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Hosting a website

Lecture 6

Web site Basics

 What to Include in your site
 Domain Name / Web Hosting
Options for Setting up a Web site

Experimenting with Free Web Pages

What type of information goes
on a Web site?
 Contact Information (phone number, email)
 Business hours
 Background information about your business
 Product / Service Information
 Any information that may be valuable to your
 This enhances your image by helping your clients to better
understand your business and to allow potential customers to
make a more informed decision.
Web site Basics

 3 things you need:

1. An idea of what you want to include on the site
2. A “domain name”
3. A “Web host”
What to include in your site
 Home page
 Basic overview of your business
 About us (background information)
 Product/service Information
 Contact information/maps
 Pictures!
Domain Name / Web Host

 The 2 things you will need to buy:

1. A DOMAIN NAME gets you the name

 Ex:
 This is what people type in to find your Web site!

2. A WEB HOST gets you storage space to put up your pictures/text describi
your business.
Domain Name / Web Host

 Most sources today offer BOTH domain names and Web Hosting:
3 popular options

 There are LOTS of resources on the Internet, check around:

 (over 200 to choose from)
 Compare cost, data storage, visit some of their sites

 These sources will tell you which domain names are / aren’t available
 This is important! Put some thought into your domain name.
Best option to start

 Go to and create a website!!

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