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Let’s Have Lunch!

I want a hotdog. a hotdog

I want two hamburgers.
I want some juice.

orange juice
some = general

two cheeseburgers
I’m Hungry!! Unit 3
Pages 49-50
A: What do you want for
B: I want a hamburger.
A: What do you want?
B: I want a hotdog.

A: I want a hamburger and some juice.

A: How about you?
B: I want two hotdogs, three hamburgers,
and some ice cream.
How would you like that? g parts
Hamburger condiments =
cucumbers = pickles toppings

cutlet= burger
hotdog roll = bun
sauces = ketchup,
A: What do you want?
mustard, mayo, BBQ
sauce B: I want a hamburger, with
I want a ___________,
tomato. with ________________

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