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The University of Cambodia

Lifelong Learning

Lecturer’s name : TEP SOPHENG Team Members

Class : Principle of Education 1. Yoeurn Sonita

2. Sin Many
Class ID : EDC101
3. Un Sokal
Session : Evening
4. Koem Puthy
Group : 7 5. Chea Sokhen

1 Introduction

2 Benefits of Lifelong Learning

3 Type of Lifelong Learning

4 Strategies for Lifelong Learning

5 Cultivating a Lifelong Learning mindset

6 Overcoming Barrier to Lifelong Learning

7 The influence of lifelong learning

8 Conclusion

Belong to :

1 Introduction

2 Benefits of Lifelong Learning

Yoeurn Sonita

1 Introduction

What is Lifelong
Learning ?

1 Introduction

Lifelong learning is the continuous

pursuit of knowledge and skills throughout
one's life, encompassing formal education,
informal learning, and experiences from
work and daily life.

1 Introduction

I'm always ready to

learn and grow, no
matter how old I am

2 Benefits of Lifelong Learning

Personal Growth
Lifelong learning helps you grow as a person.
It's like giving your mind good food to help you
feel more confident, understand yourself better,
and become a better version of yourself over

2 Benefits of Lifelong Learning

Personal Growth
Every time you learn something new, like a
new type of food or a cooking tip, you become
better at cooking.

2 Benefits of Lifelong Learning

Professional Development
In today's fast-changing job market, it's vital to
stay up-to-date and adaptable. Lifelong
learning provides us with the skills,
knowledge, and flexibility required to excel in
our careers, unlock new opportunities, and
progress professionally.

2 Benefits of Lifelong Learning

Professional Development

Just like a skilled hacker who constantly learns

new exploit methods, ongoing learning
empowers you to excel in the dynamic realm
of cybersecurity.

2 Benefits of Lifelong Learning

Social Engagement
It brings people together,
encourages connections, and
enhances our sense of community.
Lifelong learners actively participate
in social activities, contribute to
their communities, and become
agents of positive change.

2 Benefits of Lifelong Learning

Social Engagement
Just like traveling opens your mind
to the world, lifelong learning helps
you connect with others and make a
good difference in your community.

Belong to :

3 Type of Lifelong Learning

4 Strategies for Lifelong Learning

Sin Many

3 Type of Lifelong Learning

1. Formal Education

2. Informal Education

3. Non-formal Education

3 Type of Lifelong Learning

1. Formal Education

Formal education is structured

learning in schools and
universities, guided by a
curriculum and conducted by
trained educators.

3 Type of Lifelong Learning

1. Formal Education

It aims to impart knowledge, skills,

and values, often leading to
recognized qualifications such as
degrees or diplomas.

3 Type of Lifelong Learning

2. Informal Education

Informal education refers to

learning that occurs outside of a
structured, formal setting like a
school or classroom.

3 Type of Lifelong Learning

3. Non-formal Education

Non-formal education is an
approach to learning that occurs
outside of traditional schooling
systems. It focuses on practical skill
development in diverse.

4 Strategies of Lifelong Learning

Setting Goals

Deciding what you want to learn or

improve and setting clear targets to
stay focused.

4 Strategies of Lifelong Learning

Creating a Learning Plan

It involves making a detailed road map

that shows the steps you need to take,
the materials you'll use, and when
you'll complete each step to reach your
learning goals.

4 Strategies of Lifelong Learning

seeking diverse learning opportunities

This means exploring various

methods, resources, and
environments to expand your
knowledge and gain a well-rounded

4 Strategies of Lifelong Learning

Reflect and evaluate your learning journey

Take the time to reflect on your

progress, evaluate your learning
outcomes, and adjust as needed.

Belong to :

5 Cultivating a Lifelong Learning mindset

Un Kosal

5 Cultivating a Lifelong Learning Mindset

How to become a lifelong


5 Cultivating a Lifelong Learning Mindset

How to become a lifelong learner?

Incorporate reading into your

daily routine m e n t
Don't anag e
be a
f rai d t i m e m
o welc o ur t
lop y
om e n
ew De v e sk i l l s

Take owners
Practice Active Listening hip of your

Stay C
e t wo rk urious

5 Cultivating a Lifelong Learning Mindset

Incorporate reading into your daily routine

Reading is a terrific way to gain

knowledge and expand your
perspective. Whether it's books,
articles or blogs, reading can
help you learn new things and
improve your critical thinking

5 Cultivating a Lifelong Learning Mindset

Don't be afraid to welcome new challenges

Don't be scared to take on new

challenges! When you face
something new or difficult, it's
an opportunity to learn and
grow. Instead of feeling afraid,
see it as a chance to improve
and discover new things.

5 Cultivating a Lifelong Learning Mindset


Building relationships with others

in your field and taking proactive
steps to deepen your professional
network is an excellent way to
learn from others and stay
informed about new developments
and maybe even career

5 Cultivating a Lifelong Learning Mindset

Practice Active Listening

Paying attention to others and

actively listening to their ideas can
help you learn new things and gain
different perspectives in your

5 Cultivating a Lifelong Learning Mindset

Develop your time management skills

Life can get pretty busy sometimes

with work, family, and social
responsibilities. It can be difficult to
carve out time to dedicate to
learning. That’s why time
management skills are so important
to nurture and develop.

5 Cultivating a Lifelong Learning Mindset

Stay Curious

Having a curious mindset is

essential for lifelong learning.
Keep an open mind and be willing
to explore new ideas and

5 Cultivating a Lifelong Learning Mindset

Take Online Class

The internet has made it easier

than ever to access educational
resources. You can find a wide
range of online classes,
webinars, and workshops on
almost any topic today.

5 Cultivating a Lifelong Learning Mindset

Take ownership of your future

Lifelong learning also involves being

proactive about your future and taking full
responsibility for it. As an adult, no one is
really going to tell you what to do or where
to go. You have to be one to take ownership
of your goals and aspirations for your future
as well as your quality of life in the present.

Belong to :

6 Overcoming Barrier to Lifelong Learning

Koem Puthy

6 Overcoming Barriers to Lifelong Learning

Stay Curious

Having a curious mindset is

essential for lifelong learning.
Keep an open mind and be willing
to explore new ideas and

Belong to :

7 The influence of lifelong learning

8 Conclusion

Chea Sokhen

7 The Influences of Lifelong Learning

Economic Development

 Lifelong learning improves the skills and

knowledge of individuals, making them
more adaptable to changes in the economy.

 Lifelong learning fosters innovation and

creativity, which are essential drivers of
economic growth.

 Lifelong learning contributes to higher

productivity levels among workers.

7 The Influences of Lifelong Learning

Advances in Information and Communication Technology

 ICT has developed the way we work,

communicate, and conduct business.
 ICT has transformed the way education is
delivered and accessed.
 ICT enabled the spreading of knowledge on a
global scale.
 ICT has led to increased efficiency in business
operations through automation, data analytics,
cloud computing, artificial intelligence (AI), and
other technologies.

7 The Influences of Lifelong Learning

Globalization Development

 Lifelong learning is really necessary in the context of globalization as it prepares

individuals to develop well in a connected world.
 Lifelong learners are more adaptable to working in multicultural environments and
collaborating with colleagues from different backgrounds.
 Continuous learning also enables individuals to understand global trends and
developments, allowing them to anticipate changes in international markets and
adapt their skills accordingly.

8 Conclusion
continuous pursuit of

Formal Education Setting Learning Goals

Informal Education Foster Social


Non-formal Personal Growth


Do you have any

Have a
Great D
ay !

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