7 Novembre 2011: Welcome To Saint-Nazaire

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7 Novembre 2011

Groupe de Travail CVAA : Villes portuaires Ports cities task force

Welcome to Saint-Nazaire

The agglomeration of Saint-Nazaire

Her urban and maritime strategy

A village of pilot becomes a port city

Middle of the 19th century :
- Digging the basins - Transatlantic railhead for Antilles - 1862 first shipyardS building (the oldest one of Europe at this day) - A town perfectly straight

A city born twice in a century

Middle of the 20th century : Occupied, bombed and destroyed between 1940 and 1945

A new city born in a harbour 1

1855 : the outer harbour of Nantes The town has increased from 600 inhabitants to 35 000 in half century A city with an industrial destiny

A new city born in a harbour 2

An innovative city in the domains of the shipbuilding and aeronautics (from the seaplane to Airbus) A seaside city

Saint-Nazaire : The city of the most famous liners

About 600 ships constructed for 150 years Among whom 200 liners :
Ile de France Normandie France Queen Mary 2 Les MSC


The war harbour

Where how an ideal geographical position becomes a military strategical position 1917 : the Americans 1940 : the nazis occupation and the submarine base 1942 : the Great raid : Opration Chariot 1945 : the last city liberated in Europe A city destroyed to rebuild

The war harbour

1917 : 250 000 Americans soldiers

The war harbour

1940 : the nazis occupation and the submarine base

The war harbour

1942 : the Great raid : Opration Chariot, first win for the allies

The war harbour

1945 : the last city liberated in Europe But a city complitly destroyed to rebuild

The fifties : a city to rebuild

Middle of the 20th : a city which turns the back to its harbour and to the sea
A city rebuilt in 600m of its origin place because of the submarine base - the axle before the war : ouest to east - the axle after the war : north to south A vintage city , the fifties But also a port waste land

1980s: a city which doubts itself

To give a new sense, turn the city : four objectives
To give a town centre To find the harbour To see again and to go back to the sea But one enormous question : what can we do with the BSM?

An urban strategy during 20 years

The reconquest of the harbour side:
The illuminations of Yann Kersal, to give the desire of going on the port Renovated ways guiding towards the harbour The urban project : Ville-Port , 1 et 2

Ville port 1 1997-2002

The base recovered, domesticated with a gangway, alveolus pierced
A cleaned up waste land all around the peers Escal Atlantic Accommodation Animations Free time

Ville-Port 2 2003-2012
Accomodation Agora 1901 , the associations Home Le ruban bleu , (the Blue Ruban) The revealed seafront The theatre delivered in 2012

A strategy for the beginning of the 21th century

A territory, a port agglomeration, acknowledged on the international cards and maps The harbour of the metropolis Nantes / Saint-Nazaire, 1st harbour of the french Atlantic facade The maritime Iberian door The ships of future The only submarine base in a town centre A presence reinforced in networks The maritime city (a port but 20 beaches as well along 12 Km) opened to the world

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