Ethics 6e PPT Ch08

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Ethics in Information

Chapter 8
The Impact of Information Technology
on Society

George W. Reynolds

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Learning Objectives
• What is the relationship between IT
investment and productivity growth in
the United States?
• How will artificial intelligence, machine
learning, robotics, and natural language
processing affect the future workforce?
• What impact has the application of IT
had on health care?

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Impact of IT on the Standard of Living
and Worker Productivity

• Gross domestic product (GDP) per capita: The most

widely used measurement of the material standard
of living of a country
• National GDP represents the total annual output of a
nation’s economy
• Standard of living in U.S. and developed countries
• Has improved for a long time
• Rate of change varies as a result of business cycles

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IT Investment and Productivity
• Labor productivity: A measure of economic
performance that compares the amount of goods and
services produced (output) with the number of labor
hours used in producing those goods and services
• Equals the real output per labor hour
• Growth = Output increases faster than labor hours
• Growth due in part to modern management techniques
and automated technology
• Innovation
• Key factor in productivity improvement
• IT has played a important role in enabling innovation

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Fundamental Drivers for
Productivity Performance

Reduce the amount of input Increase the value of the

required to produce a given output produced by a given
output by: amount of input by:
Consolidating operations to better Selling higher-value goods and
leverage economies of scale services
Improving performance by Selling more goods and services to
becoming more efficient increase capacity and use of
existing resources

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Factors Affecting National Productivity
• Labor productivity rates are affected by business cycles of
expansion and contraction.
• Outsourcing to contractors skews productivity.
• Regulations that simplify hiring and firing workers make it
easier for markets to relocate workers to more productive
firms and sectors.
• Competitive markets for goods and services provide
incentives for innovation.
• It is more difficult to measure output in service-based
• IT investments don’t always yield tangible results but may
produce intangible benefits.
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Artificial Intelligence

• Artificial intelligence: An interdisciplinary field in which

experts ponder philosophical issues such as the nature of
the human mind and the ethics of creating objects gifted
with human-like intelligence.
• Artificial intelligence systems: The people, procedures,
hardware, software, data, and knowledge needed to
develop computer systems and machines that can
simulate human intelligence processes, including
learning, reasoning, and self-correction

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Machine Learning

• Machine learning: A type of artificial intelligence (AI)

involving computer programs that can learn and improve
their performance with experience
• Consists of three major components: a model,
parameters, and the learner
-Input is fed into the model, which makes a prediction.
-The learner component compares the prediction with
reality and uses the difference between the two to modify
the parameters.
-The learning process is repeated until the system is able
to make sufficiently accurate predictions.

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Robotics and
Natural Language Processing
• Robotics: A branch of engineering involving the
development and manufacture of mechanical or computer
devises that perform tasks that require a high degree of
precision or are tedious/hazardous for humans
• Painting cars or making precision welds
• Natural language processing: An aspect of artificial
intelligence that involves technology that allows
computers to understand, analyze, manipulate,
and/or generate “natural” languages, such as English

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Healthcare Spending in the U.S., Part 1

• In 2015, U.S. healthcare spending hit an estimated

$3.2 trillion
• Accounts for 17.8% of GDP
• Healthcare spending is expected to grow at an average
rate of 5.6% per year
• Growth rate is 1.2 percentage points faster than projected
GDP growth
• By 2025, healthcare spending will account for 19.9% of GDP

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Healthcare Spending in the U.S., Part 2
• Healthcare spending growth is largely due to
three causes:
• The continued aging of the population
• Government policy
• Lifestyle changes
• Development and use of new medical technology has
also contributed to the increase in healthcare spending
per person
• To gain control over soaring healthcare costs:
• Raise patient awareness
• Manage technology costs
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Computerized Patient Records
• Electronic medical record (EMR): A collection of health-
related information on an individual that is created and
consulted by staff within a single healthcare organization
• Electronic health record (EHR): A comprehensive view of a
patient’s complete medical history designed to be shared
with providers from more than one organization
• Personal health record (PHR): Those portions of the EHR
routinely shared with the patient, such as contact information,
health provider information, medication history, and test results
• Health information exchange (HIE): The process of sharing
patient-level electronic health information between different

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• Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical

Health Act (HITECH Act)
• Pass in 2009
• Established a program to incentivize physicians and
hospitals to implement EHR systems
• Increased Medicaid and Medicare reimbursements to
doctors and hospitals that demonstrate “meaningful use”
of EHR technology

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Benefits of EHRs, EMRs, PHRs, and
Benefits for Providers Benefits for Patients Benefits for Insurance
Quick access to patient Reduced need to fill out More efficient and accurate
records; more coordinated, the same forms allocation of costs for
efficient care services

Enhanced decision support, Reliable point-of-care Lower healthcare costs

clinical alerts, reminders, and information due to reduced care
medical information redundancies and
Performance-improving tools Convenience of e-
and real-time reporting prescriptions
Legible, complete Patient portals with online
documentation for accurate interaction with providers
coding and billing
Interfaces with labs, registries, Electronic referrals; easier
and other EHRs access to follow-up care
Safer, more reliable prescribing

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Clinical Decision Support & CPOE
• Clinical decision support (CDS): A process and set of tools
designed to enhance healthcare-related decision making
through the use of clinical knowledge and patient-specific
• Increases the quality of patient care
• Cuts costs
• Helps prevent errors and adverse events
• Boosts provider and patient satisfaction
• Computerized provider order entry (CPOE) system:
Enables physicians to place and transmit orders (for drugs,
laboratory tests, radiology, physical therapy) electronically

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Telehealth, Part 1
• Telehealth: Employs electronic information processing
and telecommunications
• Supports at-a-distance health care
• Provides professional and patient health-related training
• Supports healthcare administration
• Telemedicine: Involves providing medical care to people
at a location different from the healthcare providers
• Store-and-forward telemedicine: Involves acquiring
data, images, and video from a patient and transmitting
everything to a medical specialist for later evaluation
• Does not require the presence of the patient and care
provider at the same time.
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Telehealth, Part 2

• Live telemedicine: Requires the presence of patients and

healthcare providers at different sites at the same time;
often involves a video conference link between two sites
• Remote monitoring (home monitoring): Involves
ongoing measurement of an individual’s vital signs
(temperature, blood pressure, heart rate, and breathing
rate) and other health measures (e.g., glucose levels for
a diabetic) and the transmission of this data to a
healthcare provider

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Legal and Ethical Questions
Associated with Telemedicine
• Must physicians providing advice to patients at a remote
location be licensed to perform medicine in that location
—perhaps a different state or country?
• Must a healthcare system be required to possess a
license from a state in which it has a “virtual” facility?
• Will states require assurance that minimum
technological standards (such as the minimum resolution
of network-transmitted images) are being met?
• What sort of system certification is necessary to ensure
that a critical system performs as expected in crises
situations, and what are the ramifications if it does not?
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Summary, Part 1
• What is the relationship between IT investment and
productivity growth in the United States?
• Gross domestic product (GDP) per capita: The most
widely used measure of the material standard of living
in a country
• The standard of living in the U.S. and most developed
countries has been improving, although its rate of change
varies due to business cycles
• Labor productivity: A measure of economic performance
that compares the amount of goods and services with the
number of labor hours used to produce those goods and

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Summary, Part 2
• What is the relationship between IT investment and
productivity growth in the United States?
• Innovation is key to productivity improvement, and IT plays
a critical role in innovation.
• It is difficult to quantify the benefits of IT investments on
worker productivity due to a lag between the application
of an IT solution and the capture of significant productivity

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Summary, Part 3
• How will artificial intelligence, machine learning,
robotics, and natural language processing affect the
future workforce?
• Advances in artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning,
robotics, and natural language processing are
fundamentally changing the way work gets done.
• Research suggests that 45% of human work activities
could be automated using existing technology.
• AI systems: Simulate human intelligence processes,
including learning, reasoning, and self-correction
• Machine learning: Involves computer programs that can
learn a task and improve their performance with experience
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Summary, Part 4
• How will artificial intelligence, machine learning,
robotics, and natural language processing affect the
future workforce?
• Robotics: A branch of engineering involving the
manufacture of mechanical or computer devices that
can perform tasks that require a high degree of precision
or are tedious or hazardous for humans
• Natural language processing: An aspect of AI involving
technology that allows computers to understand, analyze,
manipulate, and/or generate “natural languages” such as

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Summary, Part 5

• What impact has the application of IT had on health

• Healthcare costs in the U.S. are expected to increase an
average of 5.6% per year from 2016 to 2025.
- Due to: Continued aging of the population, government policy,
lifestyle changes, and to a lesser extent, the development and
use of new medical technology
• Reining in healthcare spending requires raising patient
awareness and managing technology costs more carefully.

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Summary, Part 6
• What impact has the application of IT had on health care?
• Electronic medical record (EMR): A collection of health-related
information on an individual; created and consulted within a
single healthcare organization
• Electronic health record (EHR): A comprehensive view of a
patient’s complete medical history designed to be shared
with more than one organization
• Health information exchange (HIE): The sharing of patient-
level electronic health information between organizations
• Personal health record (PHR): The portions of an EHR that a
patient “owns,” such as contact information, health provider
information, medication history, and test results
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Summary, Part 7
• What impact has the application of IT had on health care?
• Clinical decision support (CSS): A process and a set of tools
designed to enhance health-related decision making through
the use of clinical knowledge and patient-specific information
- Increases quality of patient care and cuts costs
• Computerized provider order entry (CPOE): A system that
enables physicians to place orders (for drugs, laboratory tests,
etc.) electronically with the orders transmitted directly to the

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Summary, Part 8
• What impact has the application of IT had on health care?
• Telehealth: Employs technology to provide medical care to
people who live far away from providers, provide professional
and patient health training, and support healthcare
• Telemedicine: A component of telehealth; provides medical
care to people at a location different from the providers;
reduces need for patients to travel for treatment; and
allows healthcare professionals to serve more patients in
a broader area

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Summary, Part 9
• What impact has the application of IT had on health care?
• Store-and-forward telemedicine: Involves acquiring data,
images, and video from a patient and transmitting everything
to a medical specialist for later evaluation
• Live telemedicine: Requires the presence of patients
and healthcare providers at different sites at the same
time; often involves video conferencing
• Remote monitoring (home monitoring): Involves the
ongoing measurement of an individual’s vital signs and
other health measures and the transmission of this data to
a healthcare provider

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