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Types of

Technical Translation
• Technical translation is a type of specialized translation
involving the translation of documents produced by
technical writers (owner's manuals, user guides, etc.), or
more specifically, texts which relate to technological subject
areas or texts which deal with the practical application of
scientific and technological information
Some Types of Technical Translation

• Industrial machinery
• Automotive
• Internet
• Construction
• Multimedia
• Corporative (Banking, Industry,
Labor, Government) • Software and hardware
• Electronics • Manuals and
• Robotics
• Specialized Books (ESP)
• Telecommunications
• Transportation
Scientific Translation
• Scientific Translation similar to Technical
Translation is a type of specialized translation
involving the translation of documents
produced by scientists of different fields.
Some Types of Scientific Translation

• Physics
• Optics
• Pharmaceutical
• Specialized books
• Articles
• Essays
• Scientific
Legal Translation
Legal Translation is the translation of
texts within the field of law. Only
professional translators specialized in
legal translation should translate legal
documents as mistranslations in such
documents could lead to lawsuits and
loss of money.
Some Types of Legal Translation
• Depositions (a witness’s sworn out-of-court
• Affidavits (a written sworn statement)
• Articles of Incorporation (a legal document that
creates a corporation)
• Litigation Documents (lawsuits, complaints)
• Immigration Documents (Deportation,
marriage, birth, etc.)
Economic and Financial Translation

Economic and Financial Translation is

another type of specialized translation.
It refers to the translation of documents
pertaining to the fields of finance,
banking, accounting, marketing, etc.
Some Types of Economic and Financial
• Financial Statements
• Balance Sheets
• Income Statements
• Bank Accounts
• Bank Statement Account
• Bank Services Forms
• Import/Export Documents
Ways of

• With proper terminology work, with the preparation of the
source text for machine translation (pre-editing), and with re-
working of the machine translation by a professional human
translator (post-editing), commercial machine-translation tools
can produce useful results, especially if the machine-translation
system is integrated with a translation-memory or
globalization-management system.
Relying on machine translation exclusively ignores the fact that
communication in “Human Language” is *CONTEXT-EMBEDDED*.
Context-embedded language refers to communication that
occurs in a context of shared understanding, where there are
cues or signals that help to reveal the meaning (e.g., visual
clues, gestures, expressions, specific location).
It takes a person to comprehend the context of the original text
with a reasonable degree of probability. Even purely human-
generated translations are prone to error, such translations are
better than machine translation. If you are using such
translations, they must be reviewed and edited by a human.
Computer-Assisted Translation or Computer-Aided
Translation (CAT) - not Machine Translation, is a
translation done by human translators with specialized
software, such as Wordfast, Trados, DéjáVu X, etc., that by
means of Translation Memories (TM) increase workflow
while providing quality assurance, glossaries, and other

Your translation

• Yo sé bien que estoy afuera • Una piedra en el camino
Pero el día que yo me muera Me enseñó que mi destino
Sé que tendrás que llorar Era rodar y rodar (rodar y rodar, rodar y
(Llorar y llorar, llorar y llorar) rodar)
• Dirás que no me quisiste • También me dijo un arriero
Pero vas a estar muy triste Que no hay que llegar primero
Y así te me vas a quedar Pero hay que saber llegar
• Con dinero y sin dinero • Con dinero y sin dinero
Yo hago siempre lo que quiero Yo hago siempre lo que quiero
Y mi palabra es la ley Y mi palabra es la ley
No tengo trono ni reina No tengo trono ni reina
Ni nadie que me comprenda Ni nadie que me comprenda
Pero sigo siendo el rey Pero sigo siendo el rey

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