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Example The Moroccan CCM


Constat after 6 years of operation (2002-2008)

Integration of Tuberculosis To meet the 6 requirements of the Global Fund Ensure the continued momentum Strengthen the governance system

Imperative to clarify the organization and review the operation of this instance in order to: - Fully assume its role - Continue receiving grants from Global Fund

CCMs: Six Minimum Criteria

1. Transparent selection process for CCM nongovernmental 2.



members Membership of persons affected by HIV/AIDS, TB, and malaria Transparent and documented process to solicit and review proposal submissions Transparent and documented process for nominating the PR and overseeing program implementation Ensure the input of a broad range of stakeholders Have a written conflict-of-interest plan, especially when the CCM chair or vice chair represents the same institution as the principal recipient

Previous CCM : 38 members

Responsability of NGOs sector members

Responsibilities of NGOs Sector members
1. Communication: Report regularly on the CCM activities to NGOs sector and inform on GF 2. Coordination of the grants Ensure information to NGOs sector timely and widely about call of proposal 3. Organization and structuring Take part in the decision-making and exercise voting right in concert with the sector 4. Harmonization Ensure that information system set includes data of all NGO and that it is adapted to their needs and capacities 5. Oversight: Share regularly dashboard information (scorecard of implementation progress of the funds) and participate to CCM oversight system

Commun criteria of eligibity for the civil society sector

Official recognition as an NGO Ability to represent the interests of the

all sector
Implementation or action planning in

line with the National Strategic Plan (AIDS or tuberculosis).

Eligibility criteria for NGO

Post as an experimented NGO

Have taken significant actions in the fight against AIDS since 1998
Have action plan for the next 3 years Working with priority groups named within the National Strategic

Plan Having sections or branches with local staff and / or relay linkages within the territory Strong programmatic plan for at least three years, & finance operations at the field level bound by conventions in at least 3 regions in the country National NGOs with experience in the fight against AIDS will be represented by four members and two alternate members who were respectively the 5th and 6th place in the poll voting members.

Eligibility criteria for NGO

Alternate NGOs Have taken significant actions in the fight against AIDS since 2003 Have an action plan for the next 2 years Working with priority groups named within the National Strategic Plan No requirements related to the presence of sections or relays in the regions

Two other alternates will be elected on a separate list based on the criteria already set to give a chance to have two NGOs fulfilling the criteria of national NGOs with experience.

Criteria for the people who will vote

Official recognition as an NGO Have taken significant actions in the fight

against AIDS since 2003 or/Have an action plan for the next 2 years
Working with priority groups named within

the National Strategic Plan

NGO election process

NGO Election Process
Define members, alternate and voters eligibility criteria Conduct local NGOs information on the process through regional committees Newspaper announcements Choose of voting method for thematic NGO : Electronic material based on the web site Develop electoral guidelines Mobilize a notary to supervise the process and an independent review panel

NGO election process NGO Election process

Management of the election campaign Management of the voting

Management of the electorate

Awarenessraising / Information

NGO election process

NGO Election Process

106 NGO: - Independent review panel - Notary


Electoral Campaign


4 5
Results Vote

Depending on associations eligibility criteria, it can stand for:

Member option: This option allows an association to be a candidate for the status of Permanent Member

Alternate option : Allows an association to be a candidate for the status of alternate member

Voter option gives an association a voting right only.

Paradigm changing : from individual to sectoral approach Big Challenge : meet and talk together around a table for a commun objective Cumbersome process : but many lessons learned and investment for the future Good governance : Transparency, accountability, ownership

Functions and duties for each member Charter of Values of CCM

Vis--vis the CCM: Comply with the mission, values, policies and manual of procedures of the CCM Take your role seriously and participate actively and responsibly in CCM meetings Freely exchange information and experience with other members of the CCM Respect and update the decisions of the CCM Vis--vis the sector it represents: Represent their interests as closely as those of the member organization Tell them in a timely manner important decisions of the CCM Keep abreast of the views of stakeholders (individuals and organizations) by communicating regularly with them and inviting them to meetings as observers or pool of technical experts When a folder directly concerns the member organization or the representative himself, openly declaring a possible conflict of interest and offer to leave the room or not to speak or vote during consideration of the record

Responsabilities of new members elected

Actively participate in meetings and other activities of the

CCM Read and analyze documents Share and exchange experiences and useful information to broader sectors and constituencues Participate in decision-making and exercise their right to vote in the line of the sector they represent Report regularly on the activities of the CCM to Civil so society members and their Sector Respect the decisions of the CCM Respect the Charter of Values of CCM

Mechanisms of information towards subsector experienced national NGOs on AIDS in the CCM of Morocco

Responsabilities of the CCM members

Communication: Ensure that members of the NGO sector have all the information about the Global Fund from global level and Morocco Report regularly on the activities of AIDS NGOs to the CCM sector Distribute agendas and minutes of the meetings of the CCM Consult with the NGO sector for important decisions to be taken Promote the achievements of Global Fund grants and the activities of the CCM Communicate grievances from the AIDS NGO sector to the CCM

Who? NGOs who participated in the electoral process NGO sub-recipients of Global Fund Expand to other NGOs in a phased manner according to the requests What? Agenda at least one week before Minutes 3 weeks after Dashboard Call for Proposals Summary of Annual Reports Important letters sent by the Global Fund Rules of Procedure of CCM Action plan of the CCM and oversight plan

When? At quarterly meetings of the CCM An ad hoc basis depending on the importance of information How? Insert in the future website, a web page for the NGO sector Create a forum / discussion group belong the NGO sector Use the internal level of each member of the NGO sector to disseminate information (website, networks, branches ...) Monthly meetings between members of NGOs Organize an annual meeting with the civil society sector Use the mechanisms of CSAT for the dissemination

Responsabilities of the CCM members

Coordination of the grants Ensure dissemination of all information within the NGO sector at the time of the calls for proposal Guide NGO sector members in preparing their submissions Ensure transparency of the review process and project selection Make sure when appointing the PR that it has the capacity and setting up appropriate mechanisms for working with sub-recipients Advocate to address needs of the field work of NGOs to reach the populations most at risk

Responsabilities of the CCM members

Harmonization: Ensure that funding from the GF fill the gap cast of the NGO sector by area, geographic area and target population Ensure that the information system in place includes the data of all NGOs and is tailored to the needs and capacities of these NGOs

Responsabilities of the CCM members


Participate in the oversight committee and technical and ad-hoc committees set up by the CCM Participate in site visits and surveys as required by the plan of oversight developed by the CCM Share information about the dashboard (the progress of implementation of sub recipients ) on a regular basis Ensure the continuous supply of NGOs for field activities (condoms, drugs etc ) Ensure the rights of people living with HIV in the activities implemented Help to resolve the problems identified and in particular within the NGO sector

Responsabilities of the CCM members

Organization and structure: Participate in the development and updating of framework documents (constitution, rules ...) and inform the whole Ngo sector Attend all meetings and inform the NGO sector Advocate for the mobilization of technical and financial resources for the CCM in particular for the support of civil society Participate in decision-making and exercise their right to vote respecting the opinion of the organization and the sector they represent

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