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Exploring Blockchain

Revolutionizing Data, Transactions, and Trust

Presented by :
Group 3
MD. Akimul Islam, Abdullah Khan
Sayem Fardous, MD. Mokaddes Ullah
Nishat Tasnim
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
American International University Bangladesh
Group 3 Members Introduction

Name Student ID Class Roll

MD. Akimul Islam 24-56661-1 32
Abdullah Khan 24-56638-1 15
MD. Mokaddes Ullah 24-56645-1 21
Sayem Fardous 24-56634-1 12
Nishat Tasnim 24-56647-1 22
 Introduction.
 What is Blockchain.
 How Blockchain Works.
 Types of Blockchain.
 Application of Blockchain.
 Benefits of Blockchain.
 Challenges of Blockchain.
 Blockchain Adoption.
 Future trends of Blockchain.
 Conclusion.
What is Blockchain?


A blockchain is “a distributed database that maintains a

continuously growing list of ordered records, called
blocks.” These blocks “are linked using cryptography.
Each block contains a cryptographic hash of the
previous block, a timestamp, and transaction data.
How Blockchain works
 Transaction Occurs: Someone sends money (like Bitcoin) to another person or transfers
ownership of something digital.

 Miners Solve a Puzzle: Special computers, called miners, race to solve a difficult puzzle. This
puzzle acts as a security check to ensure the transaction's authenticity.

 Adding a New Page (Block):The first computer to solve the puzzle gets to add a new page
(called a block) to the record book. This block contains the verified transaction and a special
code that links it to the previous page.

 Network Update: All the other computers on the network receive a copy of the new block and
update their record books accordingly.
Types of Blockchain
 Public Blockchain: Public blockchains
are decentralized networks where
anyone can participate, view, or send
 Examples: Bitcoin, Ethereum.

 Private Blockchain: Private

blockchains are permissioned networks
where access is restricted to selected
 Examples: Hyperledger Fabric, Corda.

 Consortium Blockchain: Consortium

blockchains are semi-decentralized
networks controlled by a group of
 Examples: Ripple, Quorum.
Applications of
 Cryptocurrencies

 Supply Chain Management

 Cross-border Payments

 Identity Verification

 Healthcare Data Management

 Digital Voting

 Real Estate Transactions

Blockchain Adoption

Financial Services: Banks and financial institutions are exploring blockchain for faster and
more secure cross-border payments, trade finance, and smart contracts.

Healthcare: Healthcare organizations are utilizing blockchain for secure and interoperable
electronic health records (EHRs), drug traceability, and clinical trials.

Government Services: Governments are implementing blockchain for identity management,

voting systems, land registry, and public procurement to enhance transparency and reduce

Education: Educational institutions are exploring blockchain for credential verification, secure
storage of academic records, and combating certificate fraud.
Benefits of Blockchain
 Transparency: Every transaction is openly
recorded, which promotes trust among the
 Security: Encryption and decentralization
make data tamper-proof.

 Decentralization: No single authority

controls the data, reducing risks.

 Efficiency: Automates processes, cutting

time and costs.

 Immutable Record Keeping: Once

recorded, data cannot be altered.

 Global Accessibility: Accessible

worldwide, fostering financial inclusion.
Challenges of
 Scalability.
 Interoperability.
 Privacy Concerns.
 Energy Consumption.
 Security Risks.
 Governance Issues.
 Adoption Barriers.
 Legal and Compliance Challenges.
Future trends of Blockchain

 Increased Adoption of Decentralized Finance (DeFi)

 Growth of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) and Digital Collectibles

 Emergence of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs)

 Advancements in Interoperability Solutions to Bridge Different Blockchains

 Continued Development of Layer 2 Scaling Solutions

 Rise of Blockchain as a Service (BaaS) Platforms

 Focus on Regulatory Compliance and Standards Development

In summary, Blockchain is a game-changer, offering
decentralization and transparency, making transactions
safer. More businesses will adopt blockchain, driving
innovation. By collaborating, we can maximize its
potential. Thanks for listening, let's keep advancing
with blockchain!
Thank you
For your attention

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