Myla A. Luay - How To Teach Students With Autism

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How to Teach Students

with Autism
What is Autism Spectrum
People with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) have a
neurological condition affecting their behaviour, social
skills, and communication ability. Social isolation,
repetitive habits or hobbies, trouble with verbal and
nonverbal communication, and sensory sensitivity are
all typical signs of ASD.
Main Types of Autism
Spectrum Disorders

Kanner’s Pervasive
Developmental Disorder
Syndrome – Not Otherwise
Specified (PDD-NOS)

Asperger’s Rett Childhood

Syndrome Disintegrative
Syndrome Disorder
Main Types of Autism
Spectrum Disorders

individuals with Asperger's

syndrome usually struggle to
communicate and engage with
others. They also exhibit repetitive Asperger’s
and restrictive behavior patterns.
Main Types of Autism
Spectrum Disorders

Kanner’s Pervasive
Developmental Disorder
Syndrome – Not Otherwise
Specified (PDD-NOS)

Asperger’s Rett Childhood

Syndrome Disintegrative
Syndrome Disorder
Main Types of Autism
Spectrum Disorders

Kanner's syndrome, also known

Kanner’s as Classic Autism, affects
Syndrome communication and behaviour.
Through early childhood, the
child has emotional and social
s interaction challenges.
Main Types of Autism
Spectrum Disorders

Kanner’s Pervasive
Developmental Disorder
Syndrome – Not Otherwise
Specified (PDD-NOS)

Asperger’s Rett Childhood

Syndrome Disintegrative
Syndrome Disorder
Main Types of Autism
Spectrum Disorders
A rare genetic
neurological disorder that
e primarily affects girls
Rett and leads to
Syndrome developmental and
cognitive impairments.
Main Types of Autism
Spectrum Disorders

Kanner’s Pervasive
Developmental Disorder
Syndrome – Not Otherwise
Specified (PDD-NOS)

Asperger’s Rett Childhood

Syndrome Disintegrative
Syndrome Disorder
Main Types of Autism
Spectrum Disorders

Pervasive Developmental It is an umbrella term used to

Disorder – Not Otherwise
Specified (PDD-NOS)
describe a group of
developmental disorders. The
e most common symptoms are
challenges in social and
language development.
Main Types of Autism
Spectrum Disorders

Kanner’s Pervasive
Developmental Disorder
Syndrome – Not Otherwise
Specified (PDD-NOS)

Asperger’s Rett Childhood

Syndrome Disintegrative
Syndrome Disorder
Main Types of Autism
Spectrum Disorders
This rare neurological
wise condition typically affects
young children. CDD leads to
Disintegrative Disorder losing previously acquired
skills and abilities from age 3
to 10.
Signs of Autism in Children
A teacher can make learning easier
by using effective strategies for
autism in the classroom. This means
creating an environment that
encourages an inclusive and safe

Autism Teaching Strategies
Visual Support Collaboration
with Parents
Visual support Positive and Caregivers
means tools that use Reinforcement
pictures, symbols, Collaboration with
and other visual aids parents and caregivers
Structured As a teacher, you can
rather than text Communication employ another behaviour can be a great help for
Environment instructions. This is a Strategies management technique teachers. You can
great strategy to help called positive ensure consistency
Creating a structured students with autism Students with reinforcement. This means between home and
environment helps autism often face rewarding desirable school environments
to communicate,
students with ASD by communication behaviours to increase the
learn, and challenges
reducing anxiety and likelihood of those
understand impacting their
confusion and providing behaviours being repeated.
information. social interaction
predictability and and academic
routine. performance.
Autism Teaching Strategies

1.Visual schedules and checklists provide a

clear outline of tasks and activities. Structured
2.Organizing the physical environment helps
reduce sensory overload and promote focus.
Creating a structured
3.The use of visual cues to indicate designated environment helps
areas and spaces. students with ASD by
reducing anxiety and
4.As noise is usually a big trigger, it really confusion and providing
helps to reduce noise levels as much as predictability and
possible. routine.
Autism Teaching Strategies
Visual Support
Visual support means
tools that use pictures, Different types of visual support tools are:
symbols, and other
• Picture cards and schedules used to represent a task
visual aids rather than
text instructions. This is or activity visually.
a great strategy to help
students with autism to • Social stories provide a visual narrative to explain
communicate, learn, and social situations and expectations.
understand information.
• Visual timers and countdowns provide a visual
representation of time. This helps kids with autism
to understand the passage of time and management.
Autism Teaching Strategies


Students with
autism often face
impacting their
social interaction
and academic
Autism Teaching Strategies

As a teacher, you can
employ another behaviour
management technique
called positive
reinforcement. This means
rewarding desirable
behaviours to increase the
likelihood of those
behaviours being repeated.
Autism Teaching Strategies
Collaboration with
Parents and

Collaboration with
parents and
caregivers can be a
great help for
teachers. You can
ensure consistency
between home and
school environments
Prepared by:
Myla Abellera- Luay

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