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Orientotion workshop on civi/ 5ociety

representotion within the ccM

Calro LgypL november 12 13 2011
CounLry CoordlnaLlng Mechanlsm
JhaL ls a CCM?
ccMs ote pottoetsblps cooslstloq of tepteseototlves
ftom botb tbe pobllc ooJ clvll soclety sectots wbo
cootJloote tbe sobmlssloo of ooe ootloool ptoposol oo
tbe bosls of ptlotlty oeeJs lo oJJltloo ccMs ote
tespooslble fot ovetseeloq tbe ptoqtess of ptoqtom
lmplemeototloo1be ccM ls o ceottol plllot of tbe
Clobol looJs otcbltectote to eosote cooottyJtlveo
cootJlooteJ ooJ moltlsectotol ptocesses fot levetoqloq
ooJ effectloq oJJltloool tesootces to flqbt Alu5 18 ooJ
clotlflcotloos Cl p 1
lx Mlnlmum CrlLerla for CCM
1 1ransparenL and documenLed proposal sollclLaLlon and
revlew process
2 1ransparenL and documenLed process for nomlnaLlng Lhe
8 and overseelng program lmplemenLaLlon
3 CverslghL plan and acLlvlLles lnvolvlng all sLakeholders
4 Membershlp of persons affecLed by Plv/Alu 18 and
3 1ransparenL and documenLed process for selecLlon of non
governmenL members
6 Pave a wrlLLen confllcLoflnLeresL plan
CCMs rlnclpal 8esponslblllLles
W ldenLlfy naLlonal prlorlLles and gaps ln programmaLlc Lechnlcal
geographlc coverage or flnanclal supporL
W romoLe mulLlsecLoral parLlclpaLlon
W Lnsure Lhe harmonlzaLlon of Cl granLs wlLh oLher supporL acLlvlLles
for Lhe Lhree dlseases
W CoordlnaLe and raLlfy granL proposals
W ueslgnaLe Lhe rlnclpal 8eclplenLs
W Lnsure granL overslghL and evaluaLe hase 2 progress
W 8esolve problems surpasslng Lhe auLhorlLy compeLence of rlnclpal
W ubmlL hase 2 requesLs
W Lnsure Lransparency wlLh sLakeholders and Lhe Clobal lund
CCM Compos|t|on]Members
W CovernmenL
W LducaLlon/unlverslLles
W nCCs C8Cs
W Assoc of people llvlng w dlseases
W rlvaLe secLor
W l8Cs rellglous leaders
W 8llaLeral and mulLllaLeral developmenL
AL leasL 40 of
CCM seaLs
recommended by
Clobal lund
CCM LrucLure
W Cl requlremenLs
lull CCM compllanL wlLh membershlp rules
vlce Chalrperson
May have a ecreLarlaL
ls Lhls enough?
ln reallLy CCMs are organlzed ln many dlfferenL ways
LlecLed CCM Cfflcers
W 1he CCM Chalr vlce Chalr(s) musL belong Lo
dlfferenL secLors and should noL represenL
same organlzaLlon as Lhe 8
W 1hey musL be elecLed from among Lhe CCM
members durlng a CCM meeLlng
CCM 1echnlcal CommlLLees
9roposo/ ueve/opment committee/workinq qroup
W Coord|nate proposa| deve|opment
W Make gap recommendat|ons to fu|| CCM
Oversiqht committee/workinq qroup
%versee r|nc|pa| kec|p|ents
W versee grant |mp|ementat|on for AIDS Ma|ar|a 18
W Conduct hase 2 rev|ew
W versee grant c|osure
eys Lo successful CranL overslghL
W uevelop a close professlonal relaLlonshlp wlLh 8s
W LsLabllsh clear crlLerla for membershlp of Lhe CverslghL
CommlLLee seek LxperL asslsLance wherever posslble
W uevelop and flnance a deLalled annual CverslghL
Jorkplan and budgeL and carry lL ouL !
W use Lhe Covernance Manual annexes revlse updaLe
as necessary
W eek 1A Lo bulld capaclLy wherever gaps are ldenLlfled
W 8e parL of Lhe soluLlon !!!

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