhazmi, A. 2023 T-SNE Algorithm, Mitigates risks of Limited details on
Students Performance Sheneamer Machine Learning student failures at specific machine
in Higher Education Models early stages, learning models used
effective use of and the size of the
clustering and datasets

9. A University Student D. Sun et al. 2023 Multi-Feature Fusion, Novel model with Limited information
Performance Attention Mechanism` multi-feature on the nature of the
Prediction Model and fusion and dataset and its
Experiment Based on attention representativeness
Multi-Feature Fusion mechanism,
and Attention achieving superior
Mechanism prediction

10. Academic and F. Marbouti, J. 2021 Cluster Analysis Identifies impact Limited details on the
Demographic Cluster Ulas, C.-H. Wang of demographic specific cluster
Analysis of factors and analysis techniques
Engineering Student university used
Success resources on
student success
1. Ashok M V and Apoorva A, "Data mining approach for predicting student and institution's placement
percentage," 2022 International Conference on Computation System and Information Technology for
Sustainable Solutions (CSITSS), Bengaluru, India, 2016, pp. 336-340, doi: 10.1109/CSITSS.2016.7779381.
2. V. Hegde, A. M. R and R. C, "Predicting Student Placement using PCA and Machine Learning Technique,"
2023 14th International Conference on Computing Communication and Networking Technologies
(ICCCNT), Delhi, India, 2023, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/ICCCNT56998.2023.10307185.
3. N. Kathirisetty et al., "Student Placement Probabilistic Assessment Using Emotional Quotient With
Machine Learning: A Conceptual Case Study," in IEEE Access, vol. 11, pp. 125716-125737, 2023, doi:
4. K. V. Kumar, P. Malathi and S. Ramesh, "Performance Analysis of Placement prediction system using
Support Vector Machine over Random Forest Algorithm," 2022 14th International Conference on
Mathematics, Actuarial Science, Computer Science and Statistics (MACS), Karachi, Pakistan, 2022, pp. 1-
4, doi: 10.1109/MACS56771.2022.10023271.
5. R. K. Kavitha, C. Rajan Krupa and J. Isabella Menezes, "Determining the Factors Influencing the Academic
Accomplishment of Students and Predicting their Success Using Machine Learning Techniques," 2023 2nd
International Conference on Advancements in Electrical, Electronics, Communication, Computing and
Automation (ICAECA), Coimbatore, India, 2023, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/ICAECA56562.2023.10200741.
6. M. Maphosa, W. Doorsamy and B. S. Paul, "Student Performance Patterns in Engineering at the University
of Johannesburg: An Exploratory Data Analysis," in IEEE Access, vol. 11, pp. 48977-48987, 2023, doi:
7. A. Alshanqiti and A. Namoun, "Predicting Student Performance and Its Influential Factors Using Hybrid
Regression and Multi-Label Classification," in IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 203827-203844, 2020, doi:
8. E. Alhazmi and A. Sheneamer, "Early Predicting of Students Performance in Higher Education," in IEEE
Access, vol. 11, pp. 27579-27589, 2023, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3250702.
9. D. Sun et al., "A University Student Performance Prediction Model and Experiment Based on Multi-
Feature Fusion and Attention Mechanism," in IEEE Access, vol. 11, pp. 112307-112319, 2023, doi:
10. F. Marbouti, J. Ulas and C. -H. Wang, "Academic and Demographic Cluster Analysis of Engineering
Student Success," in IEEE Transactions on Education, vol. 64, no. 3, pp. 261-266, Aug. 2021, doi:

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