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Reasons to Learn Foreign


Presented by: Nguyen Thu Huyen

I. Definition of foreign

II. Reasons to learn foreign


III. Conclusion
I. Definition of foreign languages
• A foreign language is a language that is not the native
language of a particular speaker or community, but
rather is learned as a second or additional language (an
American learning German in the United States, for
II. Reasons to learn foreign languages
01 To unlock knowledge 05 Be a global citizen

02 To improve brain health 06 Improve your native language

03 To build confidence
07 Fill school requirements

04 To boost your career 08 Easier to travel

01 To unlock knowledge
01 To unlock knowledge

• Learning a new language exposes you to new ways of

thinking, expressing yourself and seeing the world.

• You can appreciate the diversity and richness of other

cultures and traditions.

• You can also access more information and entertainment in

your target language, such as books, movies, music and
02 To improve brain health

Language skills are a mechanism and training gym for

the rest of the brain, affecting cognitive and emotional
02 To improve brain health

Learning more than one foreign language forces the

mind to work actively to maintain alertness, analytical
ability, and situational handling to avoid language
confusion, thereby significantly improving brain
03 To build confidence

Knowing a foreign language is always an excellent conversation starter, and it can

improve self-esteem. You might even meet someone who speaks the same foreign
language and share somehting fun in common.
04 To boost your career

gain access to a
wider network of
potential clients
To boost builds trust and
your relationships
give individuals
a competitive
edge in a
globalized and
rapidly changing
job market
05 Be a global citizen

One of the biggest benefits of language learning is a

greater understanding of other cultures and customs.
Being a better global citizen is not just a feel-good
idea. It’s a responsibility shared by us all.
06 Improve your native language
06 Improve your native language

Foreign language learners Higher reading achievement in

have stronger vocabulary the native language as well as
skills in various languages, a enhanced listening skills and
better understanding of the memory have been shown to
languages, and improved correlate with extended foreign
literacy in general language study
Most high schools and colleges have a language requirement.
Depending on when you are in your education, getting a
jump-start on those requirements can make school easier.
Fill school
07 Fill school requirements

You may be even able to test out of the entry-level language

courses in college. That leaves you with open slots in your
schedule, for more advanced language courses or for
something else you wouldn’t otherwise have had time for.
08 Easier to travel
08 Easier to travel

When you You can save Your experience

know the money and time will be largely
language, you by finding the shaped by your
have the best deals ability and
comfort of inability to see
being able to beyond the
successfully surface of the
navigate all culture
sorts of
III. Conclusion
Learning a foreign language can offer numerous benefits that
can enrich your personal and professional life in many ways.
It can improve your communication, career opportunities,
cultural awareness, cognitive abilities, and personal growth
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