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Fibre optics

What are fibre optics used for?

• Fiber optics is used for long-distance and high-performance data networking, It’s also commonly used in
telecommunication services, such as internet, television and telephones.
• Lighting and decorations, communication, medical industry, broadcasting, defence, and mechanical industries extensively
utilise optical fibre.
• Optical fibre cables are employed to transmit television signals which have greater speed and bandwidth. Optical fibre is
much cheaper than the same-size copper wires.
• They are very flexible as well, therefore, they are used for biomedical; research, endoscopy and microscopy. Its used to
view internal organs by inserting cable into body
What are they?!?!??!?!?
The light bounces Different materials with
of the walls of the similar refractive indexes
fibre cables

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